Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian Foreign Minister: It is important that EU budget for 2028-2034 already reflects logic of Ukraine’s enlargement and membership in EU.

Long-term budget programs of the European Union should take into account Ukraine’s future membership in the EU, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga stressed.

During a discussion at the 20th Yalta European Strategy (YES) meeting in Kiev, the minister said that Ukraine needs macro-financial assistance and long-term support programs. According to him, the EU needs to build its policy now “through the paradigm that Ukraine is already a member of the European Union.”

“In accordance with the EU procedures, the process of preparing a 7-year budget for 2028-2034 starts in February 2025. It is very important that this budget already reflects this philosophy and logic. The logic of Ukraine’s enlargement and membership in the EU. This is very, very important, and we hope that our partners support this project,” Sibiga said.

According to the foreign minister, after World War II, one of the key goals of the founding of the EU was “to overcome war as a way of thinking and politics, and this idea remains relevant today.”

“There must be a clear realization that only Ukraine’s victory guarantees a secure future for Europe. We must be more decisive, act faster and with more confidence in our decision-making. Europe must also build up its defense capabilities,” he said.

Sibiga also assured European partners of Ukraine’s responsible work on the way to unification of domestic and foreign policy with the EU and careful fulfillment of its “homework”.

“In the field of foreign policy, Ukraine will ensure full harmonization with the EU and aims to join 100 percent of EU statements,” he said.


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