Business news from Ukraine


The updated stylistics represents the evolution of the brand identity and is optimized for working in the digital environment

Foundation of the Ukrainian entrepreneur Vasyl Khmelnytsky K.FUND, which develops a number of social initiatives in Ukraine, announces rebranding.

Сhanges in the visual style of the foundation demonstrate evolution of the brand identity and reflect organization’s desire to take a more active part in the implementation of projects for the youth. The updated design is optimized for working in digital environment.

Each area of the foundation’s activities now has its own special color. Brand’s life-affirming compositions with a bright background energize and emphasize creative essence of the foundation’s activities.

“K.FUND was established more than five years back. Visual brand constants were set in a classic, rather conservative style. It fulfilled its function at the initial stage of the company development. The key task of the foundation is to help young people, first of all, unleash their potential in Ukraine. The new modern style of K.FUND puts the brand in the coordinate system of this audience,” commented Dmytro Zverev, Chief Reputation Officer  at UFuture Holding Company, Vice President of K.FUND.

More details about the updated visual style can be found on the foundation’s website.


The K.FUND foundation was established by a Ukrainian entrepreneur Vasyl Khmelnytsky in 2015 to support projects in education and economics. K.FUND’s mission is to provide keys for development and realization as well as opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and skills, assist discoveries, and help reach a new level.


Nebras Power and UDP Renewables announce a strategic partnership

Qatari-based global power investment company with assets around world
is investing in Ukrainian renewable energy sector

UDP Renewables, a UFuture’s portfolio company, opens Ukraine for an international power investment company based in Doha, Qatar — Nebras Power. The parties agreed on a strategic partnership and signed a number of contracts.

According to the agreements, Nebras Power assumes a controlling stake in six companies operating UDPR’s photovoltaic solar power plants, namely: “Scythia-Solar-1”, “Scythia-Solar-2”, “Free-Energy Genichesk”, “Port-Solar”, “Terslav” and “Sun Power Pervomaisk”.

This SPA signifies a fruitful conclusion of the two-year negotiations on cooperation with Nebras Power — it’s a long-awaited victory and a great honour for us. We are happy to be opening opportunities in the Ukrainian market for a noted global power investment company and are proud to become its reliable partner. I am confident that together we will be able to make our planet cleaner and greener for future generations,” Sergiy Yevtushenko, Managing Partner of UDP Renewables, said.

Nebras Power is an active international player in the global power market. The company invests in the development of clean energy the world over and currently has assets based in the Middle East & North Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America and Europe. These assets have been developed to meet the growing demands for power. Nebras Power is one of the first players from the Middle East to enter into a long-term strategic partnership with Ukraine.

For Nebras, Ukraine represents not only a rich and dynamic new market but also symbolizes the success of our global growth strategy, which endeavours to identify and invest in robust power projects in both developed and emerging economies.  By leveraging this approach, we can deliver clean and reliable power to communities, while endowing those countries, such as Ukraine, with the means to meet their clean and green energy targets,” said Khalid M Jolo, CEO of Nebras Power.

Nebras Power’s Chairman Mohammed Nasser Al-Hajri, echoed Mr. Jolo’s vision on the importance of the agreement and the company’s foray into Ukraine: “The partial acquisition of six solar projects in Ukraine will further add to and complement our expanding international portfolio mix. Furthermore, our partnership with UDPR communicates Nebras’s expertise and ability to invest in and furnish projects that will affect positive changes in those diverse international power markets where we invest. As we move forwards, we look ahead to a prosperous and long-lasting relationship with UDPR and Ukraine,” Mr. Al-Hajri said.

This cooperation between the two companies will contribute to the development of an innovative economy and the preservation of the environment. The next stage of the partnership envisages joint development of wind power generation projects by Nebras Power and UDP Renewables.

The collaboration will add to Nebras Power’s impressive portfolio of sustainable strategic investments in power, water and renewables globally.  For UDPR, the partnership will expand the share of clean energy in Ukraine’s energy balance, improve the country’s global competitiveness, and help reduce its carbon footprint.

By 2023 we will add more to Ukraine’s green energy capacity, thus improving both our country’s environment and its global economic competitiveness. Thanks to Nebras Power’s investments we will be producing more than 700 GW*h of clean electricity per year, enough to power 310,000 average houses,” Nicholas Tymoshchuk, CEO of UFuture said.


