Business news from Ukraine

Scholz: Germany to provide Ukraine with Patriot, IRIS-T, Gepard, missiles and ammunition

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says that Germany will soon provide Ukraine with the third Patriot system, IRIS-T and Gepard missiles, rockets and ammunition.

“Ukraine’s most important need today is ammunition and weapons, especially air defense. Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, we will supply Ukraine with the third Patriot system, IRIS-T, Cheetahs, missiles and ammunition,” he said at a conference on Ukraine’s recovery on Tuesday.

According to him, since February 24, 2022, Germany has provided Ukraine with 30 billion euros in military aid, as well as billions in humanitarian aid.

“I would like to address all those present and ask you to support our initiative to increase the capacity of the Ukrainian air defense with everything you can,” Scholz urged.

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Germany hands over another Iris-T air defense system to Ukraine

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced the transfer of another Iris-T air defense system to Ukraine, the German defense ministry’s social network X reported on Friday.

“We have once again delivered to Ukraine a combined fire unit consisting of the IRIS T SLM and IRIS T SLS, a modern and well-proven medium and short-range air defense system, directly from the German industry,” Pistorius said.

He noted that the new air defense system will strengthen Ukraine’s air defense along with the recently delivered Patriot system.

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