Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian agrarians harvested 62.2 mln tons of crops from 16.8 mln hectares

As of October 11, farmers in all regions of Ukraine have harvested 62.2 million tons of new crops from 16.8 million hectares, up from 56.6 million tons from 15.8 million hectares a week earlier.
As reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food on Friday, 40.2 million tons (37.3 million tons) of grains and legumes, 17 million tons (15.8 million tons) of oilseeds and 5 million tons (3.5 million tons) of sugar beet have already been harvested.
The Ministry specified that wheat harvesting was completed, with 22.3 million tons harvested from 4.9 million hectares at a yield of 42.4 c/ha, barley – 5.5 million tons from 1.4 million hectares at a yield of 39.2 c/ha, peas – 465.3 million tons from 212.2 thousand hectares at a yield of 21.9 c/ha.
Corn harvesting continues, with 10.6 million tons harvested (7.7 thousand tons a week earlier) from 1.9 million hectares (48% of the plan), buckwheat – 124.3 thousand tons (121.8 thousand tons) from 85.8 thousand hectares (96%), millet – 156.1 thousand tons (154.8 thousand tons) from 82.9 thousand hectares (89%).
Ukraine continues harvesting oilseeds. In particular, 3.5 mln tons of rapeseed (3.457 mln tons a week earlier) have been harvested from 1.3 mln hectares (100%), soybeans – 4.8 mln tons (4.277 mln tons) from 2.1 mln hectares (80%), sunflower – 8.8 mln tons (8 mln tons) from 4.3 mln hectares (87%).
At the same time, the leaders in grain harvesting are farmers in Odesa region, who threshed 4.2 mln ha, Poltava region – 3.5 mln tons, and Kirovograd region – 2.7 mln tons. In terms of yields, the leaders are farmers in Khmelnytsky region with 65.5 c/ha, Ternopil region – 63 c/ha, Cherkasy region – 60.5 c/ha, and Ivano-Frankivsk region – 60.2 c/ha.

“UPI-AGRO” completes harvesting of late crops: 86% of sunflower and 55% of soybeans have been harvested

The farms of Ukrprominvest-Agro, one of the leading sugar producers in Ukraine, are actively harvesting late crops: 55% of soybean and 48% of corn have been harvested at PJSC Food Company Podillya, and 86% of sunflower and 30% of soybean at Food Company Zorya Podillya, the company’s press service reports on its Facebook page.
“The 2024 season was dry and hot, which led to premature drying and ripening of crops. Therefore, compared to previous years, we decided to start harvesting earlier,” said Yevhen Moskalev, Director of Ukrprominvest-Agro’s Agricultural Production Department.
According to him, this strategy applies to all crops except sugar beet, which has been postponed in anticipation of productive rainfall that will help soften the dry and hard soil for high-quality harvesting with less losses and less load on the harvesters.
The agroholding noted that Podillya has fully harvested its sunflower crop. The company also harvested soybeans on 55% of the area and corn on 48% of the area. On September 17, the sugar beet digging season started.
Zorya Podillya started harvesting early soybeans, followed by sunflower. As of mid-September, 86% of the sunflower area was harvested, 30% of soybeans were harvested, and corn harvesting has begun. Also, on September 10, the company started digging sugar beet in the area of its operations.
The sowing of winter crops for the 2025 harvest began in August-September: 5.7 thousand hectares of rapeseed and 655 hectares of winter rye have already been sown for green fodder for livestock, and winter wheat sowing has begun.
As reported, in 2024, UPI-Agro allocated 72.9 thou hectares for spring crops, including 22.3 thou hectares for sugar beet, 22.7 thou hectares for soybeans, 25.2 thou hectares for corn, and 2.7 thou hectares for sunflower.
“Ukrprominvest-Agro is engaged in growing crops, producing sugar, flour, meat and dairy farming.
The group’s land bank exceeds 116.5 thousand hectares. The agricultural holding is located mainly in regions that have not been invaded by the Russian occupiers.
The total number of cattle of the agricultural holding is 6.3 thousand, pigs – 12 thousand. The total elevator storage capacity of the agricultural holding is 120 thousand tons. The group’s sugar business is represented by two sugar factories in Vinnytsia region. In 2021, the group produced 263.4 thousand tons of sugar, the third highest in Ukraine. The holding supplies grain processing products to Moldova, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Israel, Palestine, Angola, Lebanon, Syria, and Vietnam.
Ukrprominvest-Agro comprises Agroprodinvest Group LLC, PJSC Podillya Production Complex, LLC Zorya Podillya Production Complex, LLC Vinnytsia Bakery No. 2, AF Dniproagrolan, AF Ivankivtsi, LLC Mas-Agro, LLC Pravoberezhne, and LLC Progress-NT.
The owner of the agricultural holding since December 2019 is the son of the former President of Ukraine Oleksiy Poroshenko.

