Business news from Ukraine

72.5% of Ukrainian citizens have a positive attitude toward the State of Israel – survey

Active Group and Experts Club conducted a joint study on the attitudes of Ukrainians toward the countries of East Asia and the Middle East. The study was presented at the Interfax-Ukraine news agency in June 2024. The research was presented by Maksym Urakin and Oleksandr Poznyi. The results of the study are as follows:

The results of the survey are as follows:
Completely positive – 25.6
Mostly positive – 46.9 %.
Mostly negative – 8.1 %.
Completely negative – 4.1%.
Difficult to answer – 15.3%.
Positive – Negative – 60.3

On December 26, 1991, diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the State of Israel were established. In 1993, the Embassy of the State of Israel was opened in Kyiv.

The joint survey by Active Group and Experts Club on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards East Asia and the Middle East was conducted in April-May 2024. It covers such countries as Turkey, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, India, China, Republic of Korea, DPRK, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, and Iraq. Full information on the research is available on the website of the Club of Experts at

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Ukraine has invited both Israel and Palestine to Peace Summit – president

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that both Israel and Palestine have been invited by the Ukrainian side to the Peace Summit to be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland.

“We have no double standards. That is why, despite – whether someone likes it or not, we invited both Palestine and Israel to the Peace Summit. And representatives of the Global South. We have invited all countries to our Summit. We are ready to hear all thoughts, ready to talk to them all,” Zelensky said while speaking to the media on the margins of the Dialogue – Shangri-La conference in Singapore on Sunday.

Among the uninvited countries, the president noted, is only Russia.

“And not just because they are aggressors. Although that is point number 1. Point number 2 is that we had summits with Russia as, for example, within the Normandy format, after which they did not fulfill the agreements and continued to kill us and block processes, including the ceasefire,” he said.

Earlier, as part of his speech at the Dialogue – Shangri La conference in Singapore, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for an objective assessment of Ukraine’s position on the situation in the Gaza Strip, stressing that Ukraine is a just country that respects international law and the UN charter and recognizes two states – both Israel and Palestine.

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76th anniversary of independence of State of Israel was solemnly celebrated in Kyiv

On May 20, 2024, the Embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine held a diplomatic reception in Kyiv on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the proclamation of the independence of the State of Israel.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Ukraine Michael Brodsky welcomed distinguished guests to the event, including representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Ukraine, Ukrainian politicians and statesmen, representatives of law enforcement agencies, businessmen, representatives of the Israeli community, and cultural figures.

The event began with the performance of the National Anthem of Israel and Ukraine by the men’s quintet of the Verevka Choir.

Ambassador of the State of Israel to Ukraine Michael Brodsky delivered a speech in Ukrainian in which he emphasized that this year the Israeli people celebrate their main national holiday in times of war.

“It is difficult for us to rejoice this year. One and a half thousand Israelis were brutally murdered on October 7, and more than 130 of our fellow citizens are still in the hands of terrorists.

This year we are especially acutely aware of the high price we have to pay for our independence. We are paying for it with the blood of our children and our loved ones,” said the Ambassador.

In his speech, the Ambassador also emphasized that in difficult times of trial, both nations demonstrate understanding and amazing support for each other.

“There are few countries in the world that understand each other better than Israel and Ukraine. On February 24, 2022, from the first day of Russian aggression, the people of Israel supported Ukraine. On October 7, the people of Ukraine unequivocally supported Israel. We feel this support and highly appreciate it. I am confident that in spite of everything, we will cope with our problems. That despite wars and terror, our countries will remain free and independent,” – the Ambassador added.

On behalf of the Ukrainian government, Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, expressed congratulations on the occasion.

During the reception, a photo exhibition “Design Duty” was held, featuring designers from Israel and around the world.



Biden signs bill to provide aid to Ukraine and Israel – New York Times article

The $95.3 billion bill was passed after months of congressional gridlock jeopardized a major thrust of President Biden’s foreign policy.

President Biden was set to sign a $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Wednesday, reaffirming U.S. support for Kyiv in its fight against Russia’s military attack after months of congressional gridlock threatened the White House’s main foreign policy thrust.

