Business news from Ukraine

UMCC resumes production of titanium raw materials and operation of IGOK quarries

PrJSC United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC), which has taken over management of Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (VGMK, Dnipro region) and Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant (IGOK, Zhytomyr region), has resumed mining titanium raw materials and the full operation of the open pits at Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant.
According to the company’s press release on Thursday, this branch was shut down in October 2022. This decision was made due to the lack of contracts for the sale of ilmenite concentrate and, at the same time, significant stocks of finished products in warehouses.
Currently, the management of UMCC has signed a large contract to sell the branch’s products to a strategic North American customer. Accordingly, there is a need to restore the plant’s full capacity.
“Back in April, we gradually started preparing for the full resumption of the branch’s operations, including the full resumption of production. We made all the necessary purchases and carried out as many repairs as possible. Now we have an active contract with an American end user for 70 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate from Irshansk GOK,” said Yegor Perelygin, acting Chairman of the Board of UMCC.
According to him, another 25-40 thousand tons are currently under discussion. Additionally, the company is preparing to start negotiations for 30 thousand tons for a European end user, with a shipment plan for the fourth quarter of this year.
“Since we have almost sold the old stocks in our warehouses, which is good news, the resumption of quarrying is critical,” said Perelygin.
He specified that the company plans to produce 12 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate per month by the end of this year.
“We understand that if there is an opportunity to increase production, we will definitely press the gas pedal. But there are several barriers and negative factors that constantly make adjustments to our production program. Everyone is well aware that we are in the active stage of the war and need to prepare for surprises or unplanned problems. In particular, it concerns the stabilization of electricity supplies to the plant,” added the CEO.
He also explained that UMCC has come a long way to qualify IGOK’s ilmenite concentrate for the North American market, and it is strategically important for the company to maintain this momentum until 2025, as then we can talk about long-term contracts and long-term product qualification.
“My personal dream is that 2/3 of IGOK’s products should be exported to the market that is strategic for us as a country and that our cooperation with the American chemical industry should only strengthen and the volumes should grow. This will allow us to move to planning horizons of 1-3 years, even during the war, and will have a good stabilizing effect,” Perelygin explained.
According to him, this will also allow us to move to a broader development of the local resource base, in particular by returning to the implementation of the capital investment program.
“Unfortunately, due to the lack of long-term money and a large number of unpredictable events, the last two years have been practically on hold,” summarized the acting chairman of the board of UMGC.
United Mining and Chemical Company started its actual operations in August 2014, when the Ukrainian government decided to transfer the property complexes of Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (VGMK, Dnipropetrovska oblast) and Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant (IGOK, Zhytomyrska oblast) to its management. On December 8, 2016, the state-owned enterprise was transformed into PJSC UMCC, and on December 26, 2018, it was transformed from PJSC to PrJSC.
UMCC used to sell its products to more than 30 countries. The main sales markets were the EU, China, Turkey, as well as the USA and African countries.

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Yaroslavsky’s DMZ cuts rolled steel production by 40.5%

Dnipro Metallurgical Plant (DMZ), a part of DCH Steel of businessman Aleksandr Yaroslavsky’s DCH Group, cut rolled steel production by 40.5% year-on-year to 33.8 thousand tons in January-June this year.
According to a report in DCH Steel’s corporate newspaper on Thursday, coke production during this period increased by 1.1% to 143.5 thousand tons.
At the same time, in June 2014, DMZ reduced its rolled steel output by 83.2% compared to June 2013 and by 69.2% to 2.4 thousand tons compared to the previous month. Metallurgical coke production in June decreased by 26.9% compared to June 2023 and by 3.6% compared to the previous month to 24.4 thousand tons.
In addition, during the regular rolling campaign, which lasted 13 days in May and June, Rolling Shop No. 2 produced about 10 thousand tons of products, most of which have been sold to date. However, due to a lack of orders, the next rolling campaign was postponed. In turn, rolling shop No. 1 is scheduled to start rolling in the third decade of July.
As reported, in 2023, DMZ increased its rolled metal output by 86.2% compared to 2022, up to 105.6 thousand tons, and coke by 38.5%, up to 292.7 thousand tons.
In 2022, the plant reduced its rolled steel production by 74.2% compared to 2021, to 58.4 thousand tons, and coke production by 56.3%, to 211.3 thousand tons.
DMZ specializes in the production of steel, pig iron, rolled products and products made from them.
On March 1, 2018, DCH Group signed an agreement to buy Dnipro Metallurgical Plant from Evraz.

