Business news from Ukraine

Germany to provide another EUR 40 mln for humanitarian aid for Ukraine

Germany will provide another EUR 40 million in humanitarian aid for Ukraine, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany Anna Lührmann has said.
“I also came today to announce that Germany will provide EUR 40 million in humanitarian aid to help this winter. We will also provide an additional EUR 5 million for the reconstruction of Ukrainian schools along with the UNDP,” Lührmann told reporters in Kyiv on Wednesday.
She added that the process of transferring equipment to help during the upcoming winter is already underway, in particular, generators for more than EUR 11 million, which will arrive in Ukraine soon.
Lührmann arrived in Ukraine as part of a delegation of other high-ranking European officials. In particular, Vice-President of the European Parliament Nikola Beer, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution at the Federal Chancellery of Austria Karoline Edtstadler, State Secretary for Europe of Croatia Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of Liechtenstein Dominique Hasler, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry Foreign Affairs of Latvia Gunda Reire, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Jovita Neliupšienė, and Romanian Foreign Ministry Secretary of State for Global Affairs Daniela Gitman.
Thus, Gitman said that her country would provide EUR 300,000 UNHCR to help the Ukrainian population in winter.
Edtstadler said that Austria has provided Ukraine with the largest humanitarian aid package in history, amounting to more than EUR 92 million.
“In addition, we are providing EUR 100,000 to the International Criminal Court because it is important for me, as a former criminal judge, to ensure an independent investigation of war crimes and to start gathering evidence,” Edtstadler said.
Reire announced that a women’s rehabilitation center in Ivano-Frankivsk, which is partly funded by Latvia, will start operating next week. “It will provide shelter, a wide range of rehabilitation services, legal counseling, psychological assistance to women who are victims of sexual violence,” Reire said.


UAE allocates $100 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The United Arab Emirates announced the allocation of humanitarian aid to Ukraine in the amount of $100 million, the press service of the UAE Permanent Mission to the UN reports.
“The international community must step up its support to alleviate the suffering of civilians and ensure that their basic needs are met. To this end, earlier this week, the UAE announced a US$100 million in humanitarian assistance to Ukraine,” the statement said on Thursday night. Saturday.
On October 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a conversation with the head of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, on October 17.


Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to grant $400 mln in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz announced the allocation of humanitarian aid to Ukraine in the amount of $400 million, the official SPA news agency reported on Saturday following his phone talk with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky the day before.
The Crown Prince emphasized “the Kingdom’s position of supporting everything that will contribute to de-escalation, and the Kingdom’s readiness to continue the efforts of mediation,” SPA reported.
In turn, Zelensky congratulated the crown prince for his appointment as the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, and expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Kingdom for its vote for the UNGA resolution, along with 142 other countries, condemning Russia’s decision to annex.
Ben Salman stressed that the Kingdom’s vote for the resolution emanates from its commitment to the deep rooted principles in the UN charter and international law, and its commitment to the respect of state sovereignty and the principles of good neighborliness, and resolving conflicts by peaceful means.
The President of Ukraine said the two leaders had agreed to work towards the release of Ukrainian prisoners of war held by Russian troops. The Saudi Crown Prince played a prominent role in mediating efforts in September that successfully led to the release of 10 prisoners of war, including two Americans.

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The United States will provide almost $368 million in additional humanitarian aid to Ukraine to support people inside Ukraine and refugees forced to leave their country, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.
“Our commitment to the people of Ukraine is resolute. The United States is providing nearly $368 million in additional humanitarian aid to support people inside Ukraine and refugees forced to flee their country to seek safety in the midst of Russia’s brutal war,” he wrote on Twitter on Saturday.



Moldova is ready to continue providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine and to accept more refugees from Ukraine, Moldovan President Maia Sandu said.
“The Moldovan government has also provided humanitarian aid in Vinnytsia, Odesa, Chernivtsi and Mykolaiv regions to cover all the growing needs of the people who live there, and we are ready to continue to provide this assistance,” Sandu said at a press conference following talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Monday.
Sandu pointed out that about 500,000 people from Ukraine went to Moldova after Russia’s large-scale aggression. According to her, there are still 73,000 refugees from Ukraine in Moldova, 42,000 of whom are children.
“I confirmed our readiness to provide them with all the necessary support and accept more people if necessary,” Sandu assured.

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A group of Ukrainian lawmakers will travel to Seoul next month, Yonhap reports, citing a representative of the South Korean ruling party Power of the People.
“As far as I know, their visit to South Korea will take place around July 4,” a party spokesman said on condition of anonymity.
He noted that the number of participants in the Ukrainian delegation will be identical to the composition of the South Korean delegation that visited Kyiv in June.
According to sources, the Ukrainian delegation is expected to be headed by MP Andriy Nikolaenko.
One of the main topics of discussion will be humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
On Tuesday, Seoul approved the allocation of additional $30 million in humanitarian aid to Kyiv.
It is specified that these funds will be used to provide medicines and food, but not weapons.
South Korea plans to allocate an additional $20 million, which will increase the total amount of South Korean assistance to Ukraine to $100 million, the agency said.

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