Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Condition of compliance of building materials with EU Regulation 305 should be mandatory for recovery projects – Andriy Ozeychuk

One of the criteria for participation in state reconstruction programs should be their compliance with the new law “On the Placing of Construction Products on the Market”, also known as EU Regulation 305, says Andriy Ozeychuk, director of the engineering and construction company Rauta and chairman of the board of directors of the Ukrainian Steel Construction Center Association.

“The implementation of the requirements of Regulation 305 will improve the quality of Ukrainian construction products to the European level and create prerequisites for Ukrainian producers to participate in international tenders for the reconstruction of Ukraine and open up opportunities for exporting construction materials to the EU market,” he explained during the roundtable discussion ”Public Partnership and Investment in Territorial Recovery. How to Involve Ukrainian Construction Materials Producers in the Reconstruction Process” at the Interfax-Ukraine press center on Friday.

Mr. Ozeychuk emphasized that the state should promote more active involvement of Ukrainian producers in the recovery process and create the preconditions for the development of the construction industry.

According to him, there are currently no designated conformity assessment bodies for several product categories to fully implement Regulation 305. Another pressing issue is the possibility of recognizing the test results of EU laboratories in Ukraine, which will avoid the procedure for obtaining a certificate of stability of indicators.

He also mentioned the persistence of corruption in tenders, when the terms of reference are prescribed for the products of a particular manufacturer.

At the same time, he believes it is crucial to eliminate non-market pricing, when the real wages of construction workers differ significantly from those that can be agreed upon by the regulatory authorities; to reduce the risks of non-payment for work performed and delays in financing.

Mr. Ozeychuk noted that the state should take a systematic approach to restoring the war-affected industry. It is necessary to support the creation of new production facilities for construction materials that are not produced in Ukraine or their production volumes are insufficient for potential recovery (European steel, thick plates, hardware, glass, insulation, membranes, etc.)

“It is important for the state to encourage European partners to involve Ukrainian producers in financing the recovery, rather than importing structures from the EU, as is sometimes the case now. (It should – IF-U) give preference to Ukrainian producers without limiting foreign suppliers of products and services, unless there is a full-fledged alternative in Ukraine. This is especially true for products that are equivalent in quality to their European counterparts,” Ozeychuk emphasized.

He pointed out that Ukrainian manufacturers of metal structures have sufficient potential for recovery and are already at the level of European ones: they design according to Eurocodes, work according to modern EN 1090 standards and use BIM technologies, the expert explained.


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Ruukki sandwich panels were used for construction of NOVUS Logistics Center

Ruukki Energy sandwich panels were used for the construction of the NOVUS Logistics Center, the first BREEAM-certified food logistics complex in Ukraine, the Rauta press service reports.

“Especially for the logistics terminal, Rauta specialists, which is the exclusive importer of Ruukki sandwich panels in Ukraine, have developed a project of enclosing structures with unique nodes that provide maximum airtightness and significant cost savings during the operation of the facility,” said Rauta Director Andriy Ozeychuk.

As reported, in the spring of 2024, Novus Ukraine LLC, which operates the Novus hyper- and supermarket chain, launched the NOVUS Logistics Center in Kyiv, built according to the BREEAM green building principles with loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The complex was BREEAM certified at the design stage, and now, after commissioning, the company is preparing the facility to receive the international BREEAM certificate for new buildings, rating Good.

With an area of more than 50 thousand square meters and a height of 15 meters, NOVUS Logistics Center is designed for 5.2 thousand pallet spaces and has 18 temperature zones – from -30 to +24 degrees Celsius.

According to Konstantin Parshin, Head of Operational Logistics at NOVUS, thanks to the use of Ruukki sandwich panels, the temperature inside the main room does not fall below the set 15 degrees in winter and does not rise above 20 degrees in summer.

The release emphasizes that the use of Ruukki Energy sandwich panels ensured the building’s airtightness up to q50 = 0.01 m3/h∙m2 and thermal resistance of structures up to R = 7.47 (m2∙K)/W, which are the best indicators for cold storage warehouses.

Founded in 2014, Rauta Group LLC (Rauta) is an engineering and construction company engaged in the design, supply and installation of sandwich panels, ventilated facades and prefabricated buildings. It is the exclusive importer of commercial products from the Finnish concern Ruukki to Ukraine, as well as the developer of a number of innovations that reduce the cost and time of construction.

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Use of sandwich panels made in Ukraine increased by 15% in first half of 2024

The use of Ukrainian-made sandwich panels increased by 15% in the first half of 2024, while sales of imported products decreased by 12%, Andriy Ozeychuk, director of the engineering and construction company Rauta, told Interfax-Ukraine.