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Ferrexpo increased pellet production by 67.6%

Ferrexpo plc, a mining company with major assets in Ukraine, produced 3 million 297,441 thousand tons of pellets in January-June this year, up 67.6% year-on-year (1.967 million tons).
According to a press release on Monday, Ferrexpo produced 1 million 483,468 thousand tons of pellets in the second quarter of this year, down 18.2% from the previous quarter (1 million 813,973 thousand tons).
At the same time, the total production of commercial products (pellets and iron ore concentrate) in the first half of this year increased by 75.3% compared to the same period in 2023, to 3 million 727.336 million tons from 2.126 million tons. In particular, the production of saleable concentrate amounted to 429.865 thousand tons compared to 160 thousand tons in January-June 2023.
Commenting on the group’s performance, Interim Executive Chairman Lucio Genovese pointed to strong production results for the first six months of 2024, up 83% compared to the same reporting period in 2023 and up 75% compared to the first half of last year.
“This is our best result since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. During the quarter, access to the Black Sea shipping corridor allowed us to continue shipping from Ukrainian ports. It is estimated that over 800 vessels, including 90 carrying ferrous metals, have safely passed through the corridor since it opened in late 2023. An increase in the number of shipowners willing to charter vessels to Ukrainian ports has led to improved availability, but freight rates and insurance premiums remain high not only for passage to Ukraine but also through the Red Sea,” Genovese said.
He also stated that other price pressure factors continued to increase in the second quarter, especially electricity prices. Attacks on energy production and transmission infrastructure have significantly reduced Ukraine’s domestic energy supply. Mr. Genovese added that Ferrexpo had started looking for alternative energy from Ukraine’s European neighbors in advance, which has so far resulted in minimal disruption to its operations.
“So far, we believe that the level of risk is acceptable given the ongoing war in Ukraine. We will continue to utilize all available export capacity to ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are supported, while maintaining labor levels to increase production, generate taxes and royalties for the government and continue our humanitarian activities,” the acting CEO summarized.
According to the press release, the group successfully operated two and sometimes three pelletizing lines (out of four) during the quarter, changing product quality depending on customer demand and expanding logistics capabilities. With the variable capacity of each pelletizing line, total production for the quarter amounted to 1 million 672,506 thousand tons, including 1 million 483,468 thousand tons of pellets and 189,038 thousand tons of concentrate.
DR pellet production resumed during the quarter. The Group’s nearly completed press filtration complex has improved the physical strength and chemical quality of pellets.
Group CFO Nikolay Kladiev noted that during January-June this year, the company quickly brought previously idle capacities back into operation, thanks to renewed access to customers from the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, which led to an improvement in the cash conversion cycle.
“While we took advantage of the opportunity to produce, export and sell more, the higher iron ore prices we benefited from in the first quarter did not carry over into the second quarter. This, combined with higher electricity prices, resulted in lower margins as we approached the end of the second quarter. However, we maintained our cash position, even as we invested in capex projects aimed at maintaining resilience and improving efficiency,” the CFO stated.
As reported, Ferrexpo produced 3.845 million tons of pellets in 2023, down 36.5% from 2022.
Ferrexpo owns a 100% stake in Yeristovo Mining, 99.9% in Bilanivsky GOK and 100% in Poltava Mining.

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“Zaporozhkoks” increased production by 2% in January-June

Zaporozhkoks, one of Ukraine’s largest coke and chemical producers and a member of Metinvest Group, increased its blast furnace coke output by 2% year-on-year to 435.25 thousand tons from 426.76 thousand tons in January-June this year.
According to the company, it produced 72.56 thousand tons of coke in June.
As reported, Zaporozhkoks increased its blast furnace coke output by 16% in 2023 compared to 2022, up to 856.8 thousand tons from 737.4 thousand tons.
“Zaporozhkoks produces about 10% of coke in Ukraine and has a full technological cycle of coke products processing. It also produces coke oven gas and pitch coke.
“Metinvest is a vertically integrated mining group of companies. Its major shareholders are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage the company.
Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.


