Business news from Ukraine

Agrarians sowed 98.3% of spring crops for harvest of 2024

As of May 30, Ukraine sowed 5.5 million hectares with grains and legumes, and more than 7 million hectares with oilseeds, which is 98.3% of the forecast, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.

According to the report, 252.5 thousand hectares were planted with wheat (249 thousand hectares a week earlier), which is 102.6% of the plan, barley – 782.2 thousand hectares (781.6 thousand hectares) or 95.6%, peas – 162.5 thousand hectares (162.1 thousand hectares) or 95.6%, peas – 162.5 thousand hectares (162.1 thousand hectares) or 95.6%. or 95.6%, peas – 162.5 thou hectares (162.1 thou hectares) or 95.6%. hectares (162.1 thou hectares) or 101.6%, oats – 163.7 thou hectares (162.7 thou hectares) or 100.7%, millet – 60 thou hectares (43.1 thou hectares) or 70%, buckwheat – 85.5 thou hectares (48.1 thou hectares) or 68%, corn – 3.809 million hectares.

According to the report, wheat was planted on 252.5 thou hectares, which corresponds to the previous week’s figure and is 102.6% of the plan, barley – 782.6 thou hectares (782.2 thou hectares) or 95.7%, peas – 162.5 thou hectares (101.6%), oats – 163.7 thou hectares (100.7%). The total area under wheat planted is 63.6 thou hectares (60 thou hectares), or 75%, buckwheat – 97.7 thou hectares (85.5 thou hectares), or 78%, corn – 3.895 mln ha (3.809 mln ha), or 100% of the plan, other grains and legumes – 87.3 thou hectares (84.4 thou hectares), or 94% of the plan.

Last week, the agrarians sowed 104.8 thou hectares of spring crops. A week earlier, this figure was 311.7 thou hectares, and 784.7 thou hectares the week before.

In addition, sunflower was sown on 5.124 mln ha, or 97% of the plan (a week earlier the figure was 4.958 mln ha), soybeans – on 1.932 mln ha, or 97% (1.83 mln ha), sugar beets – on 250.1 thou ha, or 97%.

Agrarians in Vinnytsia, Volyn, Kirovograd, Odesa, Poltava, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia regions have fully completed sowing of spring crops.


Agrarians sowed 96.4% of spring crops for harvest of 2024

As of May 23, Ukraine sowed 5.4 million hectares with grains and legumes, which is 96.4% of the forecasted spring crops for 2024, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.

According to the report, 252.5 thou hectares were planted with wheat (249 thou hectares a week earlier), which is 102.6% of the plan, 782.2 thou hectares with barley (781.6 thou hectares) or 95.6%, 162.5 thou hectares with peas (162.1 thou hectares) or 101.6%, 163.7 thou hectares with oats (162.7 thou hectares) or 100.7%. hectares) or 100.7%, millet – 60 thou hectares (43.1 thou hectares) or 70%, buckwheat – 85.5 thou hectares (48.1 thou hectares) or 68%, corn – 3.809 mln ha (3.57 mln ha) or 97% of the plan, other grains and legumes – 84.4 thou hectares or 91% of the plan.

Last week, the farmers sowed 311.7 thou hectares of spring crops. A week earlier, this figure was 784.7 thou hectares, and 912.9 thou hectares the week before.

In addition, sunflower was sown on 4.958 mln ha, or 94% of the plan (a week earlier the figure was 4.605 mln ha), soybeans – on 1.83 mln ha, or 92% (1640.9 mln ha), sugar beet – on 250.1 thou ha.


Agrarians sowed 3.4 mln ha of spring grains and pulses for harvest of 2024

As of May 2, Ukraine planted 3.407 million hectares of spring grains and pulses, up 1.5 times year-on-year, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.

According to the report, 240.7 thousand hectares were planted with wheat (223.3 thousand hectares a week earlier), 775.7 thousand hectares with barley (761.5 thousand hectares), 161.1 thousand hectares with peas (159.2 thousand hectares), 159.9 thousand hectares with oats (146.6 thousand hectares), and 16.7 thousand hectares with millet.

Over the past week, farmers sowed 861 thsd ha of spring crops. A week earlier, the figure was 492.9 thou hectares, and 792.6 thou hectares the week before. The leaders are farmers in Sumy region, where 97.4 thou hectares were sown during the week.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Kyiv region is the leader in terms of sowing rates, having planted 31.3 thou hectares of wheat, 43.1 thou hectares of barley, 5.8 thou hectares of peas and 6 thou hectares of oats. Dnipropetrovs’k region – 28 thou hectares of wheat, 50 thou hectares of barley, 14.17 thou hectares of peas, 1 thou hectares of oats; Ternopil region – 18.9 thou hectares of wheat, 63.6 thou hectares of barley, 3.6 thou hectares of peas and 5.1 thou hectares of oats. hectares of oats; Sumy – 18.2 thousand hectares of wheat, 17.9 thousand hectares of barley, 5.6 thousand hectares of peas and 9.8 thousand hectares of oats; Zhytomyr – 16.5 thousand hectares of wheat, 19.3 thousand hectares of barley, 3 thousand hectares of peas and 26 thousand hectares of oats. hectares of oats; Khmelnytsky – 14.8 thou hectares of wheat, 59.1 thou hectares of barley, 2.6 thou hectares of peas and 2.5 thou hectares of oats; Vinnytsia – 11.5 thou hectares of wheat, 55 thou hectares of barley, 6 thou hectares of peas and 1.1 thou hectares of oats.

