Business news from Ukraine

Concert on occasion of 214th anniversary of Argentine May Revolution and 78th anniversary of Day of Italian Republic took place at Kyiv Conservatory

On June 1, 2024, the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine hosted an artistic event dedicated to the 214th anniversary of the Argentine May Revolution and the 78th anniversary of the Day of the Italian Republic, dedicated to the Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla.

This joint project was initiated and supported by the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Ukraine, the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Ukraine in cooperation with the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.

The artistic event of the friendly states of Italy and Argentina was a great manifestation of solidarity with the Ukrainian people and a significant example of cultural diplomacy.

At the beginning of the concert, the anthems of Italy, Argentina and Ukraine were performed by the Orchestra of Folk Instruments under the direction of Honored Artist of Ukraine Andriy Ivanysh.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic to Ukraine Ms. Elena Leticia Teresa Mukusinski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic to Ukraine Mr. Pier Francesco Zazzo and Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Mr. Rostyslav Karandieiev delivered welcoming speeches.

In her speech, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic to Ukraine, Ms. Elena Leticia Teresa Mukusinski, elaborated on the common history of Argentina and Italy in organizing this cultural event.

Between 1847 and 1957, Argentina received about 3 million Italian immigrants and it is estimated that 60% of the population of

Argentina are of Italian descent. Argentina is the Latin American country with the largest number of Italian immigrants, ranking second in the Americas after the United States.

In addition, Argentina has the largest Italian community on its territory, followed by Germany, Switzerland, Brazil and France. 15% of Italians who have settled abroad live in Argentina.

In fact, General Manuel Belgrano, a national hero who played one of the most important roles in the process of Argentina’s independence when the First National Government was formed in May 1810 and became the creator of the Argentine flag, was the son of an Italian immigrant from the province of Imperia in the Liguria region.

The list of Argentine presidents of Italian descent is no less significant: Bartolomé Mitre, Carlos Pellegrini, Arturo Frondisi, Arturo Illia, Mauricio Macri, and our current president, Javier Milei.

And the number of famous people, artists, scientists, scholars and athletes is countless, including Pope Francis, Juan Manuel Fangio, Clorindo Testa and, among others, our dear Astor Piazzolla,” the diplomat said.

The Ambassador also expressed her deep admiration for the courage and resilience of the Ukrainian nation: “As you know, Argentina has voted against Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine in all UN General Assembly resolutions and international forums. We are participating in two working groups of President Zelenskyy’s “Formula for Peace”.”

For his part, the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine, Pier Francesco Zazzo, noted in his speech that Astor Piazzolla “was not only considered one of the greatest composers of the twentieth century for his unique tango works, which also contains elements of jazz and classical music, but he was also a descendant of an Italian family in Argentina, and his compositions intertwine Italian roots with the Argentine soul, symbolizing the unbreakable friendship between two nations united by a passion for music and culture.”

A musical gift for the guests was a performance by the world-famous Italian bandoneon player Mario Stefano Pietrodarki accompanied by the Academy’s string quintet and orchestra of accordionists under the direction of artistic director and conductor Joseph Franz.

Maestro Pietrodarki captivated the audience with his virtuoso playing and unsurpassed style of performance, performing works by the legendary Argentine musician and composer Astor Piazzolla, as well as by no less legendary Italian composers Ennio Morricone, Nino Rota, and Niccolo Piovani.

Argentina recognized Ukraine on December 5, 1991. On January 6, 1992, Ukraine and Argentina established diplomatic relations. The Argentine Embassy in Ukraine was opened in May 1993.

Italy recognized Ukraine’s independence on December 28, 1991. Diplomatic relations with the Italian Republic were established on January 29, 1992.

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Ukraine offers Argentina and Chile a free trade zone

First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko, following a visit to Argentina and Chile this week, noted the presence of joint interest in investments and reported on the prospect of concluding bilateral free trade agreements.

“We know that there is already interest of companies from pharmaceutical, agro-sectors, processing industry, which want to deepen cooperation with Ukraine. The free trade agreement with Argentina, which we are currently working on, can also contribute to this. Cooperation with Argentina is reaching a qualitatively new level,” Sviridenko was quoted as saying in the press release of the Ministry of Economy on Thursday.

As First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out in social network X following a meeting with Argentine Economy Minister Luis Caputo, the countries have a lot in common: from economic structures to approaches to the organization of management. According to her, the parties agreed to hold a meeting of the Joint Ukrainian-Argentine intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation in October this year. The last time it was held 18 years ago. In addition, the possibility of holding a Ukrainian-Argentine business forum is being considered, the Ministry said in a release.

“This country is the leader of the strategically important for us region of Latin America, so strengthening the presence of Ukraine on the agenda – a contribution both to the development of business ties and security projects” – summarized Sviridenko.

She recalled that Argentina has allocated 16 packages of humanitarian aid to Ukraine for $600 thousand, and at the moment up to half a million Ukrainians live in the country.

