Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


22 December , 2018  

Retail trade turnover in Ukraine, excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and Donbas, in January-November 2018 in comparable prices increased by 6.2% compared with January-November 2017, the State Statistics Service has reported.
Retail trade turnover in November 2018 rose by 1.2% compared with October, while by 5.6% from November 2017.
The largest growth in retail trade turnover in the first 11 months of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017 was observed in Luhansk (by 27.8%), Donetsk (by 14.7%), Poltava (by 12.4%), and Zakarpattia (by 12%) regions.
The leaders in absolute terms of the volume of retail turnover for the 11 months were Kyiv city (UAH 157.37 billion), Dnipropetrovsk (UAH 75.8 billion), Kharkiv (UAH 64.61 billion), Odesa (UAH 61.877 billion), Kyiv (UAH 58.828 billion), and Lviv regions (UAH 51.362 billion).
According to the service, retail trade turnover in Donetsk region in January-November 2018 compared to January-November 2017 increased by 14.7% (to UAH 25.65 billion), Luhansk region by 27.8% (to UAH 7.27 billion).
The State Statistics Service said that trade turnover at retail enterprises (legal entities) in November 2018 compared with November 2017 grew by 5.2%, and compared to October 2018 by 1.1%, amounting to UAH 59.496 billion, for the 11 months grew by 5.8%, to UAH 595.675 billion.
In the first 11 months of 2018, wholesale turnover at enterprises rose by 4.3% compared to the corresponding period last year and amounted to UAH 2.003 trillion.

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