Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Ovostar” increased net profit by 3.7 times

Agro-industrial group Ovostar Union, one of the leading producers of eggs and egg products in Ukraine, has earned a net profit of $6.09 million in 2022, which is 3.7 times higher than in 2021.
According to the company’s report on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, its revenue for the year0 increased by 1.7% to $135.63 million and gross profit by 67.2% to $22.77 million.
EBITDA was up 96% to $11.1 million and operating income 5.9 times, to $7.29 million, it said.
“Steadily rising egg and egg product prices in the second half of 2022 provided better margins than in previous years,” the report notes.
“Ovostar added that its cost of sales fell 22 percent to $86.6 million as a result of lower production volumes and a sharp drop in local prices for poultry feed components such as wheat and corn, caused by limited grain exports due to fighting in the country.
The group also noted that its total debt for 2022 was down 15% to $10.9 million, net debt became negative – “minus” $1.4 million – from $10.4 million, and free cash flow quintupled to $12.2 million.
The holding company of the group – Ovostar Union N.V. – in mid-June 2011, it floated 25% of its shares on the WSE and raised $33.2 mln. Its majority shareholding is owned by Prime One Capital Limited, controlled by its chief executive B. Belikov and chairman of the board Vitaliy Veresenko.
In 2022, Ovostar reportedly reduced egg production by 9% to 1.55 bln eggs and sales by 6% to 1.08 bln eggs.
At the same time, sales of dry egg products decreased by one-third to 2.13 thousand tons, liquid – by 26%, to 10.62 thousand tons.


Number of dead and wounded civilians in Ukraine as result of military actions from 24.02.2022 – April 2023

Number of dead and wounded civilians in Ukraine as result of military actions from 24.02.2022 – April 2023

Source: and

CSD LAB gives a 20% discount for seniors every Tuesday and Thursday

Validity period: permanent.
Area of validity: the entire network of CSD laboratory offices, except for Partner Laboratory Offices (PLO).
Conditions of the promotion: 20% discount is granted for tests on presentation of a pension certificate (by age) exclusively every Tuesday and every Thursday.
Promotional offers are not cumulative.
Only one promotional offer can be used per order.

“To keep everyone alive and well” – this saying of our grandparents has now become so clear and close to all of us. Older people find it more difficult to live through the events of this terrible war, because they remember exactly the horror of World War II, when the pain of loss and grief touched every family.
Today we must give them all our support and warmth. And the best way is through health care.

That’s why every Thursday and Tuesday we offer a 20% discount for seniors.
*on all the most popular general clinical tests throughout Ukraine:

B259 – Erythrocyte Osmotic Resistance
B263 – Blood count (leukocyte formula + sedimentation rate)
B211 – Clinical blood count (33 counts + white blood cell formula + sedimentation index)
B257 – Blood count (leukocytic formula + sedimentation rate + erythrocyte morphology).
B212 – Clinical blood count (26 counts + sedimentation)
B214 – Blood test for reticulocytes with calculation of the reticulocytic index.
B232 – Analysis of body fluids (cerebrospinal fluid, synovial (joint) fluid, peritoneal dialysis fluid). Cell and bacterial analysis
B229 – Nechiporenko urinalysis
B228 – General urine + Nechiporenko urinalysis
B227 – Urinalysis Total + Albumin/Creatinine Ratio
B226 – Urinalysis total + sediment microscopy

Be sure to read the test preparation guidelines and select the nearest CSD lab office.
If you still have questions, you can write to us in the chat room or call the 24-hour contact center 0 800 33 00 75

