Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian banks earned 19% more than last year in 2024

Who are the top 10 banks by profit?

Ukrainian banks earned UAH 40.5 billion in 2024. Despite the increase in taxation, banks managed to earn 19% more than in the same period last year. Only 8 banks out of 63 suffered losses in Q1 2024.

Ukrainian banks earned UAH 40.5 billion in profit after tax in Q1 2024. Despite the fact that the tax rate increased from 18% to 25%, banks managed to earn 19% more than in the same period last year.

There are currently 63 banks operating in Ukraine, including 6 state-owned, 14 with foreign capital, and 43 with private capital. Only 8 banks out of the total number suffered losses this year – UAH 111 million.

The top 10 banks in Ukraine earned UAH 34.22 billion in the first quarter. This is 84% of the total profit of all banks in the country.
During this period, Ukrainian banks paid UAH 10.34 billion in income tax, which is one and a half times more than last year. Privatbank paid almost half of this amount – UAH 4.84 billion.
State-owned banks

Privatbank became the leader of the top, earning UAH 13.86 billion in Q1 2024. This is a third of the profit of all banks. However, this is 14% less than in the same period last year – UAH 16.04 billion.

In total, 6 state-owned banks account for 60% of the total profit of all institutions – UAH 24.28 billion. Currently, only the First Investment Bank, which has recently come under state control, suffered a loss of UAH 7.6 million in Q1.
Foreign banks

Raiffeisen Bank remains the leader among banks with foreign capital, having earned UAH 2.53 billion this year. This is 23% more than in the same period of 2023.

Another bank of this group, Credit Agricole Bank, saw its profits for this period increase 20 times compared to the same period last year. This year, the bank earned UAH 2.02 billion compared to UAH 102.9 million in Q1 of last year. This is the largest increase among all Ukrainian banks.

In total, foreign banks earned UAH 10.2 billion, which is a quarter of the total profit. Only one bank, Pravex Bank, suffered a loss of UAH 76.7 million in Q1.
Private capital
FUIB remains the leader of the group of banks with private capital: UAH 2.13 billion of profit for the quarter. This is 38% more than in the same period last year. Together with Universal Bank (Monobank), they received half of the total profit of the banks in this group.
MTB Bank showed the largest increase in profit among private banks: up to 13 times by the first quarter of 2023.


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Banks will have to pay almost half of their profits as tax for 2023

Who are the top 10 Ukrainian banks by profit?

Ukrainian banks earned almost UAH 160 billion in pre-tax profit in 2023. This is almost twice as much as before the full-scale invasion. However, banks will have to pay tax, which is almost half of their total profit – over UAH 73 billion.

UAH 159.99 billion of pre-tax profit was earned by 63 Ukrainian banks in 2023. This is 1.9 times more than in 2021.

However, last year’s net profit was much lower – only UAH 86.54 billion. At the same time, this is still 12% more than before the full-scale invasion. Back then, 71 banks made a profit of UAH 77.53 billion.

Almost half of the banks’ profits must be paid as income tax under the new law – 46% or UAH 73.45 billion. For comparison, in 2021, the tax was almost 12 times less: UAH 6.37 billion or 7.6% of profit.

Overall, only 7 banks out of 63 ended 2023 with losses of UAH 245 million.

Currently, the top 10 banks have undergone little change: the ranking includes 5 banks with foreign capital, 4 state-owned banks, and 1 bank with private capital. Together, these 10 banks earned 88% of the total profit – UAH 75.94 billion. And their income tax amounted to UAH 63.18 billion.

State-owned banks

5 state-owned banks accounted for 63% of the total profit of all banks – UAH 54.71 billion. State-owned Privat is a consistent leader in terms of profit among all Ukrainian banks: UAH 37.76 billion in 2023. This is 8% more than in 2021.

Meanwhile, Oschadbank managed to increase its profit by 4 times last year and received UAH 4.75 billion in net profit. Sens Bank, nationalized in 2023, was also added to the list of state-owned banks.