On Tuesday evening, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve the package, a sign of bipartisan support after growing policy divisions raised questions on Capitol Hill and among U.S. allies about whether the United States would continue to support Kyiv. The 79 to 18 vote gave Biden another legislative achievement to boast about, even in the face of an obstructionist House of Representatives.

“Congress passed my bill to strengthen our national security and send a message to the world about the strength of American leadership: We stand firmly for democracy and freedom, against tyranny and oppression,” Mr. Biden said Tuesday night, just minutes after the Senate vote.

He said he would sign the bill into law and address the American people on Wednesday “so we can start sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine this week.”

The White House first requested the security package in October, and officials explicitly acknowledged that the six-month delay has put Ukraine at a disadvantage in its fight against Russia.

“The Russians are slowly but successfully taking more and more territory from the Ukrainians and pushing them to the first, second, and sometimes third line of defense,” John F. Kirby, spokesman for President Biden’s National Security Council, said on Air Force One on Tuesday. “The short answer is yes, there has been damage done over the last several months.”

Nevertheless, the passage of the legislation ended an extraordinary period in Washington. Speaker Mike Johnson had to overcome fierce right-wing opposition to get it through the House of Representatives. The aid is split into four parts: one measure for each of the three US allies and another designed to sweeten the deal for conservatives, which includes a provision that could lead to a nationwide ban on TikTok.

The bill includes $60.8 billion for Ukraine; $26.4 billion for Israel and humanitarian aid to civilians in conflict zones, including Gaza; and $8.1 billion for the Indo-Pacific. It also includes sanctions against Iranian and Russian officials.

The House of Representatives also added a provision requiring the president to demand that the Ukrainian government repay $10 billion. The idea to include a portion of the aid to Ukraine in the form of a loan was another example of former President Donald Trump’s influence on Congress. Trump called for making any future aid to Ukraine a loan.

The White House tried to reach an agreement with Mr. Johnson in various ways for six months. Officials even agreed to some tougher measures at the US border when Mr. Johnson said he would not allow aid to Ukraine without border restrictions. But when Trump denounced the law, hoping to prevent Biden from winning the election, Republicans followed suit.

But when the Senate passed its own bill to provide $95 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan without any immigration measures, it increased the pressure on Mr. Johnson.

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Israel to provide Ukraine with early warning systems for missile strikes

Israel plans to provide the Ukrainian army with early warning systems for missile strikes and drone attacks, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN Gilad Erdan said during a meeting of the UN General Assembly on February 26.

“Israel is working to provide Ukraine with early warning systems in order to save civilians from Russian attacks. We are forced to become experts in this field, and we are ready to share our expertise with our Ukrainian friends who need help,” Erdan emphasized in his speech.

He also noted that Israel has been supporting Ukraine since the first weeks of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

“Israel sent over 100 tons of humanitarian equipment to our Ukrainian allies during the first week of Russia’s invasion. We have also deployed field hospitals in Ukraine that have helped thousands of wounded, and hundreds of Ukrainian patients have been treated in hospitals and clinics in Israel,” the Israeli representative said.

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Israel opens its market for Ukrainian feed flour and feed fats

Israel has opened its market for Ukrainian feed flour and feed fats, the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection reported.

According to the report, the Ukrainian and Israeli competent authorities have agreed on a veterinary certificate for poultry/feather/fish meal and a veterinary certificate for oils and fats for animal feeding.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection continue to open doors for Ukrainian products in the world. Only last week and this week we opened new markets in three countries: China, Qatar and Israel. This is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ systemic strategy to help Ukrainian businesses in times of war. Within the framework of our Nazovni platform, from January 2023 to February 2024, we processed 84 applications from exporters to enter the Israeli market, so it is interesting for business,” said Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

According to the head of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, Serhiy Tkachuk, the agency is currently studying 220 areas for opening markets in other countries for such commodities as meat, dairy products, fish products, bee products, and others.

The harmonized forms of veterinary certificates for feed flour and feed fats are published on the website of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the section “International Cooperation”, heading “Certificates for Export from Ukraine”.

The agency reminded that the first step for exporting Ukrainian products of animal origin is a request from the market operator to the territorial body of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection at the place of location.

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