Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Milk consumption in Ukraine decreased by 28%

The consumption of milk and dairy products in Ukraine during 2022 decreased by 28% due to the migration of the main consumers of women and children abroad, as well as a decrease in the purchasing power of the population against the background of the war, said the head of the project “Wholesale milk sales” Elena Zhupinas at a briefing of the Association of milk producers (AMP).
“Since 2019, there has been a positive trend in the consumption of milk and whole-milk products in Ukraine. However, in February 2022 the consumption of all categories of products, including hard cheese, fell rapidly: from 18% to 20% – due to migration of the population and occupation, another 5-8% – due to inflation and from 3 to 5% – due to other factors that negatively affected purchasing power,” – her words in a message on the website of the analytical agency on Thursday.
According to the expert, processing enterprises due to the fear of reduction of milk production during winter and in March 2023 tried to restrain prices for raw milk and hoped that the market situation would change, that people would come back and consumption of dairy products would increase. In April, however, they had to cut prices.
“Today there is a situation in the domestic market where consumption is falling, but imports of products are growing,” stated Župinas.
As reported, oversupply of production, high price of finished products and recession led to excessive accumulation of finished dairy products in the warehouses of EU countries. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food together with the APM developed a number of amendments to the industry legislation and prepared a “Roadmap for Dairy Industry Recovery” in order to solve the problems of the dairy industry.

“Ukrnafta” announced tender for voluntary health insurance

Ukrnafta PJSC (Kyiv) on May 25 announced a tender for voluntary medical insurance of its employees, the electronic state procurement system Prozorro reports.
The expected cost of purchasing services amounts to UAH 12.048 mln.
According to the system, the last day for submission of tenders is June 2 at 12.00.

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United Mining Chemical Company plans to resume operations at its Irshanskoye ore mining and processing combine

United Mining and Chemical Company PJSC (UMCP), managing Volnogorsky Integrated Mining and Metallurgical Works (VMMC, Dnepropetrovsk region) and Irshansky Integrated Mining and Processing Plant (IGOK, Zhitomir region), is holding active negotiations on sale of IGOK production to Western partners and plans to resume mining and concentration of ilmenite concentrate at this affiliate at 18 thousand tons per month by the end of this year.
According to the company’s press release, this was reported by Dmitry Kalandadze, member of the board of OGCC, during a visit to the enterprise by representatives of the Department of Corporate Rights of the State Property Fund (SPF).
“Irshanskiy GOK suspended its work in November last year. Now there are almost 54 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate and 100 thousand tons of rough concentrate in the company’s warehouses and ports. It has to be sold in order to start the production of new raw materials,” explained Kalandadze, who was quoted by the press service of the State Property Fund.
According to him, the company is now in active talks to sign new contracts to export products from Irshan field and hopes that in June the first shipments will begin, but at the same time is looking for the best conditions for the logistics of production to potential partners.
Currently IGOK on its own forces is engaged in repair of equipment, funds for renovation of which have not been invested for a long period, and is preparing to launch.
“Restoring product sales will allow us to gradually restore mining and beneficiation. We will be able to get back to work the part of IGOK’s employees who are currently idle and receive 2/3 of their salaries. That is a priority task for us. We are planning to reach the production level of 18 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate a month already by the end of this year. This is almost at the level of the plan we set at the beginning of 2022, before the war,” Kalandadze added.
The State Property Fund believes that the start of production at Zaporizhzhia Titanium and Magnesium Plant (ZTMP) may also have a positive impact on the activity of OGCC as a raw material supplier and therefore the options of how to resume the work of the titanium giant are already being considered.
At the same time, the SPF indicates certain problems with the launch of production at ZTMC – “first of all, it is the influence on the enterprise of the structures controlled by one of the Ukrainian sanction oligarchs”.
“Despite the fact that the enterprise has been returned to state ownership and is now de jure under the management of the Fund, we are constantly facing resistance from the previous owners. But we have a plan how to restore the production chain,” said Alexander Fedorishin, director of the Department of Corporate Rights of the State at the State Property Fund.
Now the SPF is also fighting hard to regain control of another state-owned titanium industry enterprise, Sumykhimprom, which the same oligarch’s structures drove to bankruptcy and continue to control, blocking privatization, as summarized in a press release.
The United Mining and Chemical Company began its actual operations in August 2014, when the Ukrainian government decided to transfer the property complexes of the Volnogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (VMMC, Dnipropetrovsk Region) and the Irshansk Mining and Processing Combine (IGOK, Zhitomir Region) to its management. Earlier these plants were leased by Firtash’s structures. Then the company was transformed into a PAO, and then – into a PrJSC.
In August 2016, the government put OGCC on the list of companies to be privatized in 2017. Its deadline was postponed several times, and the tender was twice thwarted.
Previously, OGHK sold products to more than 30 countries and was one of the world’s largest producers of titanium raw materials, accounting for 4% of the global market. The company produces titanium ore.


