In 2024, Ukraine reached the pre-war level of exports of $24.5 billion, accounting for 59% of total exports, the second historical record after 2021, when the country supplied $27.7 billion worth of agricultural products to foreign markets, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Vitaliy Koval said on Telegram.
The Minister clarified that in total, Ukraine exported 78.3 million tons of agricultural products in 2024. At the same time, sunflower oil accounted for the largest share (21%), with almost 6 million tons exported for $5.1 billion. Corn was in second place, accounting for 21% of agricultural exports with 29.6 million tons worth $5 billion, and wheat was in third place, with 15%, 20.6 million tons worth $3.7 billion.
Among the leaders, Koval named rapeseed – 7% (3.8 million tons for $1.8 billion), soybeans – 5% (3.4 million tons for $1.3 billion), cake and residues obtained during the extraction of vegetable fats and vegetable oils – 4% (4.7 million tons for $1 billion).
The share of meat and edible poultry products reached 4%. These products amounted to 447 thousand tons worth $958 million. Barley (3.3 million tons worth $557 million) and sugar (746 thousand tons worth $418 million) accounted for 2% each, the Minister of Agrarian Policy summarized.
OJSC “Meridian” named after Korolyov” (Kyiv), a part of the state concern ‘Ukroboronprom’, paid dividends to shareholders for 2023 totaling UAH 10.985 million at the rate of UAH 10.9038 per share of UAH 0.5 par value.
According to the information published in the disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), this decision was made by an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on December 5.
At the same time, the dividend payment period is from November 27 to December 31, 2024. Dividends are paid through the depository system and directly to shareholders.
According to the NSSMC for the third quarter of 2024, the state, represented by Ukroboronprom, owns 50.0001% of shares in OJSC Meridian named after Korolyov, and another 40.0753% is owned by Meridian Union LLC, one of the beneficiaries of which, according to Clarity Project, is Vadym Hryb, co-owner of the Tekt investment company.
According to the agenda of the meeting, several options for the distribution of the net profit of UAH 12.205 million received in 2023 were put forward for approval by the shareholders, including 90% of the profit with a payment of UAH 10.9038 per share for dividends, and 10% to replenish the reserve capital.
The agenda also included the issue of the distribution of net profit received in 2024, according to the draft decision, it was planned to set the share of net profit to be allocated to dividends at 35%, and 65% to be used to replenish reserve capital.
“Founded in 1953, Meridian Korolyov is a diversified enterprise specializing in the development and serial production of electronic devices for various purposes, including radio measuring instruments: frequency meters, spectrum analyzers, and generators.
The company also performs galvanizing, laser cutting of metals, and plastic molding.
According to Clarity Project, the company increased its net revenue by 24% in 2023 to UAH 177.43 million compared to 2022, while net profit decreased by 27% to UAH 12.2 million.
In 2024, Ukrainian sugar producers set a historical record for sugar exports, exporting 746.3 thousand tons of the product to foreign markets for $419 million, the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrtsukor) reported.
“This is the highest figure for sugar exports within a calendar year according to statistics dating back to 1997, when the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine was established,” the industry association said.
Ukrtsukr added that 40% of exports in 2024 were directed to the European Union, 60% were supplies to the world market, where the main buyers of Ukrainian sugar were MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and North Macedonia.
Harvest volumes of grains and pulses, mln tons
Due to a decline in exports and a lull in the global milk market during the winter holidays, raw milk prices in Ukraine are stabilizing, and from the beginning of January, purchase prices are expected to decline, according to the Association of Milk Producers (AMP).
The AMP noted that the average purchase price of extra-grade milk, as of December 25, amounted to 19.60 UAH/kg (excluding VAT), which is 0.2 UAH more than a month ago. The prices for premium milk remained unchanged at 18.64 UAH/kg (excluding VAT) and first-class milk at 17.65 UAH/kg (excluding VAT). The weighted average price of the three milk grades amounted to 18.63 UAH/kg (excluding VAT), which is 0.7 UAH more than the previous month.
The industry association noted that in the second half of December 2024, purchase prices stabilized due to a decrease in demand for raw milk in Ukraine and surpluses in the market. This is due to a decrease in dairy exports during the Christmas holidays.
In addition, lower butter prices in the US, New Zealand, and Europe are restraining the exports of Ukrainian companies and holding back the growth of raw milk prices in the country.
“In 2024, butter prices were the main driver of raw milk prices growth. Further decline in butter prices is likely, as stocks of the product accumulate in warehouses. The decision of Poland to bring to the market a thousand tons of butter from its own strategic reserves to help stabilize prices for the product had a certain impact on the decline in butter prices,” the AMA explained.
The industry association suggested that the increase in the supply of raw milk in Ukraine is likely to be associated with a decrease in sales of dairy products due to lower purchasing power. Ukrainians with lower incomes are refusing to buy dairy products due to rising prices. Accordingly, demand for spreads as a cheaper alternative to butter is growing.
Experts expect a decrease in purchase prices from the beginning of January 2025 due to a possible increase in surplus raw milk on the domestic market.
As reported, in November 2024, the slowdown in dairy exports was caused by a shortage of raw milk, rising production costs due to falling global dairy prices, and a seasonal decline in the market ahead of the holidays.
Ukraine has restricted the import of meat products from a number of European Union countries due to the registration of African swine fever (ASF) in them, the Eastern Interregional Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection (Eastern Directorate of the State Service) reported.
According to the report, the ban applies to products from a number of zones in Latvia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Italy, Estonia, Greece, and Bulgaria.
The State Consumer Service noted that Ukraine recognizes the zoning for African swine fever introduced by the European Union in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/54.
In this regard, the ban applies to the territories of the II and III zones for the import of animals belonging to the porcine, tayas and tapir family, as well as genetic material and products from them.
This refers to products obtained in the above-mentioned zones where, at the time of issuance of the certificate, no infection of domestic pigs with the ASF virus was reported within 12 months before the date of slaughter of the animals from which fresh meat was obtained. The ban also applies to meat of animals originating from farms or obtained from slaughterhouses in/around which, including the territory within a radius of 10 km, ASF was not detected within 40 days before the date of slaughter.
At the same time, the ban does not apply to products that have been processed by a method that guarantees the destruction of the causative agent of this disease in accordance with the requirements for the import (shipment) into the customs territory of Ukraine of food products of animal origin, feed, hay, straw, as well as by-products of animal origin and products of their processing, processing, approved by Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food No. 553 of November 16, 2018.
African swine fever (Montgomery’s disease) is a contagious viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, first recorded in 1903 in South Africa. It cannot be treated or vaccinated. The spread of the virus can only be stopped by quarantine measures.
ASF is not dangerous for humans, but it causes economic losses, as all animals in the infected area must be destroyed.