Business news from Ukraine

Raiffeisen Bank started issuing unsecured “green” loans to small businesses for FEZs

Raiffeisen Bank has started issuing unsecured “green” loans to small businesses for  construction  solar power plants, as well as for the purchase of electric cars and charging stations to them.

As noted in the bank’s statement on its website on Tuesday, both FLPs and legal entities can obtain financing up to 80% of the cost of the relevant equipment and installation.

Under the terms of lending, the loan amount can be up to UAH 9 million for a period of 24 months. The interest rate is 17-19% per annum, without additional commissions.

“Thanks to the new loan program Raif contributes to decentralization of the energy system, development of electric mobility and ‘green’ recovery of Ukraine. Our business clients can reduce their risks, become energy autonomous, ensure the continuity of their work, reduce the cost of electricity and fuel. Having installed SES for loans from Raif, entrepreneurs will be able to produce “green” electricity for their own business needs, charge electric cars of their enterprises and clients with it, and sell the rest to the energy market, receiving additional income”, – commented Elena Shpirko, Raif’s business banking client segment development manager.

The bank specified that as the largest foreign lender to the Ukrainian economy, it issued UAH 1.5 billion of “green” loans to businesses, including for  construction  SES, production of solar panels, creation of biogas and biomethane plants, biofuel boilers, implementation of energy efficiency projects, etc.

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The small business spirit index in 2018 was 3.2 points out of the maximum possible five, which corresponds to a neutral level, according to a study conducted by the European Business Association (EBA). According to a report on the EBA’s website, small business representatives are optimistic about the prospects for development this year: out of the 278 interviewed owners and directors of small enterprises in all spheres of activity 76% expect business to improve in the next six months, while 87% forecast profit growth in 2018.
More than half of the companies surveyed plan to increase the number of employees, while 57% to raise wages, 64% to increase the amount of financing their business in 2018, the report says.
At the same time, the materials of the study indicate that 40% of the companies polled were founded in the crisis years of 2015-2017.
“The survey shows the orientation of small businesses to exports. Some 27% of the companies surveyed have already entered foreign markets, and 30.3% plan to do this this year. The companies intend to develop their enterprises and reinvest their earnings in their own business,” the report states.
However, small business development is hampered by difficulties in obtaining loans. According to the survey, 82% of the surveyed heads of companies admitted that they need credit funds, 65% of respondents have difficulties with this, in particular 15.5% of them say that borrowings are “absolutely impossible.” “In general, 68.2% of respondents believe that the economic situation in Ukraine does not contribute to the development of small business, and only 3% of respondents are completely satisfied with the business climate in Ukraine,” the release says.
