Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Export Credit Agency supported UAH 1.23 bln of exports in May

In May 2024, the Export Credit Agency (ECA) supported UAH 1.23 billion of exports, while since the beginning of the year this amount amounted to UAH 2.93 billion, according to the ECA website.

It is specified that one hryvnia of ECA’s insurance liability has generated UAH 11.15 of future export revenue as of today.

Among ECA’s partner banks, MTB Bank provided the largest financing to Ukrainian exporters in May (UAH 79.2 million), and it also supported the largest exports – by UAH 911.2 million. It is followed by Ukrgasbank (UAH 182 million of supported exports and UAH 28.2 million of loans issued) and Oschadbank (UAH 80.8 million and UAH 17.1 million, respectively) in the top three in May.

Since the beginning of the year, the leader among banks is Urgasbank, which has provided export loans worth UAH 120.5 million, thus securing UAH 1.75 billion in future revenue.

Among the regions, Kyiv (UAH 911.2 million), Ivano-Frankivsk (UAH 158.4 million), and Lviv (UAH 165.2 million) regions were the most active users of ECA insurance to develop export potential in May, while partner countries included Poland (UAH 660.7 million), Denmark (UAH 197.6 million), and the Netherlands (UAH 158.4 million). The most popular export products include milk and dairy products, processed vegetables, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.


Situation in Ukrainian energy sector next week will be noticeably more difficult – head of Ukrenergo

The situation in the Ukrainian energy system next week will be perceptibly more difficult compared to the current week, said the Chairman of the Board of the NEC Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudrytskyy.

“Next week will be more difficult for the energy system, because the heat wave will return and we will have a reduced capacity of nuclear power plants, if compared to the current week,” he said in an interview with Ukrayinska Pravda on Friday.

According to the NEC head, due to the massive shelling, the energy system has lost its reserve of strength and has become dependent on sudden changes in electricity consumption and weather, forcing it to balance by shutting down consumers.

“Our energy system, having lost more than 9 GW of capacity due to shelling, now has no reserve of strength. If earlier we had additional power plants that could be switched on promptly, we would overlap by switching on some hydro units or TPP units, now we simply do not have such a maneuver,” – explained Kudrytskyy.”

As previously reported, Energoatom announced that it would put a 1000 MW nuclear power plant unit under repair as part of a planned repair campaign in 2024. The company pointed out that, given this and the increase in electricity consumption in July, the generation deficit in the power system may increase.

Prime Minister Denys Shmygal noted that saving e/e will be part of Ukraine’s daily life in the coming years due to Russian attacks on the country’s energy sector.


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Ukraine reduced exports of titanium ores by 43%

In January-May this year, Ukraine reduced exports of titanium ores and concentrate in physical terms by 43.1% year-on-year to 3,207 thousand tons.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS) on Thursday, exports of titanium ores and concentrate decreased by 43.5% to $5.303 million in monetary terms.

The main exports were to Turkey (68.87% of supplies in monetary terms), the Philippines (6.32%) and Poland (5.83%).

At the same time, experts point to inconsistencies in the statistics on titanium ore exports. In particular, at the request of Interfax-Ukraine, Velta Production and Commercial Firm (PCF) LLC with titanium ore mining assets in Novomyrhorod (Kirovohrad region) reported that in January-February 2024 alone, the company exported more than 15 thousand tons of ilmenite (titanium concentrate) to the Czech Republic and Mexico. At the same time, experts believe that the GTS provides data only on the supply of rutile (also a titanium-containing ore).

In five months of 2024, Ukraine imported 56 tons of titanium ore from China worth $86 thousand.

As reported, in 2023, Ukraine reduced exports of titanium ore in physical terms by 96.4% compared to 2022 – to 11,648 thousand tons, while revenue decreased by 85.1% to $19.426 million. At the same time, the main exports were made to Turkey (38.21% of supplies in monetary terms), Japan (16.53%) and India (6.12%).

During this period, Ukraine imported 1 ton of such ore from the Netherlands for $2 thousand.

In 2022, Ukraine decreased exports of titanium ore by 41.8% year-on-year to 322.143 thousand tons, and by 19.6% in monetary terms to $130.144 million. The main exports were made to the Czech Republic (47.91% of supplies in monetary terms), the United States (11.94%) and Romania (9.75%).

In 2022, Ukraine imported 196 tons of similar products from Senegal (70.41%) and Turkey (29.59%) for $115 thousand.

In Ukraine, titanium ores are currently mined mainly by the United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC), which manages Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (VGMK, Dnipro region) and Irshansk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (Irshansk, Dnipro region). ) and Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant (IGOK, Zhytomyr region), as well as Mezhirichinsky GOK and Valky Ilmenite (both based in Irshansk, Zhytomyr region). In addition, Velta (Dnipro) has built a mining and processing plant at Birzulivske deposit with a capacity of 240 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate per year.

