Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Nova Poshta” has expanded its network in Ukraine by 13.2%

Since the beginning of 2024, Nova Poshta has expanded its network in Ukraine from 26.6 thousand to 30.1 thousand service points: 12.1 thousand branches and 18 thousand post offices.

“Our goal is to have all branches and post offices within walking distance to be convenient,” the company’s release on Friday quoted Nova Poshta CEO Oleksandr Bulba as saying.

According to the report, since the beginning of the year, the company has installed 2.7 thousand new post offices in Ukraine and opened 770 branches.

It is noted that the most active growth of the network took place in Kyiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

It was specified that Nova Poshta opened 344 new branches and post offices in the frontline areas in Kharkiv, Odesa, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Kherson, and Dnipro regions.

The company noted that by the end of the year it plans to increase its network to 36 thousand service points.

Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company offers 30% discount on rail transportation of agricultural products to Danube ports

The Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP) supports the call of agricultural producers and exporters to introduce a 30% discount on rail transportation to Izmail and Reni stations, the press service of the state-owned enterprise said in a telegram.

“Ukrainian agricultural producers propose to the Cabinet of Ministers to put the ports of Odesa and the Danube region on an equal footing… The UDP fully supports the proposal of the agrarians. The enemy does not stop attacking the infrastructure of Odesa. Ukraine must maintain alternative export routes,” the statement reads.

The UDP emphasized that the Danube route is a plus of 250 km of roads or 200 km of railroad. Because of this, the Danube ports are losing competition even with the same freight and transshipment tariffs that apply in Odesa ports.

The shipping company reminds that a precedent has already been set: the Cabinet of Ministers recently introduced a 30% discount on rail transportation of agricultural products from areas where hostilities are possible, the UDP said, adding that the need for exports to move across the Danube has been repeatedly discussed at industry events, forums, and conferences. However, in the context of critically low grain prices, producers and traders are not ready to lose earnings (margin) to reduce risks.

“The discount on rail transportation will absolutely pay off if the condition for receiving it is the transshipment of grain to the state river or sea fleet. The state budget will compensate for the revenue lost by the railroad at the expense of freight income,” the state-owned enterprise says.

The UDP reminded that it is currently transporting Serbian grain and emphasized that it has enough fleet to work with Ukrainian products at the same time.

“Other Danube countries are lobbying very hard for the interests of their own carriers, because the entire Danube is suffering from an abnormal drop in rates and cargo flows. Ukraine has its own national carrier, which should also be supported and preserved,” the UDP emphasized.


Finland to send Ukraine new military aid package

Finland will send a new military aid package to Ukraine, a decision made by the president on June 28 on the proposal of the government.

According to the website of the Finnish Ministry of Defense, this is the 24th delivery of defense equipment from Finland to Ukraine. It is estimated that the replacement of the equipment included in this shipment will cost Finland approximately 159 million euros. The total value of defense equipment supplied by Finland to Ukraine is EUR 2.2 billion.

“Finland intends to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s unjustified aggression. It is not only about Ukraine, but also about the right of all free nations to their ultimate existence. We, the Finns, have learned from our own history how important this issue is,” said Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen.

The ministry noted that Finland is also participating in the Czech initiative for joint procurement of ammunition. Finland has also decided to participate in an armored coalition led by Poland, Germany and Italy, and an information technology coalition led by Estonia and Luxembourg. The purpose of the international coalitions is to provide long-term support to Ukraine.

“For operational reasons and to ensure the safe delivery of aid, its exact content, methods and timing are not disclosed. When providing assistance, both the needs of Ukraine and the state of the resources of the Defense Forces are taken into account,” the Defense Ministry said.


Harvesting continues in 16 regions, 721.4 thousand tons of grain harvested

Agrarians in sixteen regions of Ukraine have started harvesting early grains and legumes and have threshed 721.4 thousand tons of grain from 209.8 thousand hectares, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.