In addition, representatives of the Ministry of Economy met with the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC) and the Argentine-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAUCI) and invited business and government representatives to participate in the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC-2024), which will be held June 11-12 in Berlin.

“(…) On the agenda – the First Global Peace Summit initiated by President Vladimir Zelensky, strengthening business ties, deepening cooperation in the defense sector, support for the Ukrainian energy system against the background of Russia’s systemic shelling of our energy capacities,” – accentuated First Deputy Prime Minister.

It is indicated that the Ukrainian side also invited the leaders of Argentina to join the Global Peace Summit and become a co-leader of the working group on one of the items of the Peace Formula.

After Argentina, the Ukrainian delegation, which also includes the Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshyn, Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksiy Sobolev, Ukrainian Trade Representative Taras Kachka, Deputy Minister of Defense Dmytro Klymenkov, and representative of the Commissioner for Equal Rights and Freedoms of Rights of National Minorities of Political and Religious Views Mikhail Spasov, went to Chile.

“The first visit of a high-ranking Ukrainian delegation to Chile in 19 years,” Sviridenko emphasized on social network X. She also invited Chilean business and government representatives to the URC-2024 in Berlin, promising them very concrete projects from partners.

“We have a lot in common with Chile, especially in mining and critical materials. We hope to deepen cooperation in this area. We also discussed the issue of logistics. The next step of our cooperation is to deepen the dialog at the level of chambers of commerce and industry of our countries,” First Deputy Prime Minister said.

At a meeting with Chilean Economy Minister Niko Grau, Sviridenko said that both sides are interested in sharing experience in attracting investments, pointing out that there is already an example of a Ukrainian company that has invested in Chile.
“The areas where we see the greatest potential for growth are mining, especially in terms of critical materials, agribusiness and digitalization. Also, Chile has a rich experience in developing public-private partnerships and is ready to share it,” the First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out.

At a meeting with Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Claveren, Sviridenko invited Chilean leaders to join the first Global Peace Summit, in particular, to lead the fourth point of the peace formula concerning the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia. She thanked Chilean President Gabriel Borich, who expressed his willingness to join the Summit.

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Argentina wants to withdraw from BRICS

Argentine authorities have officially informed the leaders of the BRICS member countries of their decision not to join the association, Argentine newspaper Clarin reported Friday, citing sources in the Argentine government.

“The government has sent letters with this information to the presidents of each of the BRICS countries to make official the decision made a few weeks ago,” the newspaper wrote.

Later, Argentine President Javier Milay confirmed the country’s refusal to join the association in official letters sent to the leaders of BRICS member countries.

“Some decisions taken by the previous government will be reconsidered. Among them is the creation of a specialized unit for the country’s active participation in BRICS,” Milei said in a letter to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

“At this stage, Argentina’s accession to BRICS as a full member as of January 1, 2024, does not seem appropriate,” Miley added.

Milay, who came to power earlier this year, opposed Argentina’s accession to BRICS as early as during his election campaign. In late November, Diana Mondino, who was then set to take over as foreign minister, said that “Argentina will not join BRICS” because it could not make the contribution to join the BRICS New Development Bank.

Argentina, along with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, was invited to join the grouping as of January 1, 2024.

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President of Ukraine met with new President of Argentina

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met in Buenos Aires with the newly elected President of Argentina Javier Millais. “I met with Javier Millais and congratulated him on his official inauguration as President of Argentina,” he wrote on his Telegram channel on Sunday evening.

“Today in the squares and streets of Buenos Aires, the word “freedom” – libertad – was heard very often. And this unites us – Ukraine and Argentina. We really value freedom, we really defend it, and we are really ready to strengthen freedom together,” Zelenskyy emphasized during his meeting with Javier Millais.


Argentina has elected new president

Argentina on Sunday, Nov. 19, elected libertarian Javier Miley, a committed radical to fixing the country’s deep economic crisis, as its new president, Reuters reported.

“According to official results, Miley won almost 56% against 44% for his rival, Peronist economy minister Sergio Massa,” the agency said in a statement.

It is noted that Miley promises to carry out shock therapy of the Argentine economy. He promises to close the central bank, abandon the peso and cut spending – potentially painful reforms that have resonated with voters angered by the economic crisis.

“Argentina’s new president will have to deal with empty government and central bank coffers, a $44 billion International Monetary Fund debt program, and inflation approaching 150%,” the agency stresses.

In addition, Reuters writes, a victory by Miley would change Argentina’s political landscape and economic scheme, and could affect trade in grain, lithium and hydrocarbons. In addition to all this, Miley criticizes China and Brazil, saying he will not deal with “communists” and favors stronger ties with the United States.


Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE invited to join BRICS

The BRICS member states have decided to invite Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to join the organization, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Thursday.

“We have decided to invite Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to become full members of BRICS,” Ramaphosa said in a speech at the BRICS summit.

The membership of these countries will become official on January 1, 2024, the South African leader explained.

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