Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Farmers will be compensated up to 50% of cost of construction and restoration of reclamation systems

At a meeting on Friday, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to compensate up to 50% of the cost of restoring and building reclamation systems for water user organizations, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to Resolution No. 628 “On Amendments to the Procedure for the Use of Funds Provided in the State Budget for Providing State Support to Agricultural Producers Using Reclaimed Land and Water User Organizations” developed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, farmers using reclaimed land can receive compensation for the reconstruction and modernization of existing or construction of new reclamation systems, as well as for the restoration of pumping stations.

The amount of assistance for farmers will not exceed UAH 26.5 thousand per 1 hectare of cultivated land subject to hydraulic reclamation, excluding the cost of sprinklers.

The budgetary subsidy is provided for the works and reclamation systems commissioned for the period from November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy clarified that farmers will submit applications for budgetary funds and documents for it through the State Agrarian Register. The Ministry will announce the start of the application process later.

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Forecast of unemployment rate in Ukraine according to methodology of international labor organization until 2025

Forecast of unemployment rate in ukraine according to methodology of international labor organization until 2025

Source: and

Ukraine exported 50 mln tons of cargo via sea corridor, sending more than 1.7 thousand vessels

Since August 2023, the sea corridor created by the Ukrainian Navy has exported 50 million tons of cargo, with 1,737 vessels handled in ports, the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure (Ministry of Reconstruction) reports.

“50 million tons of cargo were exported through the Ukrainian sea corridor in 9 months. Despite constant attacks by Russians, Ukrainian port workers managed to handle 1737 vessels,” the Ministry said in a Facebook post on Saturday, while former Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Ministry of Recovery Oleksandr Kubrakov said that agricultural products accounted for 35 million tons.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the government, the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority, international partners and all port industry workers, it was possible to establish stable exports of Ukrainian agricultural products by sea, the report said.

The Facebook page of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) reports that the Black Sea ports have reached a record volume of cargo handling.

“Starting with the first vessel Joseph Shulte, which sailed through the Ukrainian corridor on August 16, 2023, Ukrainian Black Sea ports have handled this record volume of cargo despite the enemy’s constant attacks on our critical infrastructure. This is 1737 vessels handled!” the USPA said in a statement.

Last Thursday, former Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Yuriy Vaskov announced that exports through the sea corridor had reached 50 million tons.

The head of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA), Yuriy Lytvyn, said that the results of the Ukrainian “grain corridor” were almost one and a half times higher than the Black Sea Grain Initiative. According to him, the rate of grain cargo transportation for eight months is already 10% higher than the results of the grain initiative for the year.


On June 12, forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat”

Grain – Pigs – Meat is a value chain that can increase the added value of up to 6 billion euros per year and even more, as opposed to grain exports, which leave almost no added value in Ukraine.

The Forum of the same name “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2024” will be held in Kyiv on June 12.

Mykola Babenko, chairman of the Forum’s organizing committee and head of the Meat Industry Association and the Center for Efficiency Improvement in Livestock, said: “There are many mechanisms for filling the budget with taxes. Stimulating the production of industries with high added value is the best one, we are convinced of that. For example, grain exports bring almost nothing to the budget, while grain processing into bioethanol, feeding pigs with bioethanol production waste, and pork exports account for hundreds of percent of added value in Ukraine, billions of euros on the same grain that is exported. Six billion euros of added value can be gained annually by Ukraine’s economy just by quadrupling the number of pigs in Ukraine to the level of 1991.”

Stimulating the development of high value-added industries, such as pig and meat production, could provide an alternative domestic market for Ukrainian grain. Currently, the pig industry consumes only 2 million tons of grain, but it is capable of consuming 10 million tons annually.


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Ukrainian President to visit Philippines for first time

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will visit the Philippines for the first time. Zelensky will arrive in Manila late in the evening on Sunday, June 2, news website Rappler reported, citing diplomatic sources.

According to the report, this is Volodymyr Zelensky’s first visit to Manila since he was elected president in 2019, the Ukrainian president will arrive in the Philippines immediately after his visit to Singapore.

As previously reported, in Singapore Zelensky took part in the Shangri-La Dialogue conference and held meetings with Singaporean government officials, investors, as well as US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.



Norway has tightened protection rules for refugees from Ukraine

Ukrainians who had a permit for temporary collective protection from war in Norway, but whose permit was revoked or not renewed, cannot subsequently obtain it again.

The corresponding tightening to the protection rules was adopted by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Safety on May 31, according to a press release from the agency.

“Norway spends a lot of money on accelerated processing and resettlement of Ukrainian asylum seekers under a special scheme. The Center Party and the Labor Party in the government think it is wrong that asylum seekers who have voluntarily returned or have broken the rules should receive special treatment again,” Norwegian Justice and Public Safety Minister Emilie Enger Mehl said.

According to the Directorate of Immigration, about 2,000 Ukrainians with temporary collective protection have not received an extension of their one-year residence permit in Norway. In many cases, these are people who have moved back to Ukraine or other European countries. These people will no longer be able to receive collective protection in Norway if they apply for it again; instead, they will be referred to the normal individual asylum procedure.

The Minister also does not rule out the possibility of further tightening the rules for temporary collective protection in Norway.

“Immigration must be sustainable. We are therefore considering further tightening of the temporary collective protection scheme,” Mel indicated.

As reported, on March 11, 2022, the Norwegian government introduced a temporary collective protection scheme for displaced persons from Ukraine. This scheme means that those covered by it are granted a residence permit under a simplified procedure and without individual assessment.

According to Eurostat, at the end of March this year, Norway had 70.69 thousand citizens with temporary protection status from the war in Ukraine, compared to 52.61 thousand at the end of August 2023 and 66.94 thousand at the end of 2023.

A total of 4 million 211.5 thousand citizens of non-EU countries who left Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022 had temporary protection status in the EU countries as of March 31, 2024. Ukrainian citizens accounted for more than 98% of temporary protection beneficiaries.

According to Eurostat data, at the end of March 2024, the main EU countries that received temporary protection beneficiaries from Ukraine were Germany (1 million 301.79 thousand people; 30.9% of the total), Poland (955.52 thousand people; 22.7%) and the Czech Republic (364.38 thousand people; 8.7%). The combined share of these three countries is 62.3%.


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