Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine’s State Property Fund plans to sell Ukraine’s oldest enterprise

13 September , 2024  

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) has included Drohobych Saltworks in the list of enterprises to be privatized, the saltworks said on Facebook.

“Unfortunately, the enterprise cannot recover on its own, as it pays 80% of its net profit as dividends, and it has almost no funds left for recovery. Therefore, it is important to find effective solutions to preserve our heritage,” – noted in the message.

The management of the enterprise believes that the purchase of the enterprise by a private investor or transfer to the regional or city municipal ownership is one of the effective ways to preserve and restore the property. In this case, the entire income can be directed to the development of the enterprise and attract funds from outside.

“The management is ready to do everything possible to continue salt production. And yes, it is real! We will take care that the conditions of privatization include the continuation of Drohobych salt production”, – stated in the message.

Drohobych saltworks is the oldest enterprise in Ukraine, which began production in 1390. Salt at the plant is boiled from brine, which is extracted from the subsoil. Currently, the enterprise produces two types of products: “Boiled iodized kitchen salt” and “Boiled kitchen salt without additives”. After the beginning of hostilities in the East, this is practically the only enterprise in Ukraine, which is engaged in salt production. The leading retail chains of the country have established cooperation with it. Since 2019, the plant is actively developing tourism.

