Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian agrarians threshed 71.5 mln tons of harvest-2023 – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have threshed 71.5 million tons of grain and oilseed crops – 51.275 million tons and 20.239 million respectively, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the press release, the harvest of grain and leguminous crops was carried out on an area of 9840 thousand hectares with a yield of 52.1 c/ha.

It is also specified that to date, Ukraine has completed the collection and threshing of barley from 1505 thousand hectares (101% of the plan), which received 5.890 million tons; wheat – 22.409 million tons from 4695 thousand hectares (101%); peas – 398.2 thousand tons from 154.4 thousand hectares (103%), as well as rape – 4.005 million tons of seeds from 1396 thousand hectares (98%).

Harvesting of millet is coming to an end. 178.9 thousand tons of millet was harvested from 79 thousand hectares (94%), and buckwheat – 206.57 thousand tons from 139.2 thousand hectares (98%). At the same time, 21.218 million tons of corn was harvested from 2932.3 thousand hectares (60%).

In addition, other cereals and leguminous crops threshed 974.1 thousand tons from 336.2 thousand hectares.

Ukraine continues to work on oilseeds, which were harvested from a total area of 8096 thousand hectares. Harvested, in particular, sunflower – 11.520 million tons (11.310 million tons a week earlier) from an area of 4.911 million hectares (94%), soybeans – 4.713 million tons (4.643 million tons) from 1.788 million hectares (97%).

Sugar beet was dug from the area of 211.3 thousand hectares (183.8 thousand hectares a week earlier), which amounted to 50% of the planned area. It was received 10.098 million tons.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy also monitors information on crop yields, which amounted to 47.7 c/ha for wheat, 39.2 c/ha for barley, 25.8 c/ha for peas, 22.6 c/ha for millet and 14.9 c/ha for buckwheat. Corn yield – 72.4 c/ha, rapeseed – 28.7 c/ha, soybean – 26.3 c/ha, sunflower – 23.5 c/ha. Yield of sugar beet – 477.9 c/ha.

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rape – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023 agrarians will be able to harvest 79.1 million tons of cereals and oilseeds, of which cereals will be produced in the following volumes: wheat – 21.7 million tons, barley – 5.7 million tons and corn – 28.5 million tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 21.6 million tons, in particular, sunflower – 13 million tons, rapeseed – 4 million tons, soybeans – 4.6 million tons. The sugar beet harvest is forecasted at 13.7 million tons.


Ukrainian agrarians harvested 52.5 mln tons of crops in 2023

Agrarians in all regions of Ukraine harvested 52.5 mln tons of grains and oilseeds, including 35.597 mln tons of grains and 16.883 mln tons of oilseeds, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reports.

According to the report, grain and leguminous crops were harvested on an area of 7737.9 thousand hectares with a yield of 46.0 c/ha.

To date, Ukraine has harvested barley on 1505 thousand hectares (101% of the plan), from which 5.863 million tons were harvested; wheat – from 4695 thousand hectares (101%) 22.210 million tons were harvested; corn – from 884.4 thousand hectares (22%) 5.8 million tons; corn – from 884.4 thousand hectares (22%) 5.8 million tons. hectares (22%) 5.846 million tons; peas – from 154.4 thousand hectares (103%) 396.8 thousand tons were harvested; millet – from 72 thousand hectares (86%) 162.4 thousand tons were harvested; buckwheat – from 127.7 thousand hectares (90%) 188.8 thousand tons were harvested.

In addition, other grains and pulses were harvested in the amount of 929 thou tons from 300.5 thou hectares.

Ukraine continues to harvest oilseeds, in particular, 4.005 mln tons of rapeseed (4.005 mln tons a week earlier) from the area of 1.396 mln hectares (98%), 9.042 mln tons of sunflower (7.308 mln tons a week earlier) from the area of 3.898 mln hectares (77%), and 3.776 mln tons of soybeans (2.205 mln tons) from 1.466 mln hectares (81%).

Sugar beet was harvested from 96.4 thou hectares (68.4 thou hectares a week earlier), which is 39% of the planned area. The harvest amounted to 4.602 mln tons. Vinnytsia region farmers are the leaders in sugar beet harvesting – 1 479.8 thsd tonnes.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is monitoring information on the yields of all crops as it revises its forecast. Thus, the yields of wheat, barley, peas and millet are in line with last week’s figures – 47.3 c/ha, 39 c/ha, 25.7 c/ha and 22.6 c/ha, while buckwheat yields increased to 14.8 c/ha, compared to 14.2 c/ha the previous week. Corn yields 66.1 c/ha compared to 62.5 c/ha last week. Rapeseed yields remained unchanged at 28.7 c/ha, soybean yields slightly increased to 25.8 c/ha, respectively, and sunflower yields 23.2 c/ha, compared to 23.0 c/ha a week earlier. The yield of sugar beet increased to 477.4 c/ha.

As reported, this season’s winter wheat plantings amounted to 4166 thou hectares (-834 thou hectares compared to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thou hectares (-255 thou hectares), and rapeseed – 1374 thou hectares (+110 thou hectares).

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023, farmers will be able to harvest 79.1 mln tons of grains and oilseeds, including the following volumes: wheat – 21.7 mln tons, barley – 5.7 mln tons and corn – 28.5 mln tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 21.6 million tons, including 13 million tons of sunflower, 4 million tons of rapeseed, and 4.6 million tons of soybeans. The sugar beet harvest is forecast at 13.7 million tons.

As reported, in the early spring of 2023, the total gross harvest for the current year was forecast at 63.5 million tons, or 13% less than in 2022. In June, after the start of the harvest, the forecast was raised to 68 million tons, or 7% less. In early September, due to favorable weather conditions, the forecast was revised upward to 76.7 million tons.


