Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian parliament enshrines status of English as one of languages of international communication in Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada has enshrined the status of English as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine, Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a member of the Voice faction, said in a telegram.

According to him, 236 MPs voted in favor of Bill No. 9432 on the use of English in Ukraine at the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday.

As reported, according to the draft law, the state ensures compulsory study of English and promotes the study of other languages of international communication in educational institutions regardless of ownership.

In addition, the bill stipulates that preschool education institutions provide compulsory English language learning for children of older preschool age. At the same time, preschool education institutions shall ensure the mandatory use of English in the educational process for children of early, junior preschool and middle preschool age.

According to the draft law, a higher education institution has the right to decide to teach one, several or most disciplines, perform individual tasks and conduct control measures in English, which is clearly stated in the description of the educational program upon admission to the university.

The draft law also stipulates that English may also be used in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard as a language of international communication.

The draft law provides for the development and approval of a state targeted program to promote the study and use of English in Ukraine, which, in particular, should take into account the peculiarities of ensuring that cinemas (relevant cinematography entities) show foreign films in English in compliance with the requirements established by the Law “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language”.

The draft law also stipulates that foreign films in English shall be screened on a reimbursable basis by cinematography entities on a voluntary basis, but in compliance with the minimum requirements.

In particular, each cinema hall in which a cinematography entity shows films must hold at least 8 demonstrations (public screenings) of films in English during a calendar month, with at least 2 demonstrations to be held during the week at any time on a weekend or on a working day with the start of the screening after 18:00.

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Kyivstar announces restoration of communication

Kyivstar specialists and our partners have done everything possible to restore the network from the consequences of an unprecedented cyberattack for the global telecom.

As of 18.00 on 13.12.2023, our specialists have started to restore voice communication throughout Ukraine. The restoration of services will be gradual, so short-term difficulties are still possible until the end of the day. In this case, we recommend that subscribers restart their phones and disable the VoLTE service in the phone settings.

Currently, the company’s specialists are working to restore data and SMS services and we hope that they will also be restored within a day.

After the network is fully restored and stabilized, Kyivstar will start preparing and providing compensation to all subscribers and corporate clients who could not use the company’s services due to the hacker attack.

Dear friends, we are incredibly grateful for your support! We continue to work 24/7 to keep Ukraine connected

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Communications and power supply are still missing in the Ivankivska, Dymerska and Polesie united territorial communities of the Vyshgorodsky district of the Kiev region, previously liberated from occupation, measures are being taken to normalize the situation and restore infrastructure in them, said the head of the Kiev regional military administration Oleksandr Pavlyuk.
“The Vyshgorod, Petrovskaya and Pirnovskaya communities are unchanged, the population is provided with the necessary assistance … Slavutych still needs food and medicine,” Pavlyuk wrote in Telegram on Tuesday.
In the Buchansky and Brovarsky districts, where the fighting took place, demining and clearing work continues. Emergency teams are working to restore water, electricity and gas supply. Law enforcement officers fix the crimes caused by the invaders against the civilian population.
In Obukhovsky, Borispolsky, Belotserkovsky and Fastovsky districts of the Kiev region, according to the head of the regional administration, the situation is calm and controlled. “The sowing campaign continues. Critical infrastructure facilities are operating as usual,” Pavlyuk wrote.

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The auction for the sale of frequencies for 5G communication will be held in Ukraine in 2022, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov has said.
“We have already launched research work. Next year we plan to put up frequencies [for 5G communication] at tenders for the operators,” he said during the Kyiv International Economic Forum on Thursday.
According to Fedorov, the active introduction of this communication technology in large cities of the country will begin in two years.
“I believe that at first it will be most relevant for industry, and then large cities, industrial centers will pick up, and gradually 5G will spread throughout the country,” he said.

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USAID Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities (USAID Agro) and the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine will create the online resource center “Best agricultural practices for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME)” to provide its participants with knowledge about modern agricultural technologies in a number of agricultural sectors.

USAID Agro wrote about the agreement signed on September 1 to create this online project on Facebook.

“The resource center will provide agricultural MSMEs with practical knowledge and an indicative base about modern agricultural technologies in Ukraine and the world that can be introduced in the horticultural sector, livestock, aquaculture, poultry (except for chickens), in the production of confectionery and craft products,” the report says.

The project will become a communication platform where successful farmers will share their achievements with their potential followers. For this, Internet technologies, social networks will be used, educational webinars, meetings, fairs and conferences will be held, the “Best agro-practices” bulletin will be published.

It is specified that state and local authorities, public organizations, associations, scientific organizations and agricultural journalists are invited to participate in the project.

The beneficiaries of the project will be farmers from all over Ukraine, in particular, the target areas of the USAID Agro project are Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Poltava, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Cherkasy regions.

“The resource center will give a new impetus to the development of agricultural consulting, in particular, for the cooperation of advisers with farmers, institutions of agricultural science and education, research and design institutes, associations,” the organization summed up.

The National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine is an association of agricultural advisers and advisory services promoting modern management and production technologies at the MSME level, as well as implementing a number of projects related to the application of modern approaches to agricultural production.



Mobile network operator Kyivstar has launched 4G communication in the 900 MHz range in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where refarming of radio frequencies and reconfiguration of operator equipment have recently been completed.
“Thus, 4G in the 900 MHz band is already available in all regions of Ukraine. This is the completion of the first important stage of expanding the coverage of high-speed Internet in rural areas, which was launched in June 2020,” the operator’s press service said on Thursday.
Another 84,000 people living in 90 small towns or villages received access to 4G-network from Kyivstar in Donetsk and Luhansk regions today.
“The construction of 4G network in small villages is the most important tool to bridge the digital divide in Ukraine. To make this possible, Kyivstar voluntarily gave up part of its frequencies, which were then distributed among other operators to launch LTE in the 900 MHz band. High-speed Internet is starting to work today in small and remote villages, including those where only 50-100 people live,” President of Kyivstar Alexander Komarov said.
In general, high-speed mobile Internet from Kyivstar is already available in almost 14,000 cities, towns and villages, where 85% of the Ukrainian population lives.
According to the operator, half of these settlements were connected to 4G in 2020.
The company plans to provide at least 90% of the country’s population with high-speed mobile Internet by July 2022.
“The deployment of the national 4G network in rural areas was accelerated thanks to the use of the 900 MHz band, which has a larger coverage radius compared to the 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz bands. This was preceded by two years of painstaking work with the participation of all mobile network operators, the regulator, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and other public bodies,” Kyivstar said.
Since the beginning of 2020, Kyivstar has invested UAH 4.3 billion in the construction of the network, increasing investments by 22% compared to last year, and in general, over the past five years, the company’s expenses, including on the development of 3G and 4G communication in Ukraine, exceeded UAH 28 billion.

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