According to the press service, 36.2 thousand tons of wheat were harvested from 36.2 thousand hectares with a yield of 31.2 c/ha, 545.7 thousand tons of barley from 145.8 thousand hectares with a yield of 37.4 c/ha, 56.3 thousand tons of peas from 25.9 thousand hectares with a yield of 21.7 c/ha.

In addition, seven regions have started harvesting rapeseed. They harvested 63.6 thou tons of rapeseed from 31.7 thou hectares.

At the same time, agrarians in Odesa region are leading in terms of threshing grain harvested from 85.7 thou hectares. Agrarians in Ternopil region are the leaders in terms of yield – 78.1 c/ha.

Volume of construction works in Ukraine in January-March jumped by almost 60 – statistics

The volume of completed construction works in Ukraine in January-March 2024 increased by 56.7% compared to the same period of 2023 – up to 35.5 billion UAH, according to the data of the State Statistics Service (Gosstat).

In March-2024, the index of construction products exceeded the index of March-2023 by 69.3%, and the previous month – by 92.3%, notes the State Statistics Service.

As reported by the State Statistics Service, in January-March 2024 to the same period of 2023, the growth in the volume of

construction was observed in all segments. Thus, in residential construction growth amounted to 39.2%, in non-residential – 49%, in engineering – 66%.

According to seasonally adjusted data of the department, the indexes of construction output in March-2024 in residential construction amounted to 55.9%, in non-residential construction – 105.5%, in engineering – 193.4%, and taking into account the effect of calendar days, the indicators are 52.1%, 82.6% and 148.6% respectively.

The proportion of new construction to the total volume of completed construction works in the first quarter amounted to 46.7%, repair – 25%, reconstruction and technical re-equipment – 28.3%.

The State Statistics Committee notes that the publication of data was postponed due to martial law. Statdata indicators are given without taking into account the temporarily occupied territory and the part of the territory where hostilities are (were) conducted.



Diplomatic reception in honor of Slovenia’s Statehood Day was held in Kyiv

On Monday, June 24, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ukraine held a reception in honor of one of the most important holidays of the country – Statehood Day, which is celebrated annually on June 25 in memory of the country’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.

According to the Embassy’s press service, among the guests of the event were representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Ukraine, Ukrainian statesmen, members of the Slovenian community.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovenia to Ukraine Mateja Prevolšek made a welcoming speech, thanking all those present for showing attention to this important day and emphasized that Ukraine and Slovenia have a lot in common.

“Tiny in terms of territory and population Slovenia at first glance may not seem similar to Ukraine, except for a little bit of languages. If we go beyond the first impression and ideological, cultural or geographical surprises of one kind or another, we can easily recognize the similarities and, if I may say so, the sisterhood between our two countries,” she said.

The ambassador noted that against the backdrop of the changing balance of power in the 1980s, the people of Slovenia decided for independence and the beginning of new relations with their neighbors, other European countries and the world.

“It was not easy, we were attacked and bombed. Our military and diplomats managed to limit the aggression to 10 days. Especially important was the support we received,” emphasized Prevolszek.

The head of the diplomatic mission assured that Slovenia consistently supports Ukraine and its brave people in the fight against Russian aggression, and is a steadfast friend and partner of Ukraine.

“Slovenia’s independence celebration is a time to reiterate our commitment to help Ukraine not only defend itself, but also commit to a bright future in the EU and NATO family,” the diplomat concluded.

On June 27, Slovenian President Natasa Pirtz Musar is planning her visit to Kiev. During the visit, she will sign a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine.

On 11 December 1991, the Slovenian Assembly recognized Ukraine’s state independence. On the same day, Ukraine became one of the first European countries to recognize the state independence of the Republic of Slovenia. On March 10, 1992, Ukraine and Slovenia signed an agreement on the establishment of diplomatic relations. The Embassy of Slovenia in Kyiv was established in April 2004.

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