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“Astarta” harvested 260 thousand tons of winter grains and pulses from 61 thousand hectares

Astarta Agro-Industrial Holding, the largest sugar producer in Ukraine, has completed the harvest of winter grains and pulses on an area of over 61 thousand hectares.
According to the press service of the agricultural holding on Facebook, the gross harvest exceeded grain and amounted to 302 thousand tons, including 260 thousand tons of winter wheat, 40 thousand tons of rapeseed and 2 thousand tons of winter peas.
According to the report, the abnormally hot and precipitation-free weather allowed for a quick harvest. This year’s harvest lasted 14-17 days (within the region), while last year’s harvest lasted 24 days.
The average yield of winter wheat in the agroholding was 5.3 tons/ha, and winter rapeseed – 3.4 tons/ha. The highest average yields of 6.3 tons/ha of winter wheat and 3.8 tons/ha of winter rapeseed were recorded in Khmelnytsky and Vinnytsia regions. The average yield of winter peas, a new crop for the company, was 3.5 tons/ha.
“The well-coordinated work of the team, stable communication in the fields (StarLink) and dispatching of the entire supply chain (AgriChain) made it possible to ensure the smooth running of all processes. In such unfavorable weather conditions, early winter rape and wheat varieties were more productive, while late hybrids were less productive. Winter peas also proved to be a good performer. In general, this year, as in the previous year, we focused on optimizing production costs, given the price environment. And I think we are succeeding,” said Roman Pavlyk, Head of Crop Production at Astarta-Kyiv.
At the end of this week, the agricultural holding plans to start harvesting soybeans and sunflower.
In 2023, Astarta Agro Holding, the largest sugar producer in Ukraine, reduced its net profit by 5.0% to EUR 61.9 million, and its EBITDA decreased by 6.1% to EUR 145.77 million, while revenue increased by 21.3% to EUR 618.93 million.
Astarta CEO Viktor Ivanchik’s family currently owns 40.68% of the company. Fairfax Financial Holdings is also a major shareholder with 29.91%, and another 2.12% of shares belong to the company itself and were previously bought back as part of a buyback.

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Agrarians harvested 30.6 mln tons of crops in 2014

Farmers in all regions of Ukraine have harvested 30.640 million tons of new crops from 7.741 million hectares, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.
According to the report, more than 27.3 million tons of grains and 3.3 million tons of oilseeds have already been harvested.
It is specified that 20.494 million tons of wheat have been harvested from 4.732 million hectares at a yield of 42.2 c/ha, barley – 5.2 million tons from 1367.4 thousand hectares at a yield of 38.1 c/ha, peas – 457.7 thousand tons from 207.6 thousand hectares at a yield of 22.1 c/ha.
Ukraine continues harvesting oilseeds. In particular, more than 3.318 mln tons of rapeseed have been harvested from 1220.4 thou hectares with a yield of 27.2 c/ha and 0.3 thou tons of soybeans from 0.2 thou hectares with a yield of 15.2 c/ha.
At the same time, agrarians of Odesa region are the leaders in terms of grain harvesting, where 1072.9 thou hectares were threshed. Khmelnytsky region is the leader in terms of yield, with 65.1 c/ha.
Farmers in Dnipropetrovs’k, Odesa, Kharkiv and Kherson regions have started harvesting buckwheat and millet.
Harvesting of early grains and pulses has been completed in Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Poltava, Odesa, Kherson, Kirovograd and Cherkasy regions.

“TAS Agro” harvested record winter wheat crop

TAS Agro has completed harvesting winter crops and threshed about 24 thousand hectares of wheat and rapeseed, with a winter wheat yield of 6.3 t/ha, a record high for the agricultural holding’s history, the company’s press service reports on Facebook.
“The harvest of early grain crops was completed quite successfully, despite the difficulties and additional risk factors that accompanied farmers this year. Early spring, abnormal heat in June and July, and power cuts had virtually no impact on our businesses due to the introduction of advanced technologies, upgraded equipment and employee responsibility. We managed to implement an effective strategy for the entire range of agrotechnical operations, harvested the grain in the best possible time and also produced a record winter wheat crop. The Northern cluster became the leader in the company in terms of yield of this crop with 7 tons per hectare,” said Oleg Zapletnyuk, CEO of TAS Agro.
The agroholding specified that in 2024, the company will use its own equipment, which was updated during the year, to the maximum extent possible. Only combine harvesters were rented due to economic feasibility. Along with the harvesting campaign, we worked on organizing logistics and marketing of the harvested crop. Currently, the grain is accepted at pre-prepared elevator facilities.
TAS Group was founded in 1998. Its business interests include the financial sector (banking and insurance) and pharmacy, as well as industry, real estate, and venture capital projects.
Before the war, TAS Agro Group cultivated 83 thousand hectares in Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kherson, and Dnipro regions, where it grows soybeans, sunflower, rapeseed, wheat, barley, and corn. In addition, the agricultural holding is engaged in dairy farming (up to 5.5 thousand heads of cattle) and owns six elevators with a simultaneous storage capacity of 250 thousand tons.
The founder of TAS is Sergey Tigipko.

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Cygnet harvested 17.5 thou tons of winter wheat

The agricultural company Cygnet has completed the winter wheat harvest and harvested 17.5 thou tons from an area of 2.2 thou hectares, the company’s press service reported on Facebook.
“We planned to complete the winter wheat harvest in 12 days, but actually managed to do it in 10 days. Despite the intense heat, everything went quickly, and it did not interfere with our harvesting,” said Oleksandr Shramko, deputy general director for crop production at Cygnet.
According to him, nine harvesters were working, including five hired ones. The average productivity of the combine was 24.5 hectares per day.
“This year, we achieved a record yield of 7.85 tons per hectare. In the early stages of wheat development, weather conditions were quite good, but in late May and early June there was a lack of precipitation, so in some periods the plants were stressed. However, in the second half of June, we got rainfall and the situation changed for the better. Speaking of yields, this year’s yields are above average, which is quite good,” Shramko added.
Cygnet cultivates about 29 thousand hectares in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions, where it grows corn, soybeans, winter wheat, and sugar beets. The company’s assets include an elevator with a simultaneous storage capacity of 60 thousand tons and a sugar plant with a processing capacity of up to 2.8 thousand tons of beets per day (both in Zhytomyr region).
The company also has a dairy business (605 cows), which sells its products to local processors.

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