Business news from Ukraine

The Club of Experts has created a video with an overview of the events from September 19 to 25

19 September , 2022  

The Expert Club YouTube channel has released another video review of current events and activities for the next week. In the new issue, the founder of the Club of Experts Maksim Urakin spoke about the main news in Ukraine and the world from August 19 to 25, 2022.

So, in Ukraine next week, several major events are expected to be dedicated to economic recovery and business support during martial law. In particular, the largest conference on youth entrepreneurship and student startups in Ukraine Startup Campus will start on Wednesday, the main speaker of which will be the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov, and on Thursday the annual Richelieu Forum dedicated to the architecture of a new model of public service will start.

In the world next week, the most anticipated event will be farewell to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The ceremony is expected to be attended by many world leaders. In the economy, the main news could be a possible change in the monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve System, analysts predict a 30% chance of raising the Fed’s discount rate by 1 percentage point.

Football will dominate next week’s sporting events. As part of the qualification for the 2022 World Cup and the European League of Nations, important matches of the national teams will be held, among which one can single out the fundamental confrontation between two old rivals – Brazil and Argentina. More about this on the sports portal

For a full review of these and other events, see the new video on the Club of Experts channel at the link:

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