Business news from Ukraine

Map of international partnerships of Ukrainian cities and towns was presented at conference on Ukraine’s reconstruction in Berlin.

A map of international partnerships of Ukrainian cities and towns was presented at the International Conference on Ukraine’s Recovery, which is taking place in Germany on June 11-12, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.

“During the International Conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine presented a map of international partnerships of Ukrainian cities and towns. The database was prepared by the Association of Ukrainian Cities together with the Council of European Municipalities and Regions,” he wrote in his Telegram channel on Wednesday.

Klitschko noted that now only a third of Ukrainian communities have partners in other countries, of which 200 – among municipalities in Germany.

“Today at the conference discussed the further development of such cooperation. Because, as our partners emphasize, it is the cooperation of cities, strengthening local self-government is key to strengthening European democracy. And also – for the future reconstruction of Ukraine,” – wrote Klitschko.


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More than 2,000 people from 60 countries will take part in Conference on Ukraine’s Recovery

More than 2,000 people from over 60 countries will participate in the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC-2024), which Germany and Ukraine will co-host on June 11 and 12 in Berlin, the German Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Cooperation and Development said in a press release on Friday.

“Together with numerous partners from politics, business, civil society and municipalities, we want to use the Ukraine Recovery Conference to do everything we can to support Ukraine on its path of reform and recovery. Our common message is clear: we stand firmly by Ukraine’s side and support it with all our strength – as long as it needs us,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock was quoted as saying in the release.

She noted that Ukraine is defending the free European way of life with great determination, and Germany and the EU, for their part, continue to provide Ukraine with all-round support: economic, humanitarian and political, as well as supplying much-needed weapons.

“We are doing everything possible so that Ukraine can soon have a seat at the negotiating table in the European Union,” the German foreign minister added.

German Development Minister Svenja Schulze emphasized that even in the current wartime, Ukraine needs to constantly rebuild homes, water pipes, hospitals and power grids.

“Surrendering is not an option. People want to continue living in their country, and for that they need electricity, water and a roof over their heads. The reconstruction conference in Berlin is a strong message of solidarity. Partners from around the world are joining forces to support Ukraine’s reconstruction,” the minister said.

According to her, this task is too big to be solved by governments alone, so companies, civil society and municipalities have been invited to the conference.

It is specified that more than 2,000 conference participants represent approximately equal parts of three groups: governments and international organizations; businesses and civil society; and municipalities and regions. In particular, more than 600 representatives of Ukrainian, German and international companies from such sectors as energy, healthcare, logistics and armament, as well as representatives of municipalities and civil society will present their work in the framework of URC-2024.

“The goal of the conference is to bring together this wide range of activities and target them to address Ukraine’s short- and long-term recovery needs,” Schulze summarized.

The release announces the launch at the upcoming conference of a new initiative for skilled workers, a skills alliance for Ukraine, and an alliance for SMEs, as well as a host of other cooperative agreements.

It is pointed out that for the first time at the Ukraine Recovery Conference, Germany, as co-organizer, is focusing on social and community recovery in areas such as education, health, and municipal and regional recovery.

“To ensure Ukraine’s early accession to the EU, the focus is also on the necessary reforms in Ukraine. In some 30 panels, participants will address this wide range of topics under the motto “United in Defense. United in Recovery. Stronger Together,” the release noted.

According to the currently available program, the conference will be attended, in particular, by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, foreign ministers of Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France, Poland and the U.S. special envoy for Ukraine’s recovery, as well as heads of leading international financial organizations.
The Ukraine Reconstruction Conference in Berlin is the third reconstruction conference to be held since Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine began in 2022. In July 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland, conference participants agreed on guiding principles for Ukraine’s recovery: the recovery process should be reform-oriented, transparent, democratic and sustainable. The 2023 Ukraine Recovery Conference in London focused on mobilizing the private sector. In 2025, Italy will co-host the recovery conference with Ukraine.



President of Ukraine invites investors to take part in conference on Ukraine’s recovery in Berlin

On the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue summit, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with the heads of leading Singaporean investment companies, the press service of the Ukrainian president reports.

