Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Centravis” brought production to full capacity and opened new branch in Uzhgorod

Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC (Centravis Production Ukraine), a part of Centravis Ltd. holding, has brought its main production in Nikopol to full capacity and at the end of February officially opened its branch on tubes production in Uzhgorod.
“Now Centravis production is working at full capacity. All equipment is working, hot and cold shops,” wrote chief sales officer (CSO) Artem Atanasov in a letter to customers last Friday.
According to him, the company’s logistics team is constantly monitoring the safest ways to deliver finished products to customers. Worldwide sales offices operate in Essen, Milan, Krakow, Lugano, Houston and Dubai.
It is also reported that the new Centravis production site was officially opened in Uzhgorod on Feb. 28, with managers from Italy, Germany, Poland, the U.S. and the UAE, and local and regional authorities in attendance.
“This production site is just a part of our big team, as the main Centravis facilities remain in Dnipropetrovsk region. We are very happy that our production is developing and Ukrainian stainless seamless pipes are in demand all over the world,” – noted in the information of Director of Sales.
As reported, the holding Centravis Ltd. re-registered its parent company in Switzerland, having changed its Cypriot location, which will help to improve credit rating and attract longer and cheaper funds for the development of production in Ukraine.
“Centravis” earlier announced plans to open a specialized production of tool pipes for cars in Transcarpathia.
“Centravis” is among the ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel tubes in the world. In 2022 the company has implemented a number of large-scale orders for such global companies as Benteler Automotive, LINSTER Edelstahlhandel, Rohr Mertel, Buhlmann Group, Webco, MRC. The company employs over 1400 people.
Centravis, founded in 2000, is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel pipes. Its production facilities are located in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region).
Holding Centravis Ltd was created on the base of Nikopol Stainless Tube Works CJSC, service and trade companies Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Yuvis Ltd. Its shareholders are members of the Atanasov family.
Centravis Ltd. owns 100% of shares of Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC.

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“Centravis” plans to open a new production facility in Uzhgorod

Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC (Centravis Production Ukraine), a part of Centravis Ltd. holding, has brought its main production in Nikopol to full capacity and intends to officially open its pipe production branch in Uzhgorod at the end of February.

“Centravis production is now running at full capacity. This is very valuable, so we use this opportunity to the maximum. All equipment is working, hot and cold shops are operating. We met the production plan for January and have an optimistic outlook for the current month,” Artem Atanasov, chief sales officer (CSO), wrote in a letter to customers last Friday.

According to him, the company will officially open a new production facility in Uzhgorod at the end of February. “We are recording interest in our products from customers, so expanding production in these conditions is an important and necessary step,” the sales director said.

As it was informed, the holding Centravis Ltd. re-registered its parent company in Switzerland, having changed its Cypriot location, which will help to improve credit rating and to attract longer and cheaper funds for the development of production in Ukraine.

“Centravis” plans in the beginning of 2023 to open in Zakarpattya region specialized production of tool tubes for automobiles.

“Centravis is among the ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel tubes in the world. In 2022 the company has implemented a number of large-scale orders for such global companies as Benteler Automotive, LINSTER Edelstahlhandel, Rohr Mertel, Buhlmann Group, Webco, MRC. The company employs over 1400 people.

Centravis, founded in 2000, is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel pipes. Its production facilities are located in Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk region).

Holding Centravis Ltd. was created on the base of Nikopol Stainless Tube Works CJSC, service and trade companies Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Yuvis Ltd. Its shareholders are members of the Atanasov family.

Centravis Ltd. owns 100% of shares of Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC.

“Centravis” plant in Nikopol works at full capacity

Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC (Centravis Production Ukraine), which is a part of Centravis Ltd. holding, is working at full capacity due to electricity supply for production needs.
According to Artem Atanasov, chief sales officer (CSO), in a letter to customers last Friday, Centravis production is operating efficiently after the overhaul of the press line.
“This (last – IF-U) week we got our production up and running at full capacity. Our key equipment is fully energized, the hot shop and the cold shop are running. All equipment is working and production is supplied with all the necessary materials,” stated the Director of Sales.
He also said that the logistics team constantly monitors the safest ways of delivering finished goods. The company has sales offices around the world in Essen, Milan, Krakow, Lugano, Houston and Dubai.
“We are ending this year with good results. “Centravis produced more than 10,000 tons of seamless pipe in 11 months. We paid more than 230 million UAH in taxes for 10 months of 2022. During this year we participated in three international exhibitions and we are proud that we are among the world leaders (in production of stainless tubes – IF-U). We achieved this thanks to the support of our customers, our team and partners,” Atanasov emphasized.
“Centravis is among the ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel pipes in the world. The company’s production is concentrated in Nikopol, which since July of this year has been under almost daily fire from Russian troops.
In 2021 the company has realized a number of large-scale orders for such world companies as Benteler Automotive, LINSTER Edelstahlhandel, Rohr Mertel, Buhlmann Group, Webco, MRC. “Centravis works with such famous automobile brands as BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors. Supplies pipes for nuclear power plants, fresh water storage facilities, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and other landmark projects.
“Centravis is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel pipes, founded in 2000. Its production facilities are located in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region).
Centravis Ltd Holding was created on the base of Nikopol Stainless Tube Works CJSC, service and trading companies of Uvis Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Ltd. Its shareholders are members of the Atanasov family.
Centravis Ltd. owns 100% of shares of Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC.