Net outflow from Ukraine decreased to 22 thousand

Net outflow from Ukraine in the week from April 22 to 28 was 22 thousand people compared to 34 thousand a week earlier.
According to the State Border Service on Facebook, the flow to leave Ukraine in that week increased from 254,000 to 277,000 people, while the flow to enter – from 220,000 to 255,000 people.
After the end of the Orthodox Easter, in the three weeks before which almost every day there was a net inflow into Ukraine, the last two weeks the number of people leaving the country exceeded the number of those entering.
The number of vehicles crossing the western border of Ukraine, according to the department, in the 17th week of the year increased from 110 thousand to 130 thousand, and the number of vehicles with humanitarian loads from 418 to 466, which is probably due to the resumption of transit of agricultural goods.
The Polish State Border Service for the last seven days also registered decrease of the net outflow from Ukraine – down to 11.1 thousand people from 29.6 thousand people a week before.
According to the Polish Ministry, the weekly flow from Ukraine to Poland increased from 177.4 thousand people to 184.5 thousand, whereas the return flow from Poland to Ukraine – from 147.8 thousand people to 173.4 thousand.
All in all, since the beginning of the war, by April 28, 2023, 11.469 million people had arrived from Ukraine to Poland, whereas 9.696 million people went in the opposite direction.
As it was reported, since May 10, 2022, the outflow of refugees from Ukraine was replaced by an inflow, which lasted until September 23 and amounted to 409 thousand people.
However, from late September, probably under the influence of news about mobilization in Russia and “pseudo-referendums” in the occupied territories, and then massive shelling of the energy infrastructure, a net outflow was recorded. It temporarily stopped in the second half of December – early January for the period of holidays, but from the second week of January it resumed again, and cumulatively since late September, by the anniversary of the full-scale war reached 223 thousand people.
From that moment and up to the present time, 121 thousand more people entered Ukraine than left.
As Deputy Economy Minister Sergei Sobolev noted in early March, the return of every 100,000 Ukrainians home gives a 0.5% increase in GDP.
According to UNHCR data as of April 25, the number of Ukrainians registered in Europe with temporary protection status or similar reached 5.048 million, increasing by almost 4 thousand over the week.

Turkey imposes 130% duty on imports of wheat, barley and corn

Turkey will impose an import duty on wheat, barley and corn starting from 1 May this year. The Russian Union of Grain Exporters does not rule out its cancellation in the new agricultural year, which begins July 1, 2023.
As the official gazette of Turkey T.C. Resmi Gazete reported, from May 1 the duty rate will be 130% instead of 0%. This measure is aimed to protect domestic producers on the eve of the new season.
Earlier, the Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Ministry said that this measure by Turkey will not affect sales of Ukrainian agricultural products as Ukrainian grain is mainly used for processing and subsequent sale to third countries, in which case the duty is not imposed on it.
At the same time, the ministry explained that Turkey has two customs regimes for imports. The first applies to products that are used for domestic consumption, and for such products the Turkish government previously announced a temporary zero rate of duty. After the expiration of the preferential regime returns the rate of 130%. Grain from Ukraine under the first regime, for which the duty is returned, goes to Turkey about 5% of all exports to this country, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy specified.
The second regime exists for products that go on sale to third countries before or after processing. Duty is not paid for this regime.
According to the State Customs Service, during the first quarter of this year, Turkey was the largest exporter of Ukrainian wheat, which was supplied for $ 168.8 million, or 17.7% of its total exports, including $ 70.9 million, or 20.5% in March.
Barley from Ukraine to Turkey during the first quarter of this year was imported at $ 52.7 million or 42.1% of total exports of this crop, including $ 17.3 million or 38.8% in March.

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Flood level in Kiev stabilized

After two days of minor rises, the flood level in the Ukrainian capital has stabilized and remained at the same mark as the day before, the Telegram channel of the Kyiv City Military Administration (KCWA) said Monday morning.
“As of 9:00 on 01.05.2023, the water level in the Dnieper River in Kiev near the bridge “Metro” is 9,296 cm (according to the Baltic system of heights). Water temperature: 13°C … No emergency flooding has been recorded for the city of Kiev. The danger level of hydrological phenomena remains I (yellow),” noted the head of the State Hydrometeorological Administration Sergei Popko.
At the same time, he said, floodplain flooding with a layer of about 20-30 cm is retained. “Floodplain areas remain flooded – islands in the park “Muromets”, “Hydropark”, Trukhanov Island, Galernyi bay, Korchevatoe, private areas near Osokorki. Industrial objects and residential massive cities are out of danger of flooding”, – Popko added.
