Business news from Ukraine

Romania to double transit of Ukrainian grain – Romanian Prime Minister

20 October , 2023  

Romania will double the capacity of grain transit from Ukraine by the end of 2023, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said following his visit to Ukraine, actmedia Romanian News Agency reported.
“Together with the government of Ukraine, we managed to find a jointly agreed formula to facilitate grain transit and protect the Romanian market and the interests of domestic farmers. In addition, at a joint meeting of our governments on October 18, we reaffirmed our commitment to double our transit capacity from 2 million tons per month to 4 million tons by the end of the year. And we will do this by continuing to invest in the infrastructure of the port of Constanta, the Danube ports, as well as in roads and railways”, Ciolacu said.
At the same time, he once again assured that grain exports from Ukraine to Romania will be carried out taking into account the interests of Romanian farmers.
The publication reminded that since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, almost 30 million tons of Ukrainian grain have transited through Romania.