Kyiv Pulp and Paper Mill maintains slight positive production dynamics

In January-May, the volume of marketable products of Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill (Kyiv Pulp and Paper Mill, Obukhiv, Kyiv region), the industry leader in Ukraine by this indicator, amounted to UAH 3 billion 173 million, which is 3.6% more than in the same period last year, according to statistics from Ukrpapir Association.

As reported, the mill moved to positive production dynamics in the first quarter (up 0.2%), while in January-February there was a 2.4% decline in this indicator compared to the same period last year.

According to UkrPapir’s statistics provided to Interfax-Ukraine, in physical terms, the mill’s corrugated box production increased by 4.5% to 92.3 million square meters over the five months, which remains the best in the industry.

Cardboard production decreased by 7.5% to 64.4 thousand tons, including production of containerboard by 8.4% to 52.7 thousand tons and boxboard by 3.4% to 11.7 thousand tons.

The output of base paper for sanitary and hygiene products increased by 8.3% to 19 thousand tons, and the production of toilet paper increased by the same percentage to 107.55 million units.

The plant is a stable leader in toilet paper production in Ukraine: over five months, the industry’s major enterprises produced a total of 262.37 million rolls, up 10%.

According to UkrPapir, in May, Kyiv Pulp and Paper Mill reduced its paper and cardboard output by almost 10% to 15.8 thousand tons by May 2023, while corrugated boxes increased by 5% to 19.2 million square meters.

According to the Association’s data from the main industry enterprises, in January-May, paper and cardboard production in Ukraine increased by 6.1% compared to the same period in 2023, to 240.4 thousand tons, and cardboard boxes by 21.4%, to 237.7 million square meters.

Kyiv Pulp and Paper Mill is the parent company of the eponymous group of companies, one of the largest cardboard and paper products producers in Europe with a staff of over 2,500 people.

It has, among other things, a 240,000-tonne-per-year cardboard production facility and a 355 million-square-meter corrugated packaging plant, as well as a production facility for the production of base paper and finished products with an annual capacity of 70,000 tons of base paper.

As reported, in 2023, the plant produced products worth UAH 7 billion 568 million, up 1.8% year-on-year.

Global grain production will increase by 1% and amount to 2312 mln tons – report

Global grain production in the 2024-2025 marketing year (MY, July-June) will increase by 1% compared to the previous season and amount to 2312 million tons due to higher yields of wheat, barley and sorghum, which will compensate for the decline in corn production, the International Grains Council (IGC) said in a report on Thursday.

At the same time, grain consumption will increase, and end-of-season stocks are expected to fall to a ten-year low, including in major exporters.

According to the forecasts, the volume of contracted grain trade in 2024/25 MY will increase by 4% and reach 416 mln tonnes. At the same time, the demand for global consumption will amount to 2320 mln tonnes, and carry-over stocks will be 580 mln tonnes.

In 2024/25, the global soybean production is expected to reach the maximum of 414 mln tonnes. The main demand for soybean products in the upcoming season will come from the world’s leading buyers – the USA, Brazil and Argentina. At the same time, carry-over stocks continue to accumulate. The trade in soybeans in October-September will intensify and increase by 2%, reaching a new high, according to IGC.

Speaking about other oilseeds, IGC drew attention to the expected significant global production of rapeseed/canola against the background of almost unchanged sunflower production, which will be similar to last year’s volume.

According to IGC forecasts, global rice production in 2024/25 MY will reach a record peak and grow by 2%, driven by increased production in major exporting countries, particularly in South Asia. Rice consumption will increase due to population growth, while stocks may increase due to accumulation in India. Trade is likely to decline in January-December 2025 amid rising supplies to Africa and lower demand from Asian importers, particularly Indonesia.

The IGC forecasts a 5% decline in demand for lentils and beans in January-December 2024 to 21.2 mln tons.

The International Grains Council also drew attention to the temporary abolition of tariffs on imports of raw rice, brown and white rice to Brazil until the end of 2024, which aims to mitigate the effects of recent rains and floods in southern Brazil. In addition, IMG members noted recent changes in India’s pulses import policy.