“In the first half of 2024, the volume of the Ukrainian sandwich panel market in absolute terms amounted to just over 1 million square meters, which is similar to the figures for 2023. At the same time, the use of Ukrainian-made panels increased by 15%, while sales of imported products decreased by 12%,” he said.

Ozeychuk also emphasized the change in the structure of sandwich panels: their share of mineral wool is decreasing, while the demand for panels with PIR (polyurethane foam – a fire-resistant insulating material based on polyurethane) filler is growing, which has the highest thermal insulation properties and a lower price.

“From 2021 to 2024, the price in euros of PIR-filled sandwich panels decreased by 18%, while mineral wool-filled panels increased in price by 37%,” he said.

At the same time, the Rauta director stated that today the construction of new facilities is actively developing only in western Ukraine, while in other regions it is limited to spot projects and the reconstruction of destroyed buildings.

According to him, the main problem of the construction market, in particular the sandwich panel segment, is a large market decline of 60-70% compared to 2021. Most investors take a wait-and-see attitude and do not risk investing in new projects.

At the same time, despite the war risks, the owners of most of the destroyed commercial and industrial facilities have invested in their restoration to quickly restart their businesses, allowing them to continue to operate efficiently.

In particular, Rauta has implemented a number of large-scale restoration projects, including the Retroville shopping mall in Kyiv, the production shop of the Chernihiv Automobile Plant, and the Novus supermarket in Bucha (Kyiv region).

According to Ozeychuk, the industry’s acute problems are a shortage of personnel, especially among skilled laborers, as well as blackouts.

“For some positions, we have to look for specialists for several months, and sometimes train employees ourselves. That’s why salaries and, accordingly, the cost of construction are rising. Blackouts, which last from two to six hours a day, reduce the productivity of builders, increase the time and cost of construction by 20-40%,” he said.

According to his observations, the program for the restoration and protection of critical infrastructure facilities has the greatest impact among government programs.

“In general, by the end of 2024, we expect the sandwich panel market to remain at the level of 2023 with a possible growth of up to 10%,” Ozeychuk summarized.

Founded in 2014, Rauta Group LLC (Rauta) is an engineering and construction company engaged in the design, supply and installation of sandwich panels, ventilated facades and prefabricated buildings. It is the exclusive importer of commercial products from the Finnish concern Ruukki to Ukraine, as well as the developer of a number of innovations that reduce the cost and time of construction.


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Commercial real estate renovation projects account for up to 20% of Ukrainian construction market

Commercial real estate restoration projects account for up to 20% of Ukraine’s construction market, Andriy Ozeychuk, director of Rauta engineering and construction company, told Interfax-Ukraine.
“Despite the military risks, the owners of most of the destroyed commercial real estate are investing in their restoration to restart their businesses, which allows companies to continue to operate efficiently. In particular, about 80% of commercial facilities destroyed during the full-scale invasion and located far from the war zone have already been rebuilt or are in the process of being rebuilt,” he said.
According to Mr. Ozeychuk, the figure is lower in the segment of industrial and warehouse buildings, at about 40%.
“For most of these facilities, the owners are looking for financing,” explained the Rauta director.
According to him, among the restoration projects Rauta was involved in were the Retroville shopping center (Kyiv), the production shop of the Chernihiv Automobile Plant, and the Novus supermarket in Bucha (Kyiv region).
Rauta’s experience in restoring commercial real estate shows that often an additional requirement of investors during the restoration of facilities is to improve their energy efficiency and architectural attractiveness, which allows them to optimize costs during the operation of buildings.
According to the World Bank, as of February 2024, Ukraine’s reconstruction needs were estimated at $486 billion, of which about 25% were commercial real estate.
Rauta is a leading provider of reliable construction solutions in Ukraine and the European Union.
According to Opendatabot, Rauta Group LLC was registered in Ukraine in 2014. Its authorized capital is UAH 388 thousand, and its revenue for 2022 is UAH 102.396 million.


Trends in Ukrainian construction market during martial law from Rauta

The full-scale invasion radically changed the geography and size of the construction market, caused personnel changes, influenced the legislation and also opened up new business segments for Ukrainian construction companies.

Rauta director Andriy Ozeychuk told about trends and changes in construction during 2022-2023.

To date, total amount of losses is more than $150 billion, including the largest losses suffered by the housing stock ($56 billion), infrastructure ($37 billion) and industry ($12 billion). During the two years of the full-scale invasion, about 15% of the production facilities of construction materials were destroyed. At the same time, the segments of rolled steel and dry gypsum mixtures experienced the greatest losses.


In 2022, the size of the Ukrainian construction market decreased by approximately 65%. In 2023, there is a tendency to consumption growth of construction products and services, and according to the yearly forecasts, the market is expected to increase by 20%. At the same time, the size of the residential real estate market in hryvnia equivalent will remain at the level as it was last year, non-residential construction will grow by 15%, and infrastructure will show an increase of 40%.

