Business news from Ukraine

Volume of completed construction works in Ukraine in 2023 increased by more than 40%

4 April , 2024  

The volume of completed construction works in Ukraine in 2023 increased by 41.5% compared to 2022 – up to 162.7 billion UAH, according to the data of the State Statistics Service (Gosstat).

According to the statistics department, the volume of construction work in residential construction by the end of 2023 increased by 11.1% compared to the previous year, to 22.3 billion UAH; in non-residential – increased by 38.1%, to 41.5 billion UAH; in engineering – by 52.6%, to 98.8 billion UAH.

In December-2023, the volume of construction work exceeded the figure of December-2022 by 35.1%, and the previous month – by 85.8%, notes the State Statistics Service.

As reported by the State Statistics Office, in January-December 2023 to the same period of 2022, the reduction in construction  was observed in the segment of housing – by 4.6%. At the same time, non-residential and engineering construction recorded an increase in volumes – by 20% and 32.9%, respectively.

According to the seasonally adjusted data of the department, the indices of construction products in December-2023 in residential construction amounted to 49.4%, in non-residential – 88.3%, in engineering – 112.7%, and taking into account the effect of calendar days, the indicators are 71.5%, 188% and 273% respectively.

The share of new construction to the total volume of completed construction works amounted to 36.3%, repair – 42.9%, reconstruction and technical re-equipment – 20.8%.

The State Statistics Service notes that the publication of data was postponed due to martial law. Statdata are given without taking into account the temporarily occupied territories and part of the territories where hostilities are (were) conducted.

As reported, the volume of completed construction works in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 2.2 times compared to 2021 – to 113.8 billion UAH.

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