Foreign banks
14 banks with foreign capital earned UAH 22.43 billion. For comparison, 20 banks in this group earned almost the same amount on the eve of the full-scale invasion.

Raiffeisen was the leader in terms of profit last year: UAH 4.78 billion. Together with Ukrsibbank, which almost tripled its earnings compared to 2021, they accounted for 40% of the group’s profit.

Most foreign banks managed to increase their profits last year compared to 2021. Deutsche Bank showed the largest increase: by 18 times.

Private capital
According to the results of the year, private banks are doing the worst. Last year, 44 banks with private capital earned UAH 9.4 billion in profit. This is 25% less than before the start of the full-scale war.

Almost 2/3 of the total profit of this group is accounted for by 2 banks: FUIB, which is the leader of the group – UAH 3.95 billion, which is 5% less than in 2021, and Universal Bank (Monobank), whose profit decreased by 1.6 times in 2021.

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Ukrainian banks in December increased issuance of loans under program “5-7-9” by 21%

Banks issued 4.42 thousand concessional loans under the state program “Affordable loans 5-7-9%” for UAH 10.27 billion in the last month of 2022, which is 21% or UAH 2.2 billion more than in November 2022, the Ministry of Finance said on its website on Monday.
According to its data, 1.66 thousand such loans worth 8.1 billion UAH were issued in November.
The Ministry of Finance specified that since the start of the program “5-7-9” business entities have received 52.85 thousand loans totaling 165.77 billion UAH from authorized banks, of which almost 34 thousand – from banks in the public sector for a total of 66.26 billion UAH.
It is noted that during the martial law in Ukraine as part of the state program 18.03 thousand loan agreements totaling 76.15 billion UAH (including 13.52 thousand by public sector banks for 39.62 billion UAH) were concluded.
According to the published data, the most credits were granted for war purposes – 38.35 billion UAH, 0.82 billion UAH of credit means were given to entrepreneurs for investment purposes, 6.34 billion UAH were allocated as anti-crisis credits, 4.38 billion UAH were given as refinancing of already received loans and 25.74 billion UAH were loans for agricultural producers.
As reported, the state program “Affordable credits 5-7-9%” with compensation of interest rates by the state was initiated in February 2020 to support projects of Ukrainian micro and small enterprises. Provision of three possible rates – 5%, 7% or 9% – on loans depends on the size of the business and the period of its operation. At the end of October last year the Cabinet of Ministers made changes to the conditions for granting loans under the program “Affordable credits 5-7-9%” and allowed to involve private entrepreneurs with annual income up to UAH 50 mln), also it became possible to fully compensate the rate.
Now 45 banks work with the program “Affordable credits 5-7-9%”.
As the National Bank reported in its Financial Stability Report in late 2022, the prevalence of programs with up to zero rate compensation, rising market interest rates and rapid portfolio growth have significantly increased the government’s financing costs for the program: more than 9 billion UAH must be paid this year instead of the planned 3 billion UAH, resulting in a government debt of 2.6 billion UAH as of early November, which is equivalent to two months of interest compensation and has kept banks from further using the program.
“In conditions of war, government support is a guarantee of business access to credit. So the weighty role of the program will remain in 2023. Since expanding the program will require additional resources, its design should be optimized. Most businesses have already adapted to the war and have resumed production, so an increase in rates should be considered. A separate design is needed for the program for agricultural producers, given the difficulties with the sale of crops due to the destruction of logistics,” pointed out the National Bank.
According to statistics from the NBU, if at the end of 2020, loans provided by the program “5-7-9”, took 5% of the net corporate portfolio of hryvnia, then at the end of 2021 – 18%, and as of December 2022 – 26%.
In turn, head of the Ministry of Finance Serhiy Marchenko reported that the state budget-2023 provides for 14 billion UAH for the program.


