Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian market of new passenger cars decreased by 61.5% – AUTO-Consulting

Ukrainian car market of new passenger cars decreased by 61.5% compared to the prewar year 2021 – down to about 40 thousand units, informs AUTO-Consulting.
“But the main thing is that the Ukrainian car market survived, it exists even during the war. Thanks for that to the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” – the website of information-analytical group reports.
At the same time, AUTO-Consulting states that the results of last year for the car market were the worst since 2000.
“For example, in 2015, when there was also a significant drop due to military action, the market reached 46.5 thousand cars and showed a 50% decrease,” – noted in the message.
On its Facebook page AUTO-Consulting also cites preliminary results of sales of new passenger cars in December – sold 4,009 cars, which is almost 23% more than in November-2022. Toyota remained the leader with 27.4% market share, Skoda came second in November (10.3%), while Suzuki (7.9%) moved up to third place from eighth. Renault, which was in second place in November 2022, moved down to fifth place (5.7% of the market).
According to the group, the market of new light commercial vehicles (LCV) in 2022 decreased by 69% – to 4 thousand units, and, as the analysts note, the total volume of 44 thousand sold cars and light commercial vehicles was the lowest since 1997-1998, when the market of new passenger cars was about 30 thousand units.
At the same time, the company noted that this year the leading operators of Ukrainian car market expect positive dynamics.
As reported, in 2021, sales of new cars, according to Auto-Consulting increased by 20% in 2021 – to 103.65 thousand units.

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Demand for new cars decreased by 2.5%

Primary registrations of new commercial vehicles in Ukraine (trucks and special vehicles) in November decreased by almost 2.5% compared to October of this year – up to 497 units, which is also 66% less than in November-2021, reported “Ukravtoprom” in Telegram-channel.
As reported, in October there was a 17% drop in registrations compared to September-2022 – up to 510 cars.
The best result for the second month in a row is shown by German brand Mercedes-Benz – 99 cars, which is 34% more than last November and 17% more than in October this year.
Renault is second, with 21 fewer registrations compared to October, down to 55 cars (-77% compared to November 2021), and Scania is third, with 49 cars, up 2.3 times from November 2021 and moving from 16th to third place (in October 2022, sixth place with 36 cars).
MAN – 41 vehicles (+5% compared to November of the last year) and Volvo – 34 vehicles (+42%) also made it to the top 5.
As reported, in November 2021, 1479 commercial cars were registered in Ukraine, which is 51% more than a year before. The top five includes Citroen, Renault, Fiat, Peugeot and Belarusian MAZ (Mercedes was in the 6th place).
According to Ukravtoprom, a total of 5.9 thousand new commercial vehicles were registered in Ukraine in January-November 2022, which is 2.4 times less than during the same period in 2021.
In turn, according to the information published on the website of AUTO-Consulting information-analytical group, in the segment of trucks weighing over 3.5 tons, the dealers managed to maintain the positive dynamics and retain the market, even during blackouts.
According to the experts of the group, in November they sold more than 300 such cars – 22% less than in November-2021 and 37% less than in October-2022.
At the same time, analysts note the ongoing trend of dealers searching for replacements for Russian and Belarusian chassis for special-purpose vehicles – in particular, in addition to Iveco and Chinese brands, they began to actively use Peugeot chassis.
As reported, according to Ukravtoprom in 2021 new trucks and special vehicles were 15.9 thousand units. – 37% more than in 2020.

Steel Front handed over 2,000 drones and radios, 700 cars and half a million liters of fuel to Ukrainian soldiers

As part of the Steel Front military initiative founded by Rinat Akhmetov, more than 2,000 drones and walkie-talkies, 700 cars and half a million liters of fuel were handed over to Ukrainian soldiers, the businessman’s press service told Interfax-Ukraine.
He also handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine more than 150,000 bulletproof vests produced at SCM enterprises. “For this, metallurgists have mastered the technology of smelting special armored steel of a high level of protection, and also found contractors who sew plate carriers,” the press service reports.
In addition to bulletproof vests, the soldiers also received other means of protection: more than 20,000 helmets and 40,000 first-aid kits produced in accordance with NATO standards. “Because this war is primarily a war of high technology, Akhmetov has directed millions to purchase cars, drones and walkie-talkies – this is what gives our soldiers an advantage at the front,” the text says.
More than 1,011 modern drones and 1,292 walkie-talkies, 1,600 special devices (thermal imagers, rangefinders) have already been handed over to the military. To ensure the mobility of the units, the SCM businesses handed over more than 700 vehicles to the front, primarily reliable off-road vehicles, and provided them with fuel. In total, 595,000 liters of fuel were sent to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and peaceful cities.
“We do not plan to stop and will do everything to bring Ukraine’s victory closer. And we will definitely win,” Akhmetov said.
As reported, since the beginning of the war, SCM companies have sent over UAH 3 billion to help Ukraine and Ukrainians, and this figure is growing every day.

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In the first 10 days after the abolition of benefits, Ukrainians cleared 4,600 cars through customs and paid UAH 464 million to the budget, the State Customs Service reported.
“For 10 days of customs clearance of vehicles, almost UAH 464 million was paid to the state budget. From July 1 to July 10, the State Customs Service issued 4,662 units of vehicles purchased abroad with customs payments,” the agency said on the Telegram channel on Tuesday.
As the customs reminded, benefits for the import of goods, including cars, have been canceled since July 1. Thus, at present, imported vehicles are again subject to import duties, and individual entrepreneurs of groups 1-3, who are not VAT payers, must again import goods with VAT.

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Ukrainians imported 211,000 cars from Europe on preferential terms, and the number of imported cars increased by 48,000 in two weeks, Yaroslav Zheleznyak, deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, said.
“As of June 27, 211,000 cars entered Ukraine under preferential customs clearance. Over the past 2 weeks, an additional 48,000 cars have been brought in,” he said on the Telegram channel on Monday.
The total amount of the benefits provided amounted to UAH 23.5 billion, he added.
After the news about the abolition of benefits from July 1, as envisaged by the legislative changes adopted by the Parliament, the pace of car imports has increased significantly. On weekdays in June, an average of 4.7 thousand cars are imported per day compared to 3.2 thousand in May, the People’s Deputy specified.
“In fact, it would probably be many times more, the throughput capacity of foreign and our customs limits. To understand, there are now a line of 1000 cars and 9.5 km at the same Budomez-Grushev, the Polish side passes very slowly. At the checkpoint” Yagodin “The queue is generally 40 km,” Zheleznyak pointed out.
“It is also significant that four times more than usual was imported over the weekend. This Saturday, 2,400 cars drove in, although this figure was usually less than 650 cars on weekends,” he added.

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On the Ukrainian-Hungarian section of the border in the Transcarpathian region, there is a significant increase in cars to enter Ukraine, said the head of the Transcarpathian regional state administration Viktor Mikita.
“In the case of Hungary, these queues stretched for several kilometers and sometimes reach 800 cars. The situation on the Slovak-Ukrainian border is somewhat better, but it also causes concern. People are in vehicles for several days, in the heat and without proper sanitary conditions,” Mikita wrote on Facebook.
He noted that queues are formed only for vehicles that are sent to Ukraine for customs clearance. General traffic, tourists and transit moves calmly, there are almost no queues.
“As for the queue that has arisen, there are a number of objective and subjective factors. Traffic has increased hundreds of times, cars for customs clearance go not only from Hungary, but also from the Baltic states, Poland and others. A significant part of the car does not have properly executed documents, which greatly complicates the pass and registration. There are other operational factors that require immediate optimization,” Mikita said.

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