Business news from Ukraine

US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield visits Kyiv

US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield has arrived in Ukraine on a visit, said Nate Evans, Director of Communications and Press Secretary of the US Mission to the UN.

“The US Ambassador to the UN is in Kyiv for a day of meetings to reaffirm the unwavering US support for Ukraine as it defends its freedom and sovereignty in the face of Russia’s brutal and unprovoked invasion,” Evans tweeted on Tuesday.

While in Kyiv, Thomas-Greenfield will meet with Ukrainian government leaders to discuss the unwavering US commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence, according to the US Embassy in Ukraine. She will oversee efforts to document and preserve evidence of atrocities committed by Russian forces and hear first-hand accounts from survivors.

Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield will also discuss the global food security crisis exacerbated by Russia’s invasion and stress the urgent need to extend the Black Sea Grain Initiative into next year. She will also meet with humanitarian organizations working to meet the winterization needs of vulnerable populations affected by Russian attacks on energy and other civilian infrastructure.

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The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, which also condemns the attempt of the Russian Federation to annex the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine.

The resolution calls on countries not to recognize Russia’s claims to the four regions of Ukraine claimed by Russia after the so-called referendums held late last month, and demands that Moscow change course from an “illegal annexation attempt,” according to a press release posted on the website. UN.

The resolution, “protecting the principles” of the UN Charter, notes that the Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporozhye regions are temporarily occupied by Russia as a result of aggression, violation of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Ukraine.

The General Assembly automatically brought the resolution to the discussion caused by Russia’s use of the right of veto in the Security Council in connection with the attempted annexation.

The resolution adopted by the Assembly calls on all states, the UN and international organizations not to recognize any claims of Russia for annexation and demands the immediate cancellation of its application for annexation. The resolution welcomes and “expresses strong support” for the continued efforts of the Secretary-General and Member States to de-escalate the current situation in search of peace through dialogue, negotiation and mediation.


According to the broadcast from the General Assembly hall, 143 out of 193 participants voted in favor, 35 countries abstained (Algeria, Armenia, Bolivia, Burundi, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cuba, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guinea, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe), voted 5 against (Belarus, DPRK , Nicaragua, Russia and Syria).

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President of Ukraine discussed with Emir of Qatar further joint steps in UN

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani further joint steps at the UN and other international platforms.

“I had a conversation with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. He thanked for the strong support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We discussed further joint steps at the UN and other international platforms,” Zelensky wrote on Twitter.


UN World Tourism Organization: International tourism recovered only 60% after pandemic

The number of international travel from January to July 2022 increased to 474 million, which is almost three times more than in the same period last year, according to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
“The number of international travel almost tripled from January to July 2022 (plus 172%) compared to the same period in 2021 to 474 million. This means that the industry has recovered 57% from pre-pandemic levels. A sustained recovery in international tourism is being fueled by pent-up travel demand, as well as the lifting or easing of anti-COVID restrictions,” the organization explained.
As noted in the UNWTO, as of mid-September, anti-COVID restrictions ceased to operate in 86 countries around the world.
According to the organization, 207 million international trips were made in June and July 2022, twice as many as in the same period last year. The same months account for 44% of the total number of all arrivals in seven months. Most of the trips were made in Europe – 309 million.
According to the UNWTO, international tourism in Europe and the Middle East is recovering at the fastest pace. From January to July 2022, the number of trips reached 74% and 76% of the 2019 levels, respectively.
“In seven months, the number of international trips in Europe increased by 190% compared to the same period in 2021. This is due to high demand for intra-regional travel, as well as an increase in the number of tourists from the United States. In the Middle East, in January-July 2022, the number of international arrivals almost quadrupled: in July, the number of travels exceeded the pre-pandemic level by 3%, primarily due to pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia,” the organization noted.
As for the Americas, international tourism there recovered to 65% and 60% of the 2019 level and grew by 103% and 171%, respectively, compared to January-July last year.
In the Asia-Pacific region, the number of international travel is still significantly lower (down 86%) compared to 2019. However, compared to 2021, the number of trips increased by 165%.
According to the UNWTO, some sub-regions have been able to restore international travel to 70-85% of pre-pandemic levels. Thus, the Southern Mediterranean, Europe lag behind by 15% from the pre-pandemic 2019, the Caribbean – by 18%, Central America – by 20%, Western and Northern Europe – by 26% and 27%, respectively.

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The UN plans to open an office of the food organization FAO in Ukraine in Kyiv

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has agreed on the signing of an agreement between the government of the country and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the establishment of a project office in the country to provide it with technical and humanitarian assistance in the face of Russian military aggression.

As reported on the website of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine on Tuesday, the Cabinet of Ministers on September 27 authorized First Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko to sign this agreement.

“Ukraine has long and fruitfully cooperated with the FAO, an organization whose mission is to fight hunger around the world. Our state has been and remains the breadbasket of Europe and the world, but because of the war unleashed by Russia, we already need help. FAO provides it, in in particular, by implementing jointly with the governments of the partner countries programs to support Ukrainian farmers,” Sviridenko was quoted as saying by the ministry.

It is specified that with the start of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, FAO has updated a rapid response plan to help Ukrainian small and medium-sized farmers and agricultural producers. As of mid-August, the organization provided emergency assistance in the form of seed material and cash for 80,000 people in 13 regions of Ukraine.

In addition, FAO and the Government of Ukraine, with the financial support of Japan and Canada, are implementing projects to restore grain storage capacities in the warring country, which provide for the supply of equipment for loading and unloading grain, modular storage containers, etc. to Ukrainian farmers from 10 regions.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the implementation of a rapid response plan and a strategy to increase grain storage capacity in Ukraine will cost FAO and its partners a total of $180.4 million.

“The adoption of the Agreement and the creation of an FAO office in Ukraine will allow raising cooperation to a higher level … We expect closer coordination in matters of grain exports. Ukraine will continue to help countries where the issue of food is acute. In the future, cooperation will contribute to the growth of Ukrainian exports and the achievement of our the goal is to create an export-oriented economy with high added value,” Sviridenko summed up in the message of the Ministry of Economy.

FAO is a UN agency dedicated to ensuring world food security, improving nutrition and living standards in its member countries. The organization consists of 194 countries, Ukraine joined it in 2003.

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USA to provide UN World Food Program with $68 mln to buy wheat in Ukraine

The United States of America will provide the UN World Food Program (WFP) with $68 million to buy wheat in Ukraine and then send it to countries most vulnerable in terms of food security, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.
“The United States will contribute $68 million to the World Food Program to purchase Ukrainian wheat to address the acute global food crisis. We are committed to maintaining global food security for the most vulnerable and urge all countries to follow suit,” Blinken said on Twitter on Wednesday.
As reported, on June 28, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a draft agreement with WFP on the resumption of the work of its office in the country, which will allow the organization, among other things, to purchase agricultural products from Ukrainian companies for the implementation of international humanitarian programs.
WFP is expected to participate in the purchase of agricultural and food products from Ukrainian companies for the needs of UN international humanitarian projects.

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