Business news from Ukraine


Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) will prepare bachelors under a reduced three-year program.
“We are ready to solve a problem of the shortage of specialists for restoration and construction of certain facilities. Now we are developing reduced programs, analyzing how to optimize them. After the victory, our defenders will be able to take these courses and get involved in restoration of the country as soon as possible,” professor, rector of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Petro Kulikov said during a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday.

According to him, the task is to “squeeze” the four-year bachelor’s program to three years.
The KNUCA rector noted that a smaller number of applicants is expected this year. “We are losing foreign students, as interest in the country at war, of course, is falling. Colleagues in European countries have provided preferences for our applicants, and a significant number of those who have gone abroad are considering this possibility. Despite this, we hope that we will have a full-fledged enrollment,” Kulikov said.
At the same time, he noted that international cooperation between universities is expanding. “I am grateful to our colleagues from Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. There are no political moments in the scientific and educational environment, there is, above all, a creative interest. In the coming days, we are signing an agreement with a French higher education institution, in June – an agreement between an association of Polish and Ukrainian universities. We are talking about the exchange of students and other forms of cooperation,” Kulikov said.

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Kyiv will have a restoration plan “one day after the war,” Mayor Vitali Klitschko told Interfax-Ukraine following talks at the World Economic Forum (WEF).
“Everyone is stressing that we should prepare a plan for the day after the war: where and what we plan to do,” he told Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday on the sidelines of the Ukrainian Breakfast hosted by the Pinchuk Foundation in Davos, host of the WEF.
According to Klitschko, separate projects for the renewal of infrastructure, logistics and the construction of a number of facilities are planned even for wartime.
At the same time, the mayor said that due to problems with the execution of the national budget, the capital is experiencing difficulties in accessing its own funds in the State Treasury.
“We have the city’s money in the Treasury, but there is no money in the Treasury. That is, we have money virtually, but not really,” he said.
Answering the question whether it is possible in such circumstances, Kyiv, following the example of the government, will also turn to the issuance of war bonds, Klitschko said: “Maybe.”
In the middle of May, the mayor estimated the cost of restoring all damaged buildings in the city at more than EUR 70 million.

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Smoke is possible in Kyiv due to fires in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, according to the Telegram channel of the Kyiv City State Administration on Wednesday.
“The State Agency for the Management of the Exclusion Zone informs that the radiation state is within control levels. Smoke may move towards Vyshgorod and Kyiv, both from fires in the exclusion zone and from fires near Ivankov and the village of Strakholesye outside the exclusion zone. Extinguishing complicated by the wind, limited technical resources due to the consequences of the occupation – theft and destruction of a large amount of equipment and fuel, as well as the threat of mine explosions,” the report says.
According to the Kyiv City State Administration, as of 17:00, the air quality on the right and left banks of the capital is within the normal range, no excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants was found.
At the same time, the city authorities urge the people of Kiev to close windows in case of smoke and, if possible, not to be in the open air. In addition, if available, air conditioning and air purification systems should be turned on. In case of smoke, experts advise to carry out wet cleaning, increase indoor air humidity, increase fluid intake up to 2-3 liters per day for adults.



The EU Advisory Mission to Ukraine (EUMM) has returned to the mission’s headquarters in Kyiv.
“Forced to evacuate from Kyiv, as well as from all field offices in Ukraine in connection with the full-scale Russian invasion on February 24, demonstrating its full support and commitment to Ukraine, the mission joins a number of EU member states and institutions and returns to Kyiv,” the mission reads. message on the EUMM website on Wednesday.
The mission noted that the first group of advisers, both international and Ukrainian, will conduct a needs assessment together with key partners of the mission. Based on this assessment, and in the event that security conditions remain favorable, the intention is to gradually increase the EUMM presence in Ukraine over the summer.
“As EUMM tasks are expanded to include advice on the investigation and prosecution of international and war crimes, this first core team deployed to Kyiv will consist, among others, of criminal investigation advisers who will work closely with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine,” – explained in the ECMS.



The restaurant market in Kyiv has shrunk by half, since the beginning of the war at least a third of establishments have been closed, Olga Nasonova, co-founder of the National Restaurant Association of Ukraine, told Interfax-Ukraine.
“At best, half of the 500,000 active consumers of restaurant services have remained. This means that half of the market simply does not have its own audience, it does not exist now physically. Restaurant Kyiv today is a city of harsh contrasts. A dead desert with closed doors of cafes and restaurants is enlivened by oases of crowded establishments. At least a third of Kyiv restaurants are closed. It is not known when they will open,” Nasonova said.
According to her observations, only about 20% of open catering establishments show a good load. “From central Kyiv, these are Keds, Musafir, Milk Bar, Mimosa, Arugula, Naprosecco – I won’t mention everyone, but everyone who was downtrodden was doing well before the war,” says Nasonova .
In addition to such top establishments even before the war, according to her estimates, two formats have a chance to “survive”.
“Coffee shops and bakeries will hold out. Low average bill, small area. Chains such as Family Bakery, Lviv Croissants, Espressoholik, Aroma Kava” will be fine with them. Establishments with the concept of simple and hearty cuisine are in demand: “Musafir”, “Mama Manana” (Georgia), “Puzata Khata” … But exotic concepts are now in much less demand, it’s like pampering, or something. Sushi, ramen – it’s more about pampering yourself from time to time, “Nasonova said .
The expert also noted that the curfew practically stopped the work of bars in the capital.
“It’s hard to get used to drinking before 9 pm,” Nasonova said.
At the same time, kiosks with shawarma feel best of all.
“Simple and cheap food is the trend of the coming months, and single men are the main audience,” says the expert.
As for prices, since the beginning of the war, prices for the most democratic positions have already increased by about 10%.
“The (Kyiv) perepichka index is growing – already 30 hryvnias, at the end of 2021 it was 25 hryvnias. For economists, these figures speak volumes. Coffee prices began to rise from the beginning of the year, cappuccino in January was 32 hryvnias, in March it was already 35 hryvnias, in the center now UAH 38,” Nasonova said.
Established in 2021, the National Restaurant Association of Ukraine (NRAU) for May 2022 unites more than 50 members, 450 restaurants and cafes.

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The Romanian Embassy in Ukraine has resumed work in Kyiv, Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said.
“Very glad to announce that starting today the Romanian Embassy in Kyiv has resumed its activity on the ground. Romania fully stands with its partner Ukraine in its bold fight for freedom!” Aurescu wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

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