“The event was attended by the heads of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC, Temasek Holdings, Wilmar International, the Singapore Business Federation, Blackstone Singapore, telecommunications operator SingTel, Universal Success Enterprises, and construction company Meinhardt Group,” the statement said.

During the meeting, Zelensky emphasized that the Ukrainian economy, even in difficult conditions of war, finds ways to develop and grow, adapting to new circumstances.

In addition, Zelenskyy expressed gratitude to Singaporean businessmen who continue to work in Ukraine and keep their jobs.

The President also emphasized that there is great potential for further development of Ukrainian-Singaporean trade cooperation, especially in the field of technology and innovation.

Zelenskyy also reaffirmed Ukraine’s commitment to creating additional attractive incentives for investors.

“The Head of State invited Singaporean investors to take part in a joint conference with the EU on the restoration, reform and modernization of the Ukrainian economy to be held in Berlin. A program for mobilizing international financial support, implementing long-term projects and creating attractive conditions for investing in Ukraine’s economy will be presented there,” the statement said.

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Conference “Bread Industry 2024” will be held on May 15-16

Preliminary program of the conference “Bread Industry 2024“*

Perlyna Resort Hotel Complex (40 Poleva St., Sokyrna village, Cherkasy region)

May 15

Arrival, accommodation and pre-registration

Optional departure to Kaniv and climbing the Chernecha (Tarasova) mountain

May 16th


Registration, welcome coffee


Opening of the conference: greetings from the organizers, Cherkasy Regional Military Administration, general partner of the conference


Panel discussion “Challenges of 2024 for the state and agri-food business and ways to solve them”

Moderator: Olena Kovaleva

Taras Vysotskyi, agrarian policy expert of the IPSA project

First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine – Oleksandr Krasnolutskyi

First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine – Yuriy Vaskov

Deputy Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure (pending confirmation) – Viktor Sheremeta

First Vice President of the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine – Andriy Tabalov

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PJSC Cherkasy Bakery


Coffee break


Panel discussion “Sustainability of value chains in the bread industry”

Moderator: Oleksandr Taranenko

First Vice President of the UBA, Deputy General Director of Bread Investments LLC (TM “Tsar Khlib”, “Teremno”, CHANTA) – Nadiya Bigun

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine – Arsen Zhumadilov

Director General of the State Logistics Operator – Yaroslav Zheleznyak

First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy – Oleh Hetman

Coordinator of expert groups of the Economic Expert Platform – Natalia Petrivska

Executive Director of the Ukrainian Food Retail Alliance – Vladyslav Averchenko

General Director of Concern Khlibprom PJSC (TM Agrola, Vinnytsiakhlib, Bandinelli, Grill & Bakery, etc.)




Panel discussion “Do consumers’ desires and producers’ capabilities coincide?”

Moderator: Oleksandr Varavka

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alviva Group (Kyivkhlib, Kyivmlyn, Stolychnyi Mlyn) – Maryna Zabarylo

Director of Consumer Panel Services GfK Ukraine – Oleksiy Starikov

Commercial Director of Firma Strilets LLC (TM Zodiac) – Dmytro Zhygunov

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Grain Processing Technologies, OtU


Coffee break


Panel discussion “Alternative raw materials, innovative technologies, innovative products”

Moderator: Boris Shestopalov

Co-owner of HD-Group and GFS Group (TM Khlibodar, Zaporizhmlyn, Pervyi Khlib, EveryDay) – Sergiy Sots

Dean of the Faculty of Grain Technology and Grain Business, Odesa National Technological University, PhD – Sergiy Tonkonog

Representative of Astra Group

Representative of USAID-Agro

Representatives of enterprises and companies


Friendly dinner from the general partner – Formula Smaku group of companies

May 17


Panel discussion “How to increase exports of Ukrainian value-added products?”

Moderator: Rodion Rybchynskyi

Director of the Union “Millers of Ukraine” – Igor Novitsky

General Director of First Mill LLC – Oleksandr Yasynskyi

Commercial Director of Terra LLC – Viktor Zhabchyk

Co-owner and director of VILIS PE (TM VILIS, ChiBi, Makarella, Italino, Viverelli)

Representative of AGA Partners Law firm


Coffee break


Offsite session (parallel sessions, lunch will be provided at each session)

Location 1.

