Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

ENERGO-PLUS entered European market through cooperation with Twerd

The Ukrainian research and production enterprise ENERGO-PLUS is expanding its capabilities by becoming a co-founder of one of the oldest and most experienced electrical equipment companies in Poland.

This strategic step became possible due to the launch of joint activities with the Polish company TWERD Energo-Plus Sp. z o.o. The partnership resulted in the creation of the Ukrainian-Polish company TWERD Energo-Plus, which will allow promoting the equipment of SIC ENERGO-PLUS and Conversion Technology LLC on the European and global markets. This will create an alternative to the de facto monopoly on the global market of Chinese manufacturers of high-voltage frequency converters for 6 and 10 kV motors.

“Today, the company is investing resources in energy technologies to become one step closer to building an energy-independent economy in Ukraine. We are planning to use the latest developments from TWERD Energo-Plus Sp. z o.o., relying on their unique expertise and many years of experience in developing flagship equipment that has proven itself in the world. Thanks to our joint efforts, we will be able to offer high-voltage frequency converters for motors that drive pumping equipment and conveyors, mine hoists and other equipment at industrial and mining enterprises, water utilities, water supply systems, etc. Our own production in Ukraine will allow us to reduce the cost of this equipment and become competitive in the market, competing with Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers, especially taking into account the full and qualified technical support provided by TWERD representatives in Ukraine,” commented Yevhen Korf, Director of RPE ENERGO-PLUS LLC.

The newly created consortium allows expanding the production base to 5000 square meters and combining the efforts of the two companies’ own electrical laboratories. In addition, this cooperation allows us to combine production facilities and a professional certified team that can provide installation and service faster than competitors in Ukraine, Poland and other countries.

Cooperation with the Polish company is already helping the Ukrainian company to manufacture and service frequency converters for medium and high voltage with the effect of recovery, inverters for alternative energy sources and storage devices, charging stations for electric vehicles.


RPE ENERGO-PLUS LLC is one of Ukraine’s leading enterprises in the energy sector. Its core business is the design, development, and implementation of industrial automation, power supply, and various electrical systems for Ukrainian enterprises and private companies.

The international group of companies combines the efforts of the Polish manufacturer TWERD Energo-Plus Sp. z o.o. and the Ukrainian consortium ENERGO-PLUS, which includes SPE ENERGO-PLUS LLC, NV LLC Conversion Technology and LLC High Voltage Technologies Group.

Official websites of the companies: and

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