Business news from Ukraine


Electricity production by all power plants of state enterprise Energoatom in January-October 2019 decreased by 1.9% (by 1.3 billion kWh) compared to the same period of the previous year, to 67.271 billion kWh.
According to the press service of the company, the plan for production of electricity for the specified period in 2019 was exceeded by 1.6%.
The share of Energoatom in the overall structure of electricity production in the country amounted to 53.1%, which is 0.1 percentage points less than in January-October 2018.
The power plants of the state enterprise for the reporting period supplied 63.170 billion kWh, which is 2% less than a year earlier.
The volume of capital investments for the ten months amounted to UAH 10.253 billion against UAH 9.270 billion. in January-October 2019, financing of capital investments was UAH 12.465 billion against UAH 9.983 billion.
During the reporting period, the company transferred UAH 12.205 billion to the budgets of all levels, insurance payments amounted to UAH 2.109 billion.

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National Nuclear Generating Company Energoatom in January-September 2019 doubled net profit year-over-year, to UAH 4.251 billion.
According to a company report in the information disclosure system of the National Commission for Securities and the Stock Market, its net revenue grew by 10.4%, to UAH 34.774 billion, and gross profit – by 10.8%, to UAH 8.082 billion.
As reported, in January-September 2019, Energoatom reduced electricity production by 0.5% (323.1 million kWh) compared to the same period in 2018, to 60.729 billion kWh. Power plants of Energoatom during this period released 57.02 billion kWh to the market compared with 57.376 billion kWh a year earlier.
In 2018, Energoatom increased its net profit by 21.2% compared to 2017, to UAH 4.632 billion, net income by 14.5%, to UAH 44.055 billion.
Energoatom is the operator of all four operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine. It operates 15 power units equipped with water-cooled power reactors with a total installed electric capacity of 13.835 GW.



Electricity generation by all power plants of state-owned enterprise Energoatom in January-August 2019 decreased by 0.5% (by 323.1 million kWh) compared to the same period last year, to 60.729 billion kWh.
According to the press service of the company, the plan for production of electricity for the specified period in 2019 was exceeded by 0.9%.
The power plants of the state enterprise supplied 57.02 billion kWh of electricity to the market compared with 57.376 billion kWh in January-September 2018.
The share of Energoatom in the overall structure of electricity production in the country amounted to 53.2%, which is 0.5 percentage points more than January-September 2018.
The volume of capital investments for the nine months amounted to UAH 8.172 billion compared with UAH 8.1 billion for the same period a year earlier. The financing of capital investments amounted to UAH 10.739 billion compared with UAH 8.599 billion respectively.
Energoatom transferred UAH 9.55 billion to the budgets of all levels, insurance payments amounted to UAH 1.928 billion.
The installed capacity utilization factor of the company’s nuclear power plants amounted to 66.8%, which is 0.4 p.p. more than in January-September 2018.
In January-August, 10 violations were recorded in the operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants (16 in the first nine months of 2018).
Energoatom is the operator of all four operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine. It operates 15 power units equipped with water-cooled power reactors with a total installed electric capacity of 13.835 GW.



Electricity production by all power plants of state-owned enterprise Energoatom in January-August 2019 increased by 0.8% (by 428.7 million kWh) compared to the same period last year, to 54.698 billion kWh.
According to the press service of the company, the plan for production of electricity for the specified period in 2019 was exceeded by 0.6%.
The power plants of the state enterprise supplied 51.385 billion kWh of electricity to the market against 51.025 billion kWh in January-August 2018.
The share of Energoatom in the overall structure of electricity production in the country amounted to 53.1%, which is 1.1 percentage points more than January-August 2018.
The volume of capital investments for the eight months amounted to UAH 6.928 billion against UAH 6.926 billion for the same period a year earlier. The financing of capital investments amounted to UAH 9.655 billion against UAH 7.878 billion respectively.
Energoatom transferred UAH 8.997 billion to the budgets of all levels, insurance payments amounted to UAH 1.709 billion.
The installed capacity utilization factor of the company’s nuclear power plants amounted to 67.6%, which is 0.5 p.p. more than in January-August 2018.
In January-August, nine violations were recorded in the operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants (13 in the first eight months of 2018).



State-owned enterprise National Nuclear Generating Company Energoatom and JSC Turboatom (Kharkiv) signed the five year (2020-2024) program on modernizing equipment of Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs) on Tuesday.
According to a press release of Energoatom, the program involves the replacement of eight turbine condensers of nuclear power reactors, including four Russian-made condensers. After replacing the condensers, the total increase in power of reactors will be about 400 MW.
The document also provides for the modernization of flowing parts of turbine cylinders with a capacity of 200 MW and 1000 MW, including five turbines with a capacity of 1000 MW as part of import substitution. Modernization includes the replacement of rotor blades on existing rotors and diaphragms, which will increase the turbine’s power and its efficiency.
It is also planned to upgrade the high-pressure cylinders of the turbines of the Zaporizhia NPP, starting in 2020. Modernization of turbines will increase the capacity and efficiency of existing reactors of Ukrainian NPPs by 10%, which will provide a power increase of 70-100 MW at each reactor.
In addition, on Tuesday in Enerhodar (Zaporizhia region), an agreement was signed between Atomkomplekt (a separate division of Energoatom) and Turboatom for the manufacture and supply of a block-modular condenser for replacing the condenser of the K K-1000-60/1500 turbine at reactor five of Zaporizhia NPP in April 2020.
The parties also discussed a long-term repair program for the replacement of used spare parts.
“Four years ago, we gave a new powerful start to our cooperation, which is not only servicing the turbine park, but also the replacement and modernization of equipment. This will allow us to increase and improve the efficiency of nuclear power plants, to increase the generation of electric energy, which is important in conditions a new market, when every additional kilowatt-hour produced gives additional income,” Energoatom President Yuriy Nedashkovsky said.
According to the CEO of Turboatom Victor Subbotin, the volume of modernization at Energoatom for five years will exceed UAH 6 billion, which is a significant contribution to the utilization of production capacities and personnel of the enterprise.

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Electricity generation by all power plants of state-owned enterprise Energoatom in January-July 2019 increased by 4.5% (2.099 billion kWh) compared to the same period of 2018, to 48.861 billion kWh.
According to the press service of the company, the target for production of electricity for this period was exceeded by 1.1%.
During this period, the power plants of the state-owned enterprise supplied 45.954 billion kWh of electricity to the market against 43.979 billion kWh in January-July 2018.
The share of Energoatom in the total structure of electricity production in the country was 53.5%.
The volume of capital investments in the seven months of 2019 amounted to UAH 5.711 billion through January-July against UAH 5.654 billion in the same period last year.
Capital investments funding amounted to UAH 8.714 billion against UAH 7.168 billion in 2018.
Energoatom in January-July transferred UAH 8.203 billion to the budgets of all levels, insurance payments amounted to UAH 1.469 billion.