In addition, Velta, a Dnipro-based industrial and commercial company, has built a mining and processing plant at the Birzulivske deposit with an annual capacity of 240 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate.


Ukraine increased exports of iron ore by 2.3 times

In January-May this year, Ukrainian mining companies increased exports of iron ore in physical terms by 2.27 times compared to the same period last year, to 15 million 542.428 thousand tons.

According to the statistics released by the State Customs Service on Thursday, foreign exchange earnings from iron ore exports increased by 81.7% to $1 billion 367.161 million during the period under review.

Exports of iron ore were carried out mainly to China (40.53% of supplies in monetary terms), Slovakia (15.65%) and Poland (14.91%).

In January-May 2024, Ukraine imported iron ore worth $121 thousand in the total volume of 303 tons, while in January-May 2023 it imported iron ore worth $42 thousand in the total volume of 68 tons. This year’s imports were carried out from the Netherlands (39.67%), Norway (23.14%) and Italy (20.66%).

As reported, in 2023, Ukraine decreased exports of iron ore in physical terms by 26% compared to 2022 – to 17 million 753.165 thousand tons, foreign exchange earnings from iron ore exports amounted to $1 billion 766.906 million (down 39.3%). Iron ore was exported mainly to Slovakia (28.39% of supplies in monetary terms), the Czech Republic (19.74%) and Poland (19.56%).

Last year, Ukraine imported iron ore worth $135 thousand in the total amount of 250 tons. During this period, imports were made from Norway (34.81%), Italy (28.89%) and the Netherlands (28.89%). While in 2022, iron ore was imported for $65 thousand in a total volume of 101 tons.

In 2022, Ukraine decreased exports of iron ore in physical terms by 45.9% compared to 2021 – to 23 million 984.623 thousand tons, while foreign exchange earnings decreased by 57.8% to $2 billion 912.974 million. Iron ore was exported mainly to Slovakia (19.23% of supplies in monetary terms), the Czech Republic (17.32%) and Poland (16.49%).

In 2022, Ukraine imported iron ore worth $65 thousand in a total volume of 101 tons, while in 2021 – $184 thousand in a volume of 1,202 thousand tons. Imports were carried out from Norway (36.92%), the Netherlands (27.69%) and the UK (16.92%).


South African Parliament re-elects Cyril Ramaphosa as President of country

South Africa’s parliament has re-elected Cyril Ramaphosa as president of the country after a coalition agreement between the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and opposition parties, the BBC reported on Saturday.

The new national unity government brings together Mr. Ramaphosa’s ANC, the center-right Democratic Alliance (DA) and smaller parties.

In his speech, Mr. Ramaphosa welcomed the new coalition and said voters expected the leaders to “act and work together for the benefit of all the people of our country.”

The National Assembly was in session late into the evening to vote on who would hold power in the new administration. The deal comes after weeks of speculation about who the ANC would partner with after losing its parliamentary majority for the first time in 30 years in last month’s elections.

The ANC won 40% of the vote, while the DA came in second with 22%.

ANC Secretary General Fikile Mbalula called the coalition agreement “a great step”.

This means that Mr. Ramaphosa, who succeeded Jacob Zuma as president and leader of the ANC after a fierce power struggle in 2018, was able to retain power. Mr. Ramaphosa’s next step will be to distribute positions in the cabinet, which will include members of the DA.

Speaking to lawmakers in Cape Town on Friday, John Steenhuisen, the leader of the DA, said: “Today is a historic day for our country and I think it is the beginning of a new chapter.”

The National Assembly also swore in the speaker of the ANC, and the post of deputy speaker went to the DA.

Earlier, the Experts Club think tank presented an analytical material on the most important elections in the world in 2024, more detailed video analysis is available here –

You can subscribe to the Experts Club YouTube channel here –

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“Ukrgasvydobuvannya” received 103 diesel generators from USAID

In March-April, Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC received 102 diesel generators funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the company’s press service said on Friday.

According to the press service, they are used as emergency stationary power sources to provide electricity to production facilities and repair bases, as well as administrative buildings. The diesel generators can also be used as mobile power sources for field crews for maintenance, repair and construction of UGV facilities.

“USAID is helping Ukraine prepare for the next winter in this way. Every day our company overcomes many challenges related to the war. In this difficult time, assistance from international partners is very important for us,” said UGV CEO Oleg Tolmachev.

In turn, the press service of Naftogaz clarified that USAID will also provide additional means of protection for the group’s gas production facilities from Russian attacks.

“We are very grateful to the international partners who have provided us with this assistance, as it is extremely important to support Ukrainian production in the face of the destruction of the country’s energy infrastructure,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov, the group’s CEO.

As reported, in 2022, Ukrgasvydobuvannya produced 12.5 bcm of natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021. In 2023, the company produced 13.224 bcm of commercial gas, which is 0.679 bcm more than in 2022.

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine owns 100% of Ukrgasvydobuvannya shares.

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