Business news from Ukraine

No outbreaks of infectious diseases have been recorded in Odessa

According to the results of monitoring of the regional center for control and prevention of diseases Odessa regional center for control and prevention of diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine cases of group incidence of infectious diseases have not been identified.
“No outbreaks of infectious diseases and group cases have been registered,” the department said in a statement posted on Facebook Tuesday evening.
Nevertheless, “according to the monitoring data, the incidence of acute intestinal infections in the region, compared to the previous week, increased by 10.5% (it is 190 cases against 172), including among adults – by 29.2% (93 against 72), among children under the age of 17 there was no change (…).”
The department stressed that the overall incidence rate per 100 thousand people was 8.1.
The highest incidence among the total number of cases is observed among children under 17 years (51.1%), and among them the most vulnerable is the age group from 1 to 4 years (50.4%).
Reportedly, only 1.8% of the total number of cases have no established cause of the disease.
It is noted that out of 168 registered patients with gastrointestinal disorders, 156 patients were tested for cholera, all with negative results.
The region continues to actively monitor water quality, with regular sampling of water from the sea and water.
“During the week 100 environmental samples were tested, including seawater – 52 samples, fresh water – 28 samples, sewage from infectious disease hospitals (departments) – 18, seafood (hydrobionts) – 2”.
It is reported that no cholera vibrio was detected in any of the monitoring points.
In addition, the results of samples of seawater for sanitary and microbiological with five public beaches in Odessa, it was found that the water does not meet hygienic requirements
“At present, a significant excess of microbiological indicators has already been recorded, so swimming or using such water for food processing is FORBIDDEN. The catching of fish and seafood in the sea and reservoirs, eating them, as well as buying such products is FORBIDDEN”, – were reminded in the Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
It is also noted that the sanitary-epidemic situation is under constant control, in addition, on the basis of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention formed groups of rapid response to various threats, including biological, chemical and radiological.
“Environmental monitoring is conducted on a daily basis. The headquarters works 24/7.The epidemic situation is predictable and manageable. But the general well-being of the population depends on each of us,” the agency summed up.

Unauthorized trade in fish is banned in Odessa

In Odessa, spontaneous trade in fish and seafood of unidentified catch near markets, shopping centers, etc., is prohibited, reported in Telegram-channel of the Odessa City Hall “Odessa. Officially”.
“We also inform the heads of enterprises and institutions carrying out their activities in the territory of the city of Odessa, regardless of ownership of the ban (restriction) of sale of fish and seafood unspecified place of catch”, – said in a message published on Sunday.
The corresponding decision was taken at an extraordinary meeting of the commission on technogenic and environmental safety and emergency situations of the Executive Committee of the Odessa City Council on June 17, 2023.


Salinity of the sea on the beaches of Odessa has fallen by almost 2 times

Samples of sea water in the water area of Odessa showed an excess of pollutants and a sharp drop in salinity due to the Russian occupants of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant on the Dnieper, but no cholera pathogens were detected, according to the Telegram channel of the Odessa City Hall “Odessa. Officially” on Tuesday.

“In samples of seawater sampled on June 10 from points in Odessa cholera pathogen and cholera-like vibrios were not detected … In samples of seawater sampled at the beach “Langeron” excess of iron in 4.8 times, salinity below the norm in 2.7 times; in samples taken at the 16-th station B. Fountain samples recorded excess of suspended solids in 1.8 times, iron – in 5.2 times, the salinity is 2.9 times below the norm,” the statement said.

At the same time, it is reported that the drinking water supplied to Odessa complies with sanitary norms. “Drinking water corresponds to the State sanitary norms and rules 2.2.4-171-10 “Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption”, – reported in the City Hall.

The Odessa City Council reminded that the order of the Odessa Regional Military Administration of July 16, which established a special mode of movement of citizens in certain areas of the Odessa region, prohibits staying on the Black Sea coast, in particular within the beach areas, is still in force.


Epidemiological situation in Odessa remains stable

The epidemiological situation in Odessa remains stable and controlled, the press service of the Odessa city council said.
“The incidence of acute intestinal infections in Odessa over the past week decreased by 44.6% and amounted to 56 cases, of which 55.4% – children. There are 42 patients with acute intestinal infections in the city infectious diseases hospital, 12 patients were admitted yesterday, which is not a high level for this period of the year,” the message indicated in the Telegram channel on Friday.
Earlier, the media reported that an epidemic of intestinal infections could start in Odessa due to the bombing of the Kakhovskaya HPP by the Russians.


Sea pollution with oil products is observed in Odessa

Sea pollution with oil products is observed in the Black Sea near Otrada beach, the press service of the Odessa city council said.
“On the sea surface visually observed characteristic slick of oil products of unspecified size,” – is indicated in the message.
It is noted that employees of the State environmental inspection of the Southwestern district (Nikolaev and Odessa regions) on Saturday morning took samples of sea water in the place of pollution in order to conduct appropriate laboratory analysis.
“For today, employees of the State Environmental Inspection, the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Regional State Administration and the Department of Ecology and Recreation Development are taking joint actions to establish the volume and sources of pollution and informing law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner,” – stressed in the City Council.

Odessa Filatov Institute will hold international conference from May 24 to 26

On May 24-26, 2023, the annual international scientific-practical conference “Filatov Readings – 2023” will be held, which is registered in the State Non-Commercial Enterprise “Center for Testing the Professional Competence of Specialists with Higher Education in the Fields of “Medicine” and “Pharmacy” under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and accredited by EACME. In addition to specialists from Ukrainian regions, leading ophthalmologists from Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Armenia, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Spain, China, Moldova, Netherlands, Germany, UAE, Poland, Portugal, Romania, USA, Turkey, Hungary, France, Switzerland, and Egypt will also participate.
The reports will discuss modern approaches and methods of diagnostics and treatment of eye diseases using the latest technologies. The scientific-practical conference with international participation “Filatov Readings-2023” is organized by “Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists” Public Organization and State Institution “Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after A.N. Shupik. The program of the scientific-practical conference is dedicated to the priority problems of ophthalmology: corneal and anterior eye diseases, post-traumatic eye pathology, including combat trauma, cataract surgery, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmo-oncology, vitreoretinal pathology, pediatric ophthalmopathology, refractive and accommodation disorders, glaucoma and reconstructive surgery. Thus the scientific-practical conference with international participation “Filatov Readings-2023” will bring together well-known scientists, researchers, practitioners and specialists of related fields in order to exchange experience, expand professional contacts and business relations, which will contribute to the main result of medical science – improvement of public health and prevention of eye diseases.
The speaker Gerrit Melles, MD, PhD (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) will open the conference with a lecture, which is dedicated to Academician V.P. Filatov “How Nature would have seen our cornea win”.
At the “Filatov Readings – 2023” conference, meetings of professional societies will be held: Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists, Ukrainian Glaucoma Society, Union of Ukrainian Ophthalmosurgeons, Ukrainian Council of Young Scientists, European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists (ECLSO), Polish Ophthalmological Society “Ophthalmology in the 21st Century” (POS), German Ophthalmological Society DOG, Association of Ophthalmologists of Moldova.
During the plenary and breakout sessions, the Ukrainian and foreign specialists will present their innovative solutions, inventions, improvements in ophthalmology. All the participants will get certificates.
Location: 49/51 French Boulevard, Odessa, State Institution “Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after N.P. Filatov. Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after V.P. Filatov NAMS of Ukraine.

Phone numbers for inquiries (048) 746-52-08
State Institution “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. V.P. Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
