Business news from Ukraine


Agroholding KSG Agro in 2021 increased its net profit by 16 times compared to 2020 – up to $20.27 million, EBITDA doubled – up to $12.28 million.
According to the holding’s report on the Warsaw Stock Exchange website on Monday, its revenue for the specified period increased by 44% to $30.75 million.
KSG Agro for the reporting period doubled its gross profit – up to $12.95 million, operating profit – one and a half times, up to $10.63 million.
“The past year, thanks to our efficient work and a number of circumstances, was successful for us. Thanks to the right selection of technologies and favorable weather conditions, our crop yields set a record for the last 10 years. In the pig segment, we received good intermediate results from our long-term project for the renewal of the pig population sows of Canadian genetics Genesus”, – commented on the results of the holding’s work, the head of its board of directors Sergey Kasyanov.
According to the report, the working capital of the agricultural producer by December 31, 2021 increased by 9.5 times compared to December 31, 2020 – from $1.1 million to $10.6 million.
Last year, the agricultural holding increased profits in the crop segment by 2.2 times compared to 2020, to $18.3 million, while in the livestock sector it increased by 9%, to $11.2 million.
According to the report, the agricultural holding collected 31.02 thousand tons of wheat in 2021 (+ 72% by 2020); 18.21 thousand tons of sunflower (+55%); 8.56 thousand tons of barley (+76%); 9.33 thousand tons of corn (an increase of 3.4 times) and 0.76 thousand tons of rapeseed (a decrease of 3.6 times).
The number of sows at KSG Agro last year increased by 3% – up to 5.56 thousand. At the same time, the total number of animals (pigs and piglets) for the specified period increased by 5.5% – up to 43.7 thousand heads.
“Currently, management assesses the risk that any fighting will reach the group’s pig farm as low. The group also temporarily moved its headquarters from the city of Dnipro to Chernivtsi, close to the western border of Ukraine and away from Russian aggression,” the group said. in a group message.
As of December 31, 2021, the agricultural holding’s assets increased by 13.5% compared to the same date in 2020, to $71.44 million, while its current debt obligations decreased by 20.4%, to $25.74 million, and long-term liabilities – by 11%, up to $22.36 million.
The vertically integrated holding KSG Agro is engaged in pig breeding, as well as the production, storage, processing and sale of grains and oilseeds. Its land bank is about 21 thousand hectares.
According to the agricultural holding itself, it is among the top 5 pork producers in Ukraine.
KSG Agro in 2020 reduced net profit by 3.2 times compared to 2019 – to $1.27 million, revenue – by 11%, to $21.34 million, while increasing EBITDA by 2.9 times – to $6, 02 million
The owner and chairman of the board of directors of KSG Agro is Sergey Kasyanov.



According to the results of January-March 2022, the mobile operator Lifecell LLC (lifecell) recorded a net profit of UAH 209.4 million, which is 2.52 times more than in the same period of 2021.
According to the operator’s press service on Friday, the company’s income in the first quarter of this year increased by 21.5% – to UAH 2.307 billion from UAH 1.899 billion in the first quarter of 2021.
EBITDA at the end of the specified period increased by 20% – to UAH 1.292 billion (in the first quarter of 2021 – UAH 1.077 billion). At the same time, EBITDA margin decreased by 0.7 percentage points to 56% (56.7%).
Lifecell’s capital investments for the first three months of the year increased by 24.3% – up to UAH 711.6 million from UAH 572.4 million in the first quarter of last year.
The active three-month subscriber base of lifecell increased by 11.3% – up to 8.9 million subscribers (8 million in January-March 2021).
Active three-month ARPU grew by 7.1% year on year and amounted to UAH 84.3 (UAH 78.7 a year earlier). At the same time, the 12-month active MoU decreased by 4.1% to 170 minutes (from 177 minutes in the first quarter of 2021).
“Some of our people are fighting on the front lines. The rest, in the conditions of war, do their work during rocket attacks. As soon as our army liberates the territory from the invaders, our brigades, together with contractors, go to the destroyed facilities and resume their work. That is why the first quarter of 2022 can be proud. And I’m glad to be a part of the lifecell team and a part of Ukraine”, commented Ismet Yazidzhi, CEO of lifecell, commented on the results of the quarter of 2022.
As reported, according to the results of 2021, lifecell received a net profit of UAH 610.9 million, which is 4.24 times less than in 2020 (UAH 2.589 billion), while the operator’s income in 2021 increased by 24.1% – up to UAH 8.483 billion. EBITDA increased by 30.9% to UAH 4.751 billion, while EBITDA margin increased by 2.9 percentage points (p.p.) to 56%.
Lifecell’s capital investments in 2021 increased by 3.2% to UAH 3.594 billion.



