Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

French ambassador met with Ukrainian athletes and para-athletes

On the eve of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, French Ambassador to Ukraine Gael Vecierre gathered Ukrainian athletes and para-athletes, as well as acting Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Matvei Bedny and presidents of the National Olympic Committee and the National Committee of Disabled People’s Sports Sushkevich at the French residence.
As the French Embassy in Ukraine notes on its Facebook page, since the beginning of the Russian aggression, Ukrainian athletes have been training in the most difficult conditions: under shelling, without electricity, with sirens dictating the rhythm of training, at sports bases affected by shelling, in exile. At least 450 Ukrainian athletes have lost their lives. But despite the military challenges, Ukrainians continue to fight, once again demonstrating their incomparable resilience and determination.
As part of its commitment to Ukraine and as the host country of the Games, France supports Ukrainian athletes in every possible way. In particular, the country has granted asylum to many of them and allocated EUR1 million for their training in France.
“I know that Ukrainian Olympians and Paralympians at the Games will be motivated by an extraordinary will to win – Will to Win is your aptly chosen slogan,” the Ambassador said, assuring that Ukrainian colors – yellow and blue – will be at the heart of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.



“Express Insurance” has increased number of contracts more than in times

IC “Express Insurance” (Kiev) in January-June 2024 collected insurance premiums in the amount of UAH 425,6 mln, which is 32,9% more than the same period of 2023.
As it is specified on the website of the insurer, 2,2 times more contracts were concluded during this period.
Premiums on CASCO amounted to UAH 355,5 mln (+18,8% to 6 months-2023), on MTPL – UAH 77,1 mln (2,7 times more), VMI – UAH 5,9 mln (+14,8%), on other types of insurance – UAH 7,2 mln (2 times more).
In June 2024 the company attracted UAH 75,6 mln of premiums, which is by 21,8% more than in June of the last year. Including premiums on CASCO amounted to UAH 57.9 million (+7.4%), on MTPL insurance – UAH 16 million (2.1 times).
As reported, in January-June 2024 IC “Express Insurance” made payments in the amount of UAH 243,3 mln, which is 62,7% higher than in 2023. Including payments under CASCO amounted to UAH 206,2 mln, or by 57,8%, under CMTPL insurance – UAH 31,5 mln (+137,8%), under voluntary health insurance – UAH 3 mln (-6%), payments under other insurance contracts – UAH 2,6 mln (+7,3%).
In June 2024, the company paid out UAH 43.9 mln to clients, which is 55.5% more than in June 2023. In particular, under hull insurance contracts paid out UAH 35.8 million (+41.4%), from MTPL insurance – UAH 6.9 million (+266.1%).
ALC “Express Insurance” was founded in 2008. It is a part of the group of companies “UkrAvto”. It specializes in motor insurance. Since April 2012 it is an associate member of the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.




Ukrainian clinics performed 283 organ transplants in six months

In the first half of 2024, 283 organ transplants were performed in 24 Ukrainian transplant centers, the Ukrainian Center for Transplant Coordination (UCTC) reported on its Facebook page.
The report specifies that, in particular, 187 kidney transplants, 55 liver transplants, and 41 heart transplants were performed during this period. At the same time, 67% of transplants were performed using organs from posthumous donors.
Most of the transplants were performed by doctors at the First Medical Association of Lviv, the Shalimov National Center for Surgery and Transplantation, and the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health.
The largest number of brain deaths were diagnosed in medical institutions in Kyiv (20), Lviv (11) and Vinnytsia (5).
According to the UCTC, there are currently 3212 patients on the national waiting list, 2077 of whom need kidney transplants, 523 need liver transplants, 507 need heart transplants, and 41 need lung transplants.

Irish Prime Minister plans to visit Ukraine

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said during a meeting with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy at Shannon Airport (Ireland) on Saturday that he had accepted an official invitation from the latter to visit Ukraine and hoped to make the visit in the coming weeks, The Irish Times reports.
During a brief conversation with journalists at the airport, Harris said he had a very good meeting with President Zelensky. “I’m very pleased to welcome him to Ireland,” he said, adding that “it gave me the opportunity to express the condolences of the people of Ireland to the people of Ukraine, to the President of Ukraine, for the loss of life during this brutal and illegal Russian war.”
The Irish prime minister also said he was “absolutely horrified” that Russia was abducting Ukrainian children. “I don’t believe the world knows enough about this… Russia is actively stealing children from Ukraine – taking young babies and children from their parents and taking them to the temporarily occupied territories or to Russia.”
Asked whether he and Zelensky had talked about the fact that the Irish government had recently cut child support payments to Ukrainian refugees living in the country, Harris said that the issue had not been raised.
“If that question had come up, I would have simply emphasized that it is very important to move from an emergency response to a more sustainable model,” he said, adding that “we have made the changes because we want to be able to continue to support those who need our support for as long as it takes. I think that from any fair and objective point of view, the changes we have made go a long way towards bringing Ireland in line with the best practice of other European countries.”
In addition, he noted that “everyone wants to achieve a situation where the war is over and the people of Ukraine can return home.” “The people of Ukraine will be welcomed here and will be accepted for as long as it takes,” Harris said.
He also added: “We want Ukraine to become a member of the EU, and if that happens, people from Ukraine will have the same freedom of movement as any other EU citizen.”

Export changes in % to previous period in 2023-2024

Export changes in % to previous period in 2023-2024

Source: and

“Naftogaz” paid UAH 47 bln in taxes to state budget

In January-June 2024, Naftogaz Group paid UAH 44 billion in taxes to the state budget of Ukraine and another UAH 3.2 billion to local budgets, the company said on its website on Thursday.
In particular, in June, UAH 8.7 billion was paid to the state budget and UAH 0.5 billion to local budgets.
“Despite the military challenges, we continue to work steadily, save jobs, fill the budgets of all levels and strengthen the economy of our country,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov, Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine.
As reported, in 2023, Naftogaz Group companies paid UAH 90.2 billion in taxes, UAH 83.4 billion of which went to the state budget and UAH 6.8 billion to local budgets.

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