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Business news from Ukraine

Presidential elections in Moldova next Sunday, opinion polls released

17 October , 2024  

Incumbent Moldovan President Maia Sandu is the favorite in the presidential race, while candidates Alexandru Stoianoglo and Renato Usatîi are fighting to reach the second round. These are the results of an opinion poll presented on Thursday, conducted by CBS-AXA and commissioned by the WatchDog.MD community. The presidential election in the country will be held next Sunday, October 20.

“Maia Sandu is the favorite in the race, with over 35% ready to vote for her. 9% are ready to vote for the candidate of the Socialist Party, Alexandru Stoianoglo, and 6.4% for the head of the Our Party, Renato Usatîi. The remaining eight candidates are gaining between 0.5 and 3% of the vote,” said Vasyl Kantarzhy, director of CBS-AXA, sociologist.

According to the poll, 85.7% of respondents said they would definitely go to the polls on October 20. Another 8.3% said they were likely to vote.

At the same time, 28.1% of respondents have not decided, 2.9% said they would not go to the polls, and 9.9% did not answer the question.

Vasyl Kantarzhy said that the polls of recent months show an “atypical trend”, namely that “as the election date approaches, the number of undecided voters is growing”.

He attributed this growth mainly to opposition candidates, in particular, Oleksandr Stoianoglo’s claims of Romanian citizenship, as well as the events surrounding the Shora group. “This forced supporters of a number of opposition candidates to reconsider their position and become undecided,” Kantarzy said.

There are 11 candidates registered to run in the presidential election, a record number of candidates for the entire period of national presidential elections in Moldova. In the period from 2000 to 2016, the president of Moldova was elected by the parliament.

The survey was conducted by telephone on October 11-16 with the participation of 1034 people. The margin of error is 3.05%.

Earlier, the Experts Club think tank presented an analytical material on the most important elections in the world in 2024, more detailed video analysis is available here –

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