Almost 25 thousand apartments were built in Ukraine in January-March

In Ukraine in January-March 2023, 1.942 million square meters of housing was commissioned, said the State Statistics Service (Derzhstat).
According to the report, the total is 24905 apartments, of which 4922 in single-family houses, 19983 – in apartment buildings.
Most of the housing is commissioned in the Vinnitsa region – 5669 apartments. In the Kiev region 3621 apartments were added to the housing fund, 2312 in the Kiev region, 1847 in the Lviv region, 1580 in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, 1166 in the Odessa region, 1126 in the Dnipropetrovsk region, 1052 in the Volynsk region, Cherkassy – 891, Kharkiv – 888, Transcarpathian – 795, Ternopil – 703, Rivne – 683, Poltava – 637, Khmelnytsky – 563, Chernivtsi – 530, Sumy – 333, Zhytomyr – 231, Chernihiv – 132.
Less than a hundred new apartments were commissioned in the regions of Mykolaiv (79), Kirovograd (50), Zaporizhzhia (12) and even in Donetsk (5). Not a single new dwelling was commissioned in the first quarter of 2023 in Lugansk and Kherson regions.
Data for the first quarter of 2022 Gosstat did not publish. At the end of 2022, the commissioning of housing in Ukraine decreased by 37.8% compared to 2021 – up to 7 million 110.2 thousand square meters. m.

Portfolio of bonds of internal state loan of non-residents decreased by 11.6 billion UAH

Non-residents decreased by 21.5% (UAH 11.565 bln) to UAH 42.274 bln, compared to UAH 53.839 bln the previous day.

Portfolio of government bonds owned by legal entities decreased by 2.747 billion UAH (2.4%) to 113.614 billion UAH from 116.361 billion UAH on the previous day. Individuals reduced government bonds portfolio by UAH 1.049 billion (2.6%) to UAH 38.627 billion from UAH 39.675 billion the previous day, banks of Ukraine – by UAH 0.539 billion (0.1%) to UAH 543.739 billion.

According to the NBU, UAH 15.919 bln (1.1%) decreased from UAH 1451.694 bln to UAH 1435.775 bln.

Official exchange rate on May 25 – 36.5686 UAH/USD1

Dnipropetrovsk Aggregate Plant reduced its net profit by 23.6%

JSC “Dnipropetrovsk aggregate plant” (DAZ, Dnipro) in January-March 2023 received a net profit of 14.06 million UAH, which is 23.6% less than in the first quarter of 2022.
According to the company’s interim statements, published on Thursday in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NKTSBFR), its net income increased by 8% – to UAH 55.47 million.
DAZ reduced its operating profit by 20.5% to UAH 20.31 mln, and its gross profit by 3.2% to UAH 34.39 mln.
Compared with the beginning of 2023 current liabilities of DAZ increased by 6.3% to UAH 281.34 million, while long-term liabilities decreased by 4.6% to UAH 68.13 million.
As noted in the report, the main risk factor for DAZ remains the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. This affects the inflationary processes, affecting the growth of prices for materials, equipment and energy resources, and reduces the possibility of receiving funds amid growing needs for them.
DAZ is an enterprise with many years of experience in the production of aircraft equipment, which accounts for more than 2/3 of the total production volume, as well as hydraulic equipment for mines and general technical products (fuel and other liquid pumps).
Most of the products are sold in Ukraine, but in recent years there has been a significant increase in supplies to the EU
As it was reported, in 2022 the plant received UAH 36.72 mln of net profit, which is 15.6% more than a year before, while net profit increased by 1.4% to UAH 175.56 mln. The profit was directed to the development of production
DAZ believes that one of the key factors for its development in 2023 is to expand its stock of orders by 1.5 times by 2022.