In addition, sunflower was planted on 2,967.5 thou hectares, soybeans – 566.7 thou hectares, sugar beets – 248.4 thou hectares.

According to the April forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2024, the gross production of grains and oilseeds in the country is expected to reach 74 mln tons, including about 52.4 mln tons of grains and 21.7 mln tons of oilseeds.

In 2024, farmers will be able to harvest 19.2 million tons of wheat (22.2 million tons in 2023), 4.9 million tons of barley (5.7 million tons), 26.7 million tons of corn (30.5 million tons), 5.2 million tons of soybeans (4.7 million tons), 12.4 million tons of sunflower (12.9 million tons), and 4.1 million tons of rapeseed (4.7 million tons).

In 2024, the planted areas of grains and pulses are forecasted at 10.6 mln ha, which is 395 thou ha lower than in 2023.

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The Cabinet of Ministers has approved program for partial compensation of farmers for purchase of Ukrainian-made agricultural machinery.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the procedure for the use of funds for partial compensation to agrarians for the purchase of agricultural machinery of domestic production, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.

“This year we allocate UAH 1 billion for the program of partial compensation to agrarians who buy agricultural machinery of our Ukrainian production. We will compensate 25% of the cost. We approve today the appropriate procedure for the use of funds and improve some elements of this program,” Shmygal said at a government meeting on Friday.

Ot noted that according to the estimates of the Ministry of Economy, the program will allow to double the share of domestic agricultural machinery in the domestic market.

“Imports will decrease by about 10%. Re-equipment of 4.5 thousand producers will take place. About 1 thousand additional jobs will be created, which in turn will give more taxes to the budget,” – said Prime Minister.

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Ukrainian agrarians harvested 78.7 mln tons of crops in 2023

As of the third week of December, agrarians of all regions of Ukraine harvested 78.7 mln tons of grains and oilseeds: 57.86 mln tons and 20.76 mln tons respectively.

As reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, grain and legumes were harvested on an area of 10 million 509 thousand hectares with a yield of 55.1 c/ha.

Compared to the same date a year ago, the total harvest is 23.6% higher, or 15.02 million tons, including 24.2% higher, or 11.26 million tons, of grains and 22.1% higher, or 3.76 million tons, of oilseeds. At the same time, it should be taken into account that this year corn has been harvested from 88% of the area, while a year ago – from 75%.

In addition, 11.86 mln tons of sugar beet were harvested from 248.6 thou hectares. Although its yield this year, unlike grains and oilseeds, is lower than last year, due to the expansion of the area by 38.3%, the harvest is 31.8% higher than last year.

As reported, this season’s winter wheat plantings amounted to 4166 thou hectares (-834 thou hectares compared to the previous one), winter barley – 536 thou hectares (-255 thou hectares), and rapeseed – 1374 thou hectares (+110 thou hectares).

According to the newly revised forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023, farmers will be able to harvest 81.3 mln tons of grains and oilseeds, including 59.7 mln tons of grains and 21.6 mln tons of oilseeds.

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Ukrainian agrarians harvested 78.3 mln tons of crops in 2023

As of the end of November, agrarians of all regions of Ukraine harvested 78.3 mln tons of grains and oilseeds: 57.56 mln tons and 20.74 mln tons respectively.

As reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, grain and legumes were harvested on the area of 10 mln 471 thsd ha with the yield of 55.0 c/ha.

Compared to the same date a year ago, the total harvest is 32.9% higher, or 19.41 million tons, including 37.4% higher, or 15.66 million tons, of grains and 22.0% higher, or 3.74 million tons, of oilseeds. At the same time, it should be taken into account that this year corn has been harvested from almost 88% of the area, while a year ago – from 70%.

In addition, 11.80 mln tons of sugar beet were harvested from 248.0 thou hectares. And although its yield this year, unlike grains and oilseeds, is lower than last year, due to the expansion of the area by 38.1%, the yield is 31.1% higher than last year.

It is noted that only corn threshing will continue, while harvesting of all other crops has already been completed.

As reported, this season’s winter wheat plantings amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares compared to the previous one), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), and rapeseed – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

According to the newly revised forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023, farmers will be able to harvest 81.3 mln tons of grains and oilseeds, including 59.7 mln tons of grains and 21.6 mln tons of oilseeds.

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