Ukrainian agrarians have started sowing winter crops for grain and rapeseed

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have started sowing winter crops for grain, as well as actively sowing rape. As of early September, 699.7 thousand hectares of winter crops have already been sown, including 654.9 thousand hectares of rape and 44.8 thousand hectares of grain, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the report, winter wheat has already been sown on 42.5 thousand hectares, winter barley on 1.2 thousand hectares, winter rye – 1.1 thousand hectares.

According to the ministry, due to favorable weather conditions sowing of rape has already been completed in Volyn, Poltava, Sumy and Ternopil regions. The largest areas under winter rape are now in Ternopil (72.5 thousand hectares), Vinnitsa (67.2 thousand hectares) and Kirovograd (59.4 thousand hectares) regions.

As reported, according to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the vast majority of agrarians do not plan to significantly change the sowing areas under winter crops in 2024 compared to last season.

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Ukrainian agrarians threshed 22.9 mln tons of grain of harvest-2023

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have harvested early grain and leguminous crops on the area of 5292 thousand hectares, having threshed 22 million 961 thousand tons of grain at a yield of 43.7 c/ha, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the report, the largest threshing – 3.2 million tons – was recorded in Odessa region, where agrarians have already completed the collection of early grains and legumes.

To date, Ukraine has harvested barley on 1263 thousand hectares, which is 85% of the planned, of which 4.901 million tons were threshed; wheat from 3.830 million hectares (82%) was harvested 17.698 million tons; peas from 146.6 thousand hectares (98%) received 361.2 thousand tons.

Agrarians of Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions have started harvesting millet, which was threshed 0.2 thousand tons from 0.3 thousand hectares, and buckwheat – 0.1 thousand tons from 0.08 thousand hectares.

In addition, on the area of 1315.21 thousand hectares (92% of the planned areas) harvested 3702.1 thousand tons of winter rape.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy in connection with the revision of the forecast for the harvest of all crops monitors information on their yields. Thus, for barley this week it amounted to 38.8 c/ha, wheat – 46.2 c/ha, peas – 24.6 c/ha, winter rape – 28.1 c/ha, which is almost the same as last week. The yield of millet – 6.9 c/ha, buckwheat – 11.3 c/ha.

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rapeseed – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023 agrarians will be able to harvest grain in the following volumes: wheat – 20.9 million tons, barley – 5.8 million tons and corn – 28.1 million tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 20.3 million tons, in particular, sunflower – 12 million tons, rapeseed – 4 million tons, soybeans – 4.2 million tons. The sugar beet harvest is forecasted at 13.7 million tons.

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Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have already threshed 16.6 mln tons of grain of new harvest

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have harvested early grain and leguminous crops on the area of 3782 thousand hectares, having threshed 16 million 574 thousand tons of grain at a yield of 44 c/ha, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the report, in terms of threshing rates the agrarians of Mykolaiv and Odessa regions are leading, which threshed 1772.2 thousand tons and 2.009 million tons of grain, respectively. In these regions grain has been threshed on 82% and 64% of areas.

To date, Ukraine has harvested barley on 939 thousand hectares, which is 66% of the planned, of which threshed 3.755 million tons; wheat from 2.698 million hectares (60%) harvested 12.513 million tons; peas from 125.3 thousand hectares (87%) received 306.4 thousand tons.

In addition, on the area of 1182.3 thousand hectares (86% of the planned area) harvested 3319.8 thousand tons of winter rape.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy changes weekly information about the yield of harvested crops and indicates its growth. Thus, for barley this week it amounted to 40 c/ha, and a week earlier 39.4%, wheat from 44.4 c/ha reached 46.4 c/ha, winter rape from 26.8 c/ha – to 28.1 c/ha. Only peas slightly “gave up positions” from 24.7 c/ha to 24.5 c/ha.

According to the report, agrarians of nine regions have completed pea harvesting. In Dnipropetrovsk region they have started harvesting buckwheat.

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rape – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

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Ukrainian farmers also intend to block Polish trucks from entering Ukraine – statement

The All-Ukrainian Agricultural Rada (AAR) and the Association of Milk Producers (AMP) will hold a mirror strike in response to the protest started by Polish farmers against the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products through Poland and will not allow Polish trucks into Ukraine.

“In protest against the actions of Polish agricultural producers who began a strike and blocked the border crossing point (BCP) “Dorohusk – Yagodin” for cargo with Ukrainian grain, domestic agricultural producers decided to act in the mirror,” – noted in a press release of the WAR.

It is emphasized that Ukrainian agrarians have taken a strong stance to protect their interests and the domestic agricultural sector. During the strike, they will block the movement of Polish trucks through four international checkpoints, viz: The checkpoint “Dorogusk – Jagodin” on the Ukrainian side, in the municipality of Krakivets near the checkpoint “Krakivets-Korcheva”, in the village of Rata near the checkpoint “Rawa-Russkaya” and in the village of Shehini near the checkpoint “Shehini-Medika”.

The action will begin on June 10 at 10:00 and will last until 00:00, June 14.

As reported, for several days, Polish farmers have been blocking the PP “Dorohusk – Jagodyn” in protest against the influx of Ukrainian grain to the Polish market.

Only vehicles carrying humanitarian aid are allowed to pass. As part of the protest, two trucks with humanitarian aid will pass from Poland to Ukraine per hour, and none from Ukraine to Poland.

According to data for Friday morning, about 320 heavy trucks stood in a nine-hour queue to leave Poland for Ukraine at the Dorohusk border crossing point. According to the Ukrainian side, there were 3,185 trucks registered in the electronic queue to enter Poland.

The Polish protest is expected to last until midnight on Monday.


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