Profit of Ukrainian banks decreased by 5.4 times – NBU

The profit of Ukrainian banks in January-August 2022 amounted to UAH 8.4 billion, which is 5.4 times less than in the same period last year (UAH 45.6 billion), the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) reported on Thursday.
According to the report, the profit of Ukrainian banks in August amounted to UAH 5.05 billion, which is 37% less than the profit in July (UAH 8.05 billion).
The regulator noted that the income of banks in August increased by 20.3%, and expenses by 17.9%.
According to the regulator, the income of banks for 8 months of this year increased by 32% against the figure for the same period last year – up to UAH 227.5 billion. Including commission income increased by 2.25 times – up to UAH 130.846 billion.
At the same time, the result from the revaluation and from purchase and sale transactions was positive and amounted to UAH 39.617 billion, while for the same period last year it was negative and amounted to UAH 1 billion.
At the same time, the expenses of the banking system in January-August 2022 increased by 72% compared to this indicator in 2021, to UAH 219 billion, including contributions to reserves, by 12.4 times, to UAH 89.4 billion. At the same time, fee and commission expenses increased by 0.8% to UAH 21.93 billion,
As reported, Ukrainian banks doubled their net profit in 2021 to UAH 77.5 billion compared to UAH 41.3 billion in 2020.



The net loss of Ukrainian banks in January-May 2022 amounted to UAH 1.3 billion against a profit of UAH 23.8 billion for the same period last year, the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) reported on Tuesday.
It is indicated that the net profit for May of this year amounted to UAH 6.1 billion, while in April there was a net loss of UAH 7.426 billion.
According to the NBU, the income of banks for 5 months increased by 15% compared to the same period last year – up to UAH 116.5 billion, including interest income – by 18%, to UAH 76.957 billion, while the commission decreased by 8.9 % – up to UAH 31.032 billion.
At the same time, bank expenses in January-May increased by 51% – up to UAH 117.8 billion, including interest expenses – by 4.3%, up to UAH 22.135 billion, commission expenses – by 13.914%, up to UAH 8.4 billion and expenses from deductions to reserves – by 8.2 times, up to UAH 39.2 billion.



As of June 1, 2022, BTA Bank violated the regulatory capital ratio (norm H1, not less than UAH 200 million) with an indicator of UAH 192.418 million and Alpari Bank (UAH 192.998 million), monthly statistics published on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine show (NBU) for the first time since the beginning of a full-scale war.
The standard for the maximum amount of credit risk per counterparty (N7 standard, no more than 25%) was violated by Industrialbank (39.18%), Oschadbank (25.01%) and Megabank (59.86%).
The risk standard for a total long open currency position (standard L13-1, no more than 5%) was violated by Oschadbank (164.53%), PrivatBank (90.2%), Alliance banks (78.3%) and Portal (fourteen%). Industrialbank (12.7%), Skybank (8.2%), Trust-Capital Bank (5.4%).
According to the NBU, the foreign currency liquidity coverage ratio (LCRів, not less than 100%) was violated by TASkombank (98.33%), Idea Bank (87.4%), Ibox Bank (69.57%), Poltava-Bank (29 .1%) and Megabank (27.97%).
The Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR, not less than 100%) was not adhered to by OTP Bank (99.6%). Alliance (97.3%), Globus Bank (95.7%), PIB (95.1%), Megabank (82.3%).
It is indicated that Megabank violated the regulatory capital adequacy ratio (N2 ratio, not less than 10%) with an indicator of 4.08%, the maximum credit risk ratio for transactions with persons related to the bank (N9, not more than 25%) with an indicator of 81.85 %, the risk ratio of the total short open currency position (standard L13-2, no more than 5%) with a value of 54% and the standard for the liquidity coverage ratio for all currencies (LCRвв, no less than 100%) with an indicator of 3.1%.
It is noted that the standard for calculating the short-term liquidity ratio (N6) by banks is not indicated in the statistics of this month, since it was canceled on March 23.

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