UDP Renewables is an investment and development company in the field of renewable energy. By diversifying the resources and location of its facilities, UDP Renewables plans to become one of the largest producers of clean energy in Ukraine by 2022 with a total capacity of more than 300 MW.

UFuture is a holding company of Ukrainian entrepreneur Vasyl Khmelnytsky, which has a diversified portfolio of assets in real estate, infrastructure, industry, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals and IT. Currently, UFuture is a strategic investor in UDP Renewables. UFuture’s assets are estimated at $500 million, and the total capitalization of the businesses it invested in is up to $1 billion.

Nebras Power Investment Management B.V. (“NPIM”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nebras Power Q.P.S.C., incorporated in the Netherlands and is operating since 2016. NPIM is the international investment management platform of Nebras Power Q.P.S.C. Its mandate is to own, develop and invest, in greenfield developments and brownfield projects, in the sectors of power and water, in the Netherlands and internationally.

أين يمكنك الحصول على جلسات المساج التايلاندي الصحيح الأصلي في مدينة كييف وماذا يجب أن تعرفه عن هذه الجلسات ؟

13 شباط ,2021
تشتهر تايلاند ليس فقط بمنتجعاتها السياحية ومأكولاتها والتدفق الكبير للسياح (بالطبع خلال فترة ما قبل الحجر الصحي) ، ولكن أيضًا بالانواع المختلفة من المساج.
على الرغم من التسمية لا تعتبر تايلاند دولة منشأ المساج التايلاندي. يجب شكر معالجي وأطباء الصين والهند وبورما على هذه التقنية. لكن في تايلاند اكتسب المساج انتشاره و شهرته العالمية.
مؤسس اليوجا الكامنة السلبية أي المساج التايلاندي هو الدكتور جيفاكا كومارا بخاشي.

اخترع هذه التقنية منذ أكثر من 2500 عام خصيصًا لعلاج العائلة الملكية في الهند وطبقها بنجاح عمليا.
نقل جيفاكا مهاراته ومعارفه المتعلقة بالمساج التايلاندي إلى طلابه ، ويعود أول سجل مكتوب حول هذه التقنية إلى عام 1830م.
منذ العصور القديمة جمع المساج التايلاندي بين عناصر اليوجا (ومن هنا جاء اسم ” اليوجا الكامنة السلبية “) والعلاج بالابر والأيورفيدا.

أنواع المساج
في تايلاند يمكنكم العثور على اخصائيين المساج المحليين في كل مكان حيث يقومون بتدليك الجسم بالكامل أو أجزاء معينة مقابل مبلغ مالي صغير.
ولا تعتمد الجودة على ما إذا كنت ستأتي إلى صالون مجهز أو خيمة صغيرة.
هناك العشرات بل المئات من أنواع المساج لذلك من الممكن اختيار المساج الذي يناسبكم.
سنخبركم عن أشهر أنواع المساج التايلاندي وأين يمكنكم الحصول عليه في كييف.
المساج التايلاندي التقليدي
إذا سبق لك القيام بأي نوع من المساج فقد تفاجئك الطريقة التايلاندية التقليدية. الاخصائي لا يستخدم أي شيء إضافي كالزيوت إلا في حالات نادرة, فقط جسمك وقدراته.
قبل البدء بالجلسة يجب أن ترتدي بنطالًا واسعًا وقميصًا فضفاضًا ويقوم الاخصائي بثني الجسم بكل الطرق: الذراعين والساقين والقدمين والجذع والرقبة والأصابع وجميع المفاصل.

لا تخف من الألم سيتحكم الاخصائي في كل شيء وإذا استمر شعور عدم الراحة فاطلب من الاخصائي القيام بالتدليك بضغط أقل.

مساج القدمين للاسترخاء
في الطب الشرقي يتم إيلاء اهتمام خاص للقدمين. يُعتقد أن هناك حوالي 70 نقطة في القدم ، كل منها مرتبطة بعضو معين.
هذا هو سبب تمييز مساج القدمين كإجراء خاص منفصل.
يستخدم الاخصائي الزيت في بداية الجلسة ويستخدم أيضًا أعوادًا خاصة مصنوعة من خشب الساج أو المانجو أو غيرها من الاشجار.