The demand structure for new residential real estate in Ukraine has changed dramatically. Front-line regions experienced the biggest drop in construction market to almost 90%, the central part – a decrease up to 70%, and in the west, construction increased by 15%, which is associated with the relocation of businesses and internally displaced persons, as well as the active development of real estate resorts in the Carpathians.

The primary real estate market was reoriented mainly to the west of Ukraine. Developers in other regions are mostly focused on finishing current projects, which were started before March 2022. Currently, most investors do not dare to start new construction projects and take a wait-and-see attitude.

In the Centeral, Northen and Eastern Ukraine, the demand for the reconstruction services of destroyed buildings and structures has significantly increased. A business that has suffered the destruction of real estate needs the reconstruction of buildings in order to resume functioning.

Currently the fastest-growing construction segments are the infrastructure reconstruction, primarily bridges and social buildings, at the expense of state budget and donor funds.

In response to wartime threats, new segments of the construction market appeared: structures for the protection of critical infrastructure facilities and modular reinforced concrete shelters designed to protect people during air raids, artillery fire, etc.


In 2022-2023, the cost of construction increased by 53%, which led to a similar price increase for the primary real estate market. The construction cost price will continue to grow, which is determined by objective processes, including increased demand and inflation.

Import reorientation

Suppliers of construction materials, which previously imported products from the russia and belarus (glass, bitumen, rolled steel, cement, sandwich panels, etc.), were forced to reorient themselves to supply goods from EU countries and Turkey.

Due to the closure of Ukrainian ports, the import of construction materials by sea (rolled steel, chemicals, decoration materials, etc.) became impossible. Today, the import of these materials to Ukraine takes place mainly through Romania, which has led to an increase in their cost.

At the end of 2023, complications arose with the import of raw materials and construction materials due to blocking by Polish and Slovak carriers of checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. It also caused an increase in prices and delivery times of imported construction materials.


During the full-scale invasion, the reduction in the number of the working population of Ukraine amounted to about 35%. The mobilization and emigration of qualified specialists caused a shortage of personnel in the construction industry, which is felt even against the background of a significant market decrease. In the future, this may lead to an increase in wages, which will further increase the cost of construction, but still it will not solve the problem of the lack of qualified personnel.

In this regard, rapid construction technologies, which require a minimum number of workers, are becoming more and more popular. For example, the construction of buildings from sandwich panels requires much smaller number of specialists than in case of installing building from small pieces of materials.

During reconstruction, Ukraine will need a large number of construction specialists, therefore, in the future, we are likely to expect labor migration of qualified personnel from the EU and labor specialties from Asia.


Among the main legislative innovations in recent years, there is a notable trend to improve people’s safety and improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Thus, the adoption of amendments to Law No. 2486-IX regulates the requirements for the arrangement of bomb shelters during the construction of new buildings. Also, DBN B.2.6-31:2021 changed the requirements for the minimum permissible values of the reduced heat transfer resistance of the envelope structures of buildings, which increased by an average of 28%.

Preparation for reconstruction

Currently, most Ukrainian investors are preparing for reconstruction and are actively calculating the cost of construction, but as a rule they are waiting for the end of hostilities to start new projects.

International financial institutions are also planning to get involved in reconstruction and are gradually entering the Ukrainian market. The key criteria for financing post-war construction in Ukraine will be transparency and speed of project implementation, so international organizations are already starting to establish partnerships with reliable Ukrainian construction companies. At the same time, priority is given to companies that work with European materials and technologies, which allows to create modern architecturally attractive and energy-efficient buildings.

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The technology of sandwich panels frameless construction makes it possible to build settlements for migrants in just a few months.

Rauta has developed several options for master plans development, taking into account different needs and funding opportunities, which may include projects for houses with 1-2 rooms with a separate entrance, own bathroom and kitchen.

“The concept of settlements for migrants is based on the highest speed of construction, comfortable layouts and increased energy efficiency,” said Andriy Ozeychuk, Rauta director. “The unification of production processes and ease of installation make it possible to ensure the mass construction of camps in any region of Ukraine in a few months.”

A distinctive feature of the Rauta proposal in comparison with alternative solutions for temporary residence is that houses made of sandwich panels can be effectively operated for decades and, if necessary, people will stay in such settlements for a long time with a comfortable standard of living.

If sometime the need for such settlements disappears, then the houses can be easily dismantled and moved to other places, as well as repurposed to perform new functions: recreation facilities, administrative centers, outpatient clinics, small commercial or office buildings, etc.

You can see the refugee houses layouts and possible options for master plans at the link.
