Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Municipal enterprise Kyiv Metropoliten, which ordered the contraction of the subway line running to the Vynohradar residential area in Kyiv, has announced the repeated tender. According to the information in the ProZorro e-procurement system, the expected cost of works is UAH 5.994 billion. Bids can be submitted before October 11 inclusively. The bids will be opened on November 16. The bid security is UAH 1 million (at the previous tender it was UAH 29.9 million). The minimum decrement is 0.5% (UAH 29.9 million).
In addition, during the new tender the only criterion for selecting the winner is the price, while at the previous tender the term of work delivery was taken into account by 25%.
As reported, on September 5, 2018, Kyiv Metropoliten cancelled a tender for constructing a new subway line to the Vynohradar residential area. One of the bidders, PJSC Kyivmetrobud failed to provide a bank guarantee in time for participating in the auction. Kyiv Metropoliten rejected the offer of another participant, LLC Adamant Construction Company (Adamant), citing the company’s failure to provide reliable tender documents. Adamant filed a complaint with the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine leading to the cancellation of the auction.
Kyiv Metropoliten in January 2018 announced a tender to build the Syretsko-Pecherska subway line from the Syrets station to the Vynohradar residential in Kyiv’s Podilsky District to the tune of UAH 6.3 billion. The date of the tender was repeatedly postponed. The expected cost of work at the last auction fell to UAH 5.99 billion.
Kyiv City State Administration approved the subway line construction blueprints in July 2018.
The new section of the subway line will consist of two stations – Mostytska and Prospekt Pravdy, as well as a section in the direction to the Vynohradar station. It is estimated that construction work will take 36 months.

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