Business news from Ukraine

Scholz: Germany to provide Ukraine with Patriot, IRIS-T, Gepard, missiles and ammunition

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says that Germany will soon provide Ukraine with the third Patriot system, IRIS-T and Gepard missiles, rockets and ammunition.

“Ukraine’s most important need today is ammunition and weapons, especially air defense. Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, we will supply Ukraine with the third Patriot system, IRIS-T, Cheetahs, missiles and ammunition,” he said at a conference on Ukraine’s recovery on Tuesday.

According to him, since February 24, 2022, Germany has provided Ukraine with 30 billion euros in military aid, as well as billions in humanitarian aid.

“I would like to address all those present and ask you to support our initiative to increase the capacity of the Ukrainian air defense with everything you can,” Scholz urged.

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Netherlands, Denmark and Germany to produce CV90 and Patriot for Ukraine

The Netherlands, together with Denmark, will produce CV90 infantry fighting vehicles for Ukraine, and together with Germany – Patriot.

This was announced on Friday by the Dutch government.

“The Netherlands, together with Denmark, is participating in a €400 million Swedish fund to create CV90 infantry fighting vehicles for Ukraine. Most of them will be produced in the Netherlands. In addition, Germany is launching a European assembly line for Patriot missiles, partly due to demand from the Netherlands,” the press release said.

In addition, the Dutch Ministry of Defense is also investing 54 million euros in the Dutch industry to develop drones for its own armed forces. This is included in the action plan to increase the production and supply of military equipment, the Dutch government said.

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