Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian startup creates Ukraine’s first 3D-printed house

22 July , 2024  

Ukrainian startup 3D UTU has created Ukraine’s first 3D-printed house in Irpen, Kiev region, the house was given to the family of the fallen military man Yaroslav Berezov, whose housing was destroyed during the occupation of the city by Russian troops, Ukrainian Digital Transformation Minister Mikhail Fedorov said.

“New housing for the family of the defender was built with a 3D printer from Ukrainian startup 3D UTU. The 130 m² house was built in just 58 motor hours, which is about 2 days of printer work. Yesterday, my wife and children received the keys to the house for free,” the minister said in his Telegram channel.

Fedorov emphasized that such construction is not only speed and economy, such technology allows to build energy-efficient and more environmentally friendly houses.

Fedorov thanked entrepreneurs, technologists and engineers who are “making efforts to rebuild the country already now.”


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