المساج باستخدام الاحجار الساخنة
المساج باستخدام الاحجار الساخنة- وسيلة أخرى للاسترخاء والحصول على الفوائد للجسم.
بمساعدة التسخين بالحجارة تشارك عضلات كبيرة في الظهر والرقبة و القدمين ، وعملية المساج تتم ببطء فهي ممتعة وتشبه إلى حد كبير الذهاب الى المنتجع الصحي SPA .
الاكثر شيوعا هو المساج التايلاندي بالأكياس العشبية والزيوت وتدليك الوجه وتدليك الرأس و تصحيح وتحسين شكل الجسم وأنواع أخرى.

في صالون أماري Amari يمكنك أيضًا تجربة المساج بالشموع الساخنة, الجلسة لشخصين ، “الجنة على الأرض”, يتضمن برنامجه أربعة أنواع من المساج وأجواء منعزلة مع الموسيقى والشموع وبتلات الورد وأفضل الاخصائيين.

الفوائد الصحية
المساج التايلاندي- ليس فقط وسيلة لاسترخاء الجسم. يوصى به حتى من قبل أطباء الأعصاب للتخلص من الصداع و الانقباض والارهاق والإجهاد و الداء العظمي الغضروفي ومشاكل التنفس وإمدادات الدم.

وهذه المشاكل منتشرة بكثرة في القرن الحادي والعشرين. بناءً على الطلب الذي تأتي به إلى جلسة المساج التايلاندي يوصى بإكمال دورة كاملة من العلاجات.

على الرغم من الفوائد الواضحة للمساج التايلاندي يمنع بعض الاشخاص من هذه الجلسات. في البداية يجب استشارة الطبيب إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الظهر أو الرقبة أو المفاصل أو مشاكل في جهاز الدوران او الضغط.
أين تحصل على جلسات المساج في كييف؟

في منتصف شهر شباط الثلجي سيكون من المثالي التواجد في تايلاند للحصول على جلسة المساج ولكن يمكنك العثورعلى قطعة من آسيا في مدينة كييف.
تقع سلسلة صالونات Amari أماري في مناطق مختلفة من كييف بحيث يمكن لجميع الراغبين أن يشعروا انفسهم وكانهم في تايلاند المشمسة دون مغادرة حدود العاصمة.

عناوين الصالونات:
هولوسييفو ,شارع ميخايلا ماكسيموفيتشا,26.
+38 (093) 070 74 77 (Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp) +38 (098) 070 74 47
بيتشارسكا (بولفار ليسي اوكراينكي,13)
+38 (073) 12-06-002 (Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp)

اوسوكوركي (شارع زافالنايا , 10-Б مجمع سكني “ستاتوس هراد”)
+38 (073) 444-91-47 (Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp)

بوشتوفا بلوشا (شارع نابيريجنو –كريشاتيتسكا, 3-А)
+38 (093) 719-66-82 (Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp)

قريبا سيتم افتتاح صالون آخر في ترويشينا.


The COVID-19 crisis has taken a heavy toll on human life, as well as damaged economies and livelihoods. Vaccines have emerged as the best way to ensure not only public health security, but also restore economic sectors affected by the crisis. In this context, the Government of Ukraine had reached out to the Government of India for support.
Given India and Ukraine’s multifaceted and strong bilateral relations, the Embassy of India in Ukraine, with the support of the Government of India, has facilitated the supply of vaccines to Ukraine in February, in order to initiate Ukraine’s public vaccination drive. Ukraine is one of the early countries to receive vaccine from India in February.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a personal request to Prime Minister Modi. In addition, sustained efforts by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in collaboration with the Ambassador of India in Ukraine Partha Satpathy have ensured that necessary agreements and permissions could be concluded on time for supply the first tranche of vaccines- 500,000 doses of Astra-Zeneca and Serum Institute of India developed COVISHIELD vaccine.
Going forward, larger quantities of Made in India vaccines are expected to be supplied as production is ramped up in India. There is regular contact between the Governments of Ukraine and India, and with vaccine manufacturers, to secure more vaccines for Ukraine. This supply of vaccine is another exemplar of the major role played by Indian pharmaceutical industry in ensuring the health security of Ukraine.