CherkasyElevatorMash LLC – specialized session “New products based on extrusion. Demonstration of equipment and products”

Location 2.

Cherkasy Bread LLC – specialized session “What is more profitable to invest in today – technology or marketing?”

Location 3.

“Bo Khlib – specialized session “Is it possible to make money on a bread franchise?”

* The program is subject to change

Interfax-Ukraine and open4business – information partner


Switzerland to hold high-level conference on Ukraine settlement in mid-June

Switzerland intends to hold a high-level conference on a settlement in Ukraine in mid-June, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing sources.

“The conference may take place on June 16-17, but it is not yet clear how many countries will participate,” the agency informs, noting that it could be 80-100 countries, representing mainly the “global South.”

According to the agency’s interlocutors, the key issue is China’s participation, which will allow Switzerland to “ensure the credibility of the initiative.”

A representative of the Swiss Foreign Ministry noted that the date and venue of the conference are still unknown. The agency’s sources said it could be held in the Swiss city of Lucerne.

“In addition to the positions of Ukraine, Russia and Europe, it is important to hear the opinion of the “global South”, which will play a key role in the possible inclusion of Russia in this process. That is why we maintain close contacts with China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Saudi Arabia,” the Swiss Foreign Ministry spokesman added.

Bloomberg notes that several countries insist on Russia’s participation in the conference, but Kyiv wants to reach an agreement on key principles that “will form the basis for a future agreement” before engaging Moscow in the dialogue.


Spanish investor claims loss of more than UAH 20 mln due to raider takeover of company by its Ukrainian co-founder

Spanish citizen Angel Miguel Cerezo Gallardo estimates losses from the raider takeover by the Ukrainian co-founder of the Selecto Markets company, of which he is a co-founder, at UAH 20 million.

As the Spanish citizen said at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Tuesday, together with Ukrainian partners, he planned to develop a chain of grocery stores in Ukraine with the supply of products from Spain and other European countries, created the Selecto Markets company, invested in first store in Kyiv, delivered equipment and goods.

According to him, one of the co-founders of the company from the Ukrainian side was Maksym Marshchivskyy, who at that time headed the distribution direction in the Furshet retail chain. The co-founders, among other things, planned to supply European products to Ukrainian retail chains, as well as develop their own network of Selecto Markets stores.

However, according to the Spanish investor, Marshchivskyy, without any reason, refused to pay for goods imported from Spain and other European countries by the Spanish businessman’s companies, stopped paying local suppliers, blocked the Spanish partner’s access to the company’s accounts and documents, and also “decided to personally manage the company and re-register for himself.”

In turn, Cerezo Gallardo’s lawyer Hennadiy Borysychev noted that law enforcement agencies “are in no hurry to enter information about criminal offenses under Articles 219 and 191 of the Criminal Code into the unified register of pre-trial investigations, as well as to investigate them.”

“We will have to go to court to declare the investigators’ inaction illegal and in court to oblige law enforcement agencies to initiate criminal proceedings,” he said.

Borysychev clarified that the matter concerns the actual raider takeover of the Selecto Markets company by Marshchivskyy.

The lawyer also noted that, according to information available to Cerezo Gallardo, Marshchivskyy is currently abroad, presumably in the United States.

“Any country that is at war, especially with a nuclear state, is not very attractive for investment. But if you add to this the fact that law enforcement and government agencies cannot protect investors, it can lead to bankruptcy of the state,” he said.

“We want to use the example of this case to prove that justice and law enforcement agencies really work in the country, that it is really possible to invest in our country,” he said.

According to the lawyer, representing the interests of Cerezo Gallardo, he intends to “take other steps to stimulate the investigative authorities in a legal way so that they actually investigate these cases.”

In turn, another co-founder of Selecto Markets, Eugene Zhevagin, said at the press conference that since the start of the full-scale invasion, Cerezo Gallardo “not only did not leave Ukraine, but is actively helping it, supplying humanitarian aid, ambulances, and medicines.”

“He doesn’t just invest money, he helped and is helping everyone who needs it, he believes in Ukraine. We really hope that by making this case public, we will get a positive result,” Zhevagin said.

The Spanish investor contacted the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Ukraine to assist in a fair resolution of the case.

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