Business news from Ukraine


The introduction of 4G communication in subway is the issue of the national scale, it is possible to implement the project in due time, according to participants in a meeting devoted to the launch of 4G communication in Kyiv’s subway held by the Kyiv City Council with representatives of the Kyiv City Administration, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Verkhovna Rada, municipal enterprises, mobile communications operators and Internet associations.
“The introduction of 4G communication in subway is a national issue. The law must be implemented. There are legal processes that must be followed. If we combine the efforts of all participants in this process, the project will be implemented within the announced time frame,” advisor to the Mayor of Kyiv Maksym Bakhmatov said.
According to him, now all important technical aspects have been agreed with the subway, and the operators have provided the required technical documentation.
“Operators have already imported the first consignments of special equipment for building a network into the country and are waiting for legal grounds to begin installation work in the subway. The full-fledged implementation of the investment project depends on making a decision by the Kyiv City Council on the fee for telecom access to municipal property,” Corporate & Regulatory Affairs Director at Kyivstar Oleksandr Kogut.
According to the plan, the launch of 4G communications at the first subway stations, namely Akademmistechko, Zhytomyrska, Sviatoshyn, Syrets, Dorohozhychi, Heroiv Dnipra, Minska and Obolon, is expected in March 2020. Until the beginning of 2021, high-speed mobile communications should work at all stations and tunnels of the Kyiv subway.

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The lifecell mobile communications operator on July 1, 2018 is to launch high-speed mobile Internet using 4.5G technology (LTE Advanced Pro) in the 1800 MHz band in 232 cities and towns of Ukraine.
“Our license becomes effective on July 1. We are ready to provide 4.5G communications services in in 232 cities and towns of Ukraine,” Director of the mobile lifecell network Mahmut Ünsal Erüreten said at a press conference in Kyiv on Tuesday, adding that the company intends by the end of the year to cover 15 million of the country’s population with this service.
According to him, the company is putting into operation new towers to provide these services.
“The volume of transmitted information will be more powerful, these stations were built by our team of engineers,” he added.
CEO of lifecell Ismet Yazici, this communication standard will be presented in 17 regions of Ukraine.
According to Erüreten, the company’s investments in the launch of 4.5G amounted to $45 million. By the end of the year, another $40 million is planned to be invested.
Synchronously with the launch of the new standard of Internet services, the company in collaboration with General Mobile will bring two smartphones to the market.
“I am very pleased that we are entering the Ukrainian market jointly with lifecell. In 33 countries we were able to introduce the 3G era together,” Board Chairman of General Mobile Sebahattin Yaman said.
He said that General Mobile is entering the Ukrainian market exclusively with lifecell.

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