Ambassador’s meeting with Health Minister Maksym Stepanov

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POS terminal – combo pay from Excellio On February 8, Excellio Trade LLC , a leading supplier of mPOS and fiscal equipment, has presented the all-purpose (versatile) payment terminal – ComboPay, which is perfectly adapted to any business needs. The new device has passed all international certifications and received official permission for sale in Ukraine.
POS terminal – combo pay from Excellio
Ukrainian’s payment habits are constantly changing. More and more people choose credit cards over cash. Salary, cashback, withdrawal fee, etc. all these elements are boosting non-cash payments. It’s fast, convenient, and safe, especially considering new pandemic realities.
“Contactless card payments and NFC gadgets are undeniable favorites among Ukrainians” – Mastercard in Ukraine
Due to market competition and the desire to work with just any customer, more and more entrepreneurs install payment terminals. National Bank of Ukraine confirmed an increase in the number of companies that accept card payments within 9 months of 2020.
It should be pointed out, that Ukrainian entrepreneurs have always faced difficulty choosing the right POS terminal. Most of the existing models are wired, without integration with a cash register, or need a control device such as a computer. It restrained entrepreneurs and the scope of terminals use. These days companies have to be flexible in order to survive at the time of a crisis, unforeseeable circumstances, and rapid change of customer preferences. Therefore, entrepreneurs need such a new terminal as ComboPay. It’s so convenient that the terminal can transform from restaurant payments to delivery service or from street market to boutique chain. Exellio Trade LLC in cooperation with Oschadbank had decided to put this idea into practice. After a long process of developments and tests, they have presented a solution that will dramatically improve the payment experience for both, a merchant and a customer.
ComboPay is an mPOS terminal that transforms and adapts perfectly to any business task at any time.
It doesn’t require any add-ons. You can work with just a single terminal itself. It doesn’t need a smartphone, PC, cash register, or even WiFi, and it can work completely autonomously. If you already have a fully functional system with a cash register and other accounting devices, ComboPay can be easily integrated into it. Thus, you don’t need to enter the amount twice. It’s done with one click!
Any form checks.
ComboPay can print regular checks (by connecting an attachable printer) or it can follow eco-trends and send e-checks by email (it’s super convenient if you have a client’s loyalty system). On top of that, mPOS ComboPay can generate QR-codes from check information and display it.
Mobile and independent.
Our latest payment device can be completely portable. It’s lighter than iPhone 12 and it keeps up to 3 days of battery in normal mode. Thanks to the minimalistic design, it perfectly fits any shop or beauty salon. It has 3G Internet connectivity but can just as easily work through Wi-Fi. A special Dock-station is available if you have a big flow of customers and round-the-clock work.
It receives any types of credit cards and NFC gadgets, as well as loyalty cards. It has an intuitive interface and comfort control keys that simplify learning and speed up information entry. It also supports multiple languages and has easy to read display. ComboPay doesn’t require any specific technical knowledge for staff.
Compact and wireless.
First of all, new mPOS is interesting for small and medium businesses. In particular, it’s an optimal solution for courier services or online-shops and restaurants with their own on-site delivery. After all, ComboPay is perfectly suited for street food (street markets, fairs, mobile coffee shops, etc.), for the beauty industry, health and wellness, island trade in a shopping mall, HoReCa, and any other businesses.
It’s also convenient for parcel verification since it has a sensor display with a signature feature.
The new mPOS ComboPay was developed in partnership with the national bank Oschadbank with the maximum guarantee of customer safety. This cooperative project provides comprehensive support for vendors: financial reliability of a leading state-owned baking institution and integral technical and information support from Exellio Trade LLC.
It’s very important to keep money safe since entrepreneurs invest a lot of effort, time, and often last resources in their business. That’s why we chose Oschadbank for ComboPay acquiring. This is a system bank with the longest history on the market in Ukraine. And more importantly, Oschadbank, compare to others, covers the whole amount of deposits. Thus, vendors can remain calm as 100% of their funds are secure.
The managers in Exellio Trade LLC will take care of the bureaucratic process and do all of the paperwork in completing registration for you.
It doesn’t matter if you have a store today and a delivery service tomorrow, ComboPay transforms in the way you need! It combines quickly and easily as it’s necessary for Ukrainian business. This is your Combo in the payment field!
The price of the basic package starts from 5800
+38 066 251 52 11
Iuliia Chernenko, content manager Exellio Trade Llc.