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“Centravis” transferred to budgets of all levels more than 230 million UAH

Centravis Production Ukraine” Private Joint Stock Company (Centravis Production Ukraine), which is a part of Centravis Ltd. holding, on the results of work in January-October this year transferred to the budgets of all levels more than 230 million UAH.
According to the company’s press release issued on Friday, the most funds were transferred to non-budgetary funds – almost 172 million hryvnias. The local budget was replenished by 41.7 million UAH and the state budget by 16.8 million UAH.
It is recalled that at the end of 2021 Centravis paid almost 283 million UAH to the budgets of all levels. Thus, despite the large-scale war, the company continues to work and fulfill its obligations to the state and local community.
In addition to paying taxes, Centravis provides assistance to the security and defense forces and the war-affected population. In total, the company provided aid worth more than 3.3 million hryvnias and purchased ammunition and protective equipment for the mobilized workers of the company.
“They say there is an inscription on the facade of the U.S. Department of Justice: taxes are the price of civility in society. In our case, taxes are the price of protecting independence and statehood, and this year they are especially nice to pay. We believe that every extra hryvnia will help repel aggression and rebuild Ukraine, “- said General Director of Centravis Yuri Atanasov, quoted by the press service.
“Centravis” is among the ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel tubes in the world. The company’s production is concentrated in Nikopol, which has been under almost daily fire from Russian troops since July this year.
Last year the company realized a number of large-scale orders for such world companies as Benteler Automotive, LINSTER Edelstahlhandel, Rohr Mertel, Buhlmann Group, Webco, MRC. “Centravis works with such famous automobile brands as BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors. Supplies pipes for nuclear power plants, fresh water storage facilities, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and other landmark projects.
“Centravis is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel pipes, founded in 2000. Its production facilities are located in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region).
Centravis Ltd Holding was created on the base of Nikopol Stainless Tube Works CJSC, service and trading companies of Yuvis Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Ltd. Its shareholders are members of the Atanasov family.
Centravis Ltd. owns 100% of shares of Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC.


“Centravis” has reduced output of stainless tubes by 34.2%

Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC, part of Centravis Holding Ltd, on the results of January-November of this year reduced the production of stainless tubes by 34,2% compared to the same period of last year – down to 10,600 tons from 16,100 tons.
According to the company’s press release on Wednesday, the company’s production in January-November 2022 was nearly 66% of the previous year’s pre-war level, while in monetary terms the company maintained revenue at 90%.
“Despite the difficult situation in the country and Nikopol, we retained the team, customers and production. None of us prepared for wartime operations, but today everyone has to contribute to the victory. Considering all circumstances, we are proud of our results and will continue to work to support the economy and the state,” Centravis General Director Yuriy Atanasov said, who is quoted by the press service.
The press release reminds that the company is among ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless tubes in the world. According to the results of 2021 production volume of the company was 19,43 thousand tons. Centravis production is concentrated in Nikopol, which has been under almost daily fire from Russian troops since July this year.
At the same time, the company manages to maintain production and fulfill orders of customers from many countries. As of November, the number of employees exceeds 1,400, which corresponds to the pre-war level.
Centravis employees’ average salary is 7,070 hryvnias, 11 percent higher than the industry average.
“We are looking for opportunities, not causes. We think about where to find raw materials, how to improve logistics and speed up delivery to customers, how to produce better pipes. That’s what we’re influencing. We adapt, we learn, we go to exhibitions, we communicate with customers, we are constantly on the move. Our productivity is up about 17% over last year. The company has become more stable and cohesive, and we believe that we can get through this year normally and do a lot next year,” Atanasov emphasized.
Last year the company implemented a number of large-scale orders for such global companies as Benteler Automotive, LINSTER Edelstahlhandel, Rohr Mertel, Buhlmann Group, Webco, MRC. “Centravis works with such famous automobile brands as BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors. Supplies pipes for nuclear power plants, fresh water storage facilities, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and other landmark projects.
“Centravis is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel pipes, founded in 2000. Its production facilities are located in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region). It ranks among top-10 world players and supplies pipes to more than 70 countries from different regions of the world.
Holding Centravis Ltd was created on the base of Nikopol Stainless Tube Works CJSC, service and trading companies of Yuvis Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Ltd. Its shareholders are members of the Atanasov family.
Centravis Ltd. owns 100% of shares of Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC.


“Centravis” has agreed to supply new batch of seamless pipes to customer from Oman

The agreement was reached during the international exhibition Adipec 2022 in Abu Dhabi, where Centravis presented its products.
We are talking about Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), with which Centravis has been cooperating for a long time. However, after a series of shelling of the territory of Ukraine this autumn, the client from Oman suspended cooperation due to possible security risks.
During the meeting at the exhibition in Abu Dhabi, the representatives of Centravis managed to convince the partners from Petroleum Development Oman in the ability to fulfill the order qualitatively and on time.
“After successful negotiations, we received a new order for the production of almost 20 tons of GTP duplex steel grade pipes,” said Natalia Ryazantseva, Head of Marketing Department.
According to her, Centravis currently uses various forms of communication with customers to ensure a stable order book. In particular, weekly letters with information about production and security situation in the region and the country are published on the company’s website. Also, representatives of Centravis regularly travel to meet with customers, the company participates in international exhibitions. This autumn, Centravis had separate stands at the exhibitions in Maastricht World Stainless Steel and Adipec 2022 in Abu Dhabi.
“In times of war, each order is even more important than in peacetime. We managed to preserve the main backbone of customers and, accordingly, the production volume and team. This is the main achievement and we are doing everything to keep the economic front and help the country”, – said Natalia Ryazantseva.
Centravis is one of the ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless pipes in the world. The company’s production volume at the end of 2021 amounted to 19.43 thousand tons.
From the first days of the full-scale war against Ukraine, the company joined the support of the rear and the front. 119 employees of the company joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also, funds were allocated for the purchase of necessary materials and equipment for the forces of the security and defense sector – in accordance with the requests received by the company.

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