Mining company Ferrexpo with assets in Ukraine in 2021 increased its net profit by 37.1%, to $870.99 million, with revenue growth of 48.1%, to $2 billion 518.23 million, according to the company’s report on the London Stock Exchange in Friday.
According to it, EBITDA profit increased by 67.5% to $1 billion 438.76 million.
The report also notes that the company’s gross debt fell from $266 million to $50 million last year, while its net cash position increased from $4 million to $117 million.
Ferrexpo says its manufacturing assets were not affected by the hostilities after Feb. 24, but shipping has been halted since Feb. 25, with only shipments to Europe currently taking place.
Commenting on the impact of the war on operations and financials, Ferrexpo says it has adjusted its long-term model to reflect lower sales volume caused by a lack of offshore sales to its customers. The expected lower sales volume will have a negative impact on cash flow generation, which in turn will negatively affect the carrying value of the group’s non-current assets in future periods. However, Ferrexpo has so far refrained from making any assessments.
At the same time, Ferrexpo said it had prepared stress tests with more severe adverse changes such as a 3, 6 and 18 month production halt. Under these stress testing scenarios, the impairment loss could increase to between $320 million and $400 million, again depending on circumstances and macroeconomic data that would only be known to the Group at the time of preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2022.



Over 2021, mobile operator Lifecell LLC (lifecell) received a net profit of UAH 610.9 million, which is 4.24 times less than in 2020 (UAH 2.589 billion), according to the company’s financial statements.
At the same time, the operator’s income in 2021 increased by 24.1%, to UAH 8.483 billion.
EBITDA increased by 30.9%, to UAH 4.751 billion, while EBITDA margin increased by 2.9 percentage points (p.p.), to 56%.
Lifecell’s capital investments in 2021 increased by 3.2%, to UAH 3.594 billion.
According to the information provided, in the fourth quarter of 2021, the operator’s income increased by 25.7%, to UAH 2.406 billion. EBITDA in the October-December quarter increased by 26.5%, to UAH 1.319 billion.
On an annual basis, the operator’s active three-month subscriber base in 2021 expanded by 13.6%, to 9.2 million (compared to 8.1 million in 2020).
The active three-month 4.5G subscriber base in 2021 grew 32% year-on-year to 73% of total mobile data users at the end of the year. Average data consumption per user in the fourth quarter of 2021 grew by 13%, mainly due to higher data usage by 4.5G users, the company notes. The penetration of smartphones in the lifecell network at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021 was 83%.
The company’s active three-month ARPU increased by 12.3% in 2021 and amounted to UAH 83.2 compared to last year’s figure of UAH 74.1. At the same time, the 12-month MoU increased 2.7% year-on-year, while falling 3.5% year-on-year in the fourth quarter.
Operator lifecell is the third largest mobile operator in Ukraine. Turkcell (Turkey) owns 100% shares of Lifecell LLC.

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JSC Ukrzaliznytsia received UAH 21 million in net profit in January 2022 versus a loss of UAH 693 million in January 2021, Oleksandr Kamyshin, head of the company’s board, said on his Telegram channel on Monday.
According to him, revenue increased by 63%, to UAH 9.3 billion (versus UAH 5.7 billion in January 2021). EBITDA increased five times to UAH 2.6 billion (January 2021 – UAH 506 million).
“This is despite the fact that now we have received UAH 1.8 billion exchange loss, and last year there was UAH 117 million exchange income,” he said.
As reported, JSC Ukrzaliznytsia received UAH 457 million in net profit in 2021 versus a loss of UAH 11.9 billion a year earlier.

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The net profit of Citibank (Kyiv) in January-September 2021 amounted to UAH 1.225 billion, which is 18.5% more than in the same period in 2020 (UAH 1.03 billion), according to the quarterly reports released on the bank’s website.
According to the report, for the third quarter of 2021, the net profit of Citibank increased by 32.8% compared from the corresponding indicator of the previous year – to UAH 479.15 million.
The bank’s net interest income for the nine months of 2021 decreased by 3.3% compared to the comparable period (to UAH 1.03 billion), while net commission income increased by 7.5% (to UAH 195.3 million).
The bank’s assets over the specified period increased by 23% – to UAH 34.3 billion, in particular, cash and cash equivalents increased by 17% (UAH 10.14 billion), clients’ loans and debts increased by 2.2 times (to UAH 5.675 billion).
Citibank’s liabilities in January-September 2020 increased by 25.8%, to UAH 31.92 billion, including bank funds by 2.2 times, to UAH 330.1 million, and customer funds increased by 25.2%, to UAH 31.385 billion.
The bank’s equity capital during this period decreased by UAH 113 million – to UAH 2.368 billion, charter capital remained at the level of UAH 200 million.
Citibank was founded in 1998 and is a subsidiary bank of the American Citibank NA.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of September 1, 2021 Citibank ranked 14th in terms of total assets (UAH 34.494 billion) among 72 operating banks.