Unique device of Israeli scientists for destruction of viruses ProtectAir is already available in Ukraine
The coronavirus pandemic has made adjustments to human daily life. To avoid infection, people are forced to follow safety rules – wear masks and use an antiseptic, which causes a lot of inconvenience. And indoors, the risk of coronavirus infection increases significantly. The problem of creating safe conditions for human life is more acute than ever.
Israeli scientists have created a unique and effective ProtectAir device for neutralizing coronavirus in enclosed spaces, where the risk of infection increases significantly. The device is already widely used in all spheres of Israelis’ life. Now this indispensable device has appeared in Ukraine.
Director of the Institute of Experimental Radiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Victoria Talko praised the development of Israeli scientists: “Disinfection and cleaning of premises from bacteria, viruses and mold, as a rule, occurs by spraying a substance (usually an aqueous solution) on the surface where pathogens can accumulate. However, this method is not always effective, since it is limited by the time frame and disinfection zones.
The Israeli company Hila Pharma managed to create a technology – Protect Air-, which disinfects the room using a gaseous material (chlorine dioxide). The substance slowly evaporates into the air over time. Its effect lasts for several weeks (depending on the amount of material). Disinfection is safe for the human’s health. The device does not require the use of electricity or additional actions.
Chlorine dioxide has powerful oxidizing properties and neutralizes bacteria and viruses by destroying the protein structures of the cell shell or viral envelope. The chlorine dioxide molecule oxidizes with high efficiency and therefore has a significant effect on viruses even at low concentrations.
Diffusion and expansion of gas molecules in air can provide effective and comprehensive protection without dead corners in closed or semi-closed spaces. And the slow release technology allows the gas to be distributed evenly and continuously, without air handling, surpassing traditional high-frequency disinfection.
The product is safe for humans and animals, since the multicomponent intracellular antioxidant system reliably protects against the effects of oxidation when using chlorine dioxide in the concentrations recommended for disinfection in eukaryotes.
The substance does not belong to chlorine-type disinfectants, does not contain hypochlorous acid, which harms the cells of the human body. Unlike chlorine, chlorine dioxide does not enter into chlorination reactions with other substances and chemical elements, does not produce the carcinogens trichlomethanes. At the same time, its biocidal effect on bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens is more powerful than that of chlorine, due to active oxygen. Chlorine dioxide in the form of air vapor provides long-term effectiveness.”
ProtectAir is very easy to use. To disinfect a room, you need to install it in the center of the room at a height of 1.8 meters. After two hours of work in an empty room, the viral load will drop by 50%, and after 24 hours the room will be free of viruses.
ProtectAir disinfects by rapid oxidation: low concentrations of CIO2 gas come into contact with the microorganism shell and destroy proteins. CIO2 deactivates viral receptor binding and prevents viral replication.
ProtectAir destroys aggressive viruses, bacteria, allergens and other microbes without harming human, animal and environmental health.
ProtectAir combines the active ingredient, Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), with a sustained release formula, allowing the active ingredient to cover the entire space evenly.
Unlike standard chlorine material, ClO2 is not a carcinogen.
ProtectAir is unique in that it emits minuscule doses of chlorine dioxide. This allows it, on the one hand, to destroy viruses, and on the other, to remain completely safe for people and animals.
ProtectAir creates and maintains a secure indoor environment:
– In offices
– In the premises in which classes are held (schools, kindergartens, university auditoriums)
– In restaurants and cafes
– In the halls and locker rooms of sports complexes
– In elevators
– In taxi
– In the apartment (even if there is a patient with coronavirus)
The main advantages of ProtectAir:
– Disinfects indoor air, prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses
– Protects against coronavirus, pneumococcus and other epidemic viruses
– Reduces human exposure to allergens such as pollen
– Protects against pathogens of infectious diseases
– Neutralizes odors
At the moment, ProtectAir is the only effective tool on the Ukrainian market that can protect people in an enclosed space from infection.
For more information –

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