Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Number of completed movements from Ukraine under general transit procedure increased 13 times in first quarter

The number of completed movements from Ukraine under the general transit procedure (NCTS) in the first quarter of this year amounted to 19 thousand, which is 13 times more than in the same period last year, the State Customs Service of Ukraine reported on Monday.

“Despite the hostilities and the difficult situation on the western border of Ukraine, the first quarter of 2024 was the most productive by all accounts compared to previous quarters since the start of the application of the common transit procedure (NCTS) in Ukraine, that is, from October 1, 2022,” the agency said in a statement on its Telegram channel.

It is specified that during January-March 2024, a third of the total number of transit declarations under the NCTS was issued – 23.5 thousand out of more than 65 thousand. In particular, in the countries participating in the NCTS Convention, more than 19 thousand movements initiated by the customs authorities of Ukraine were successfully completed, while in Ukraine – almost 4.5 thousand movements initiated in other countries participating in the Convention.

The customs office emphasized that compared to the same period last year, i.e. the first quarter of 2023, the rate of successfully completed movements started in Ukraine increased 13 times, and movements started in other countries party to the Convention – 9 times.

Also, in January-March 2024, the number of companies that received and use authorizations for the application of transit simplifications in accordance with the Convention almost doubled from 57 to 101.

It is specified that they have been granted 121 authorizations (out of 303 during the period of application of the Convention by Ukraine), 39 of which were granted to use the general guarantee (including an increase in the reference amount), 27 each with the status of authorized shipper and consignee, and 22 to use special type seals.

Regarding the guarantee of the joint transit procedure, the State Customs Service notes a significant increase in the number of registered individual guarantees in the first quarter of 2024.

“In this quarter alone, almost 3 thousand individual guarantees worth more than EUR 95 million were registered. At the same time, since Ukraine joined the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure, at the end of the quarter, almost 5.5 thousand valid (including used) individual guarantees totaling EUR 274 million were available in the NCTS system,” the service added.

In addition, during this period, 21 general guarantees worth EUR 38 million were registered. Since the start of the NCTS system, only 74 general guarantees have been registered, 50 of which are currently valid for EUR 167 million.

Earlier, roundtables were devoted to customs reform, where the event’s organizer and moderator Maksim Urakin stated that the State Customs Service accounts for 35-40% of state budget revenues, and these figures have remained stable in recent years. That is why customs reforms are so important for the country.m

“Nibulon” sells pig farm in Zhytomyr region

One of the largest grain market operators in Ukraine, JV Nibulon LLC (Mykolaiv), has put up for auction a full-cycle property complex in Zhytomyr region, the grain trader’s website reports.
According to the report, the property includes a pig farm and a meat processing plant in the village of Bystryk.
Among the advantages of the business sold by the grain trader are a favorable location in the central part of Ukraine near the capital on an area of 11 hectares, working equipment in satisfactory condition, the availability of personnel consisting of local residents, stable demand for pork and its products in the domestic and foreign markets, its own trademark “Bystrytska”, project and design developments.
The auction will run until April 20.
Nibulon JV LLC was established in 1991. Prior to the Russian military invasion, the grain trader had 27 transshipment terminals and crop reception complexes, capacity for simultaneous storage of 2.25 million tons of agricultural products, a fleet of 83 vessels (including 23 tugs), and owned the Mykolaiv Shipyard.
“Before the war, Nibulon cultivated 82 thousand hectares of land in 12 regions of Ukraine and exported agricultural products to more than 70 countries. In 2021, the grain trader exported the highest ever volume of 5.64 million tons of agricultural products, reaching record volumes of supplies to foreign markets in August – 0.7 million tons, in the fourth quarter – 1.88 million tons, and in the second half of the year – 3.71 million tons.
Nibulon’s losses due to Russia’s full-scale military invasion in 2022 exceeded $416 million.
Currently, the grain trader is operating at 32% of capacity, has created a special unit to clear agricultural land of mines, and was forced to move its headquarters from Mykolaiv to Kyiv.


Switzerland to hold high-level conference on Ukraine settlement in mid-June

Switzerland intends to hold a high-level conference on a settlement in Ukraine in mid-June, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing sources.

“The conference may take place on June 16-17, but it is not yet clear how many countries will participate,” the agency informs, noting that it could be 80-100 countries, representing mainly the “global South.”

According to the agency’s interlocutors, the key issue is China’s participation, which will allow Switzerland to “ensure the credibility of the initiative.”

A representative of the Swiss Foreign Ministry noted that the date and venue of the conference are still unknown. The agency’s sources said it could be held in the Swiss city of Lucerne.

“In addition to the positions of Ukraine, Russia and Europe, it is important to hear the opinion of the “global South”, which will play a key role in the possible inclusion of Russia in this process. That is why we maintain close contacts with China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Saudi Arabia,” the Swiss Foreign Ministry spokesman added.

Bloomberg notes that several countries insist on Russia’s participation in the conference, but Kyiv wants to reach an agreement on key principles that “will form the basis for a future agreement” before engaging Moscow in the dialogue.


Uzbekistan and European Union establish strategic partnership in field of critical raw materials

On April 5, Uzbekistan and the European Union signed a memorandum of understanding that launched a strategic partnership to develop sustainable value chains in the field of critical raw materials.

The memorandum was visualized in Belgium by Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan, and Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice President of the European Commission.

The EU notes that Uzbekistan has the second largest reserves of critical raw materials in Central Asia: copper, molybdenum and gold.

“This agreement marks a significant step towards securing diversified and sustainable supplies of critical raw materials for the transition to green and digital technologies, both in the European Union and in Uzbekistan,” the statement said.

Critical raw materials are minerals that are of great economic importance to the European Union. Such raw materials include 34 types of metals, minerals and other natural materials, 17 of which are strategically important: copper, lithium, aluminum, titanium, platinum, graphite, nickel, cobalt and others.

The strategic partnership, according to the memorandum, focuses on the following areas of cooperation:

Integration of sustainable value chains for critical raw materials, including through networking, pre-qualification of project proposals, joint project development, and promotion and facilitation of trade and investment links along the entire value chain;
Increasing the supply of critical raw materials and establishing a dialogue to increase transparency in investment, operations, and exports;
Attracting financing for projects implemented under the partnership, as well as developing clean energy supply, but not limited to;
Cooperation in the field of research and innovation, including the exchange of knowledge and technology related to sustainable exploration, production, processing and reuse of critical raw materials, etc.

“This agreement with natural resource-rich Uzbekistan will help the EU secure much-needed access to critical raw materials. For Uzbekistan, this will be a major boost to its ambitions to diversify its economy and sustainably develop its extractive industry,” said Valdis Dombrovskis.

The partnership is in line with the Global Gateway strategy, the EU’s key initiative to invest in sustainable projects around the world, taking into account the needs of partner countries and providing long-term benefits to them, through which the EU will mobilize up to €300 billion by 2027.

The next step after the signing of the memorandum will be the joint work of the European Union and Uzbekistan to create an operational roadmap with concrete actions.

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“Ukrhydroenergo announces tender for CASCO

On April 5, Ukrhydroenergo announced a tender for voluntary motor vehicle insurance (CASCO) for the branches of the Cascade of Kyiv HPPs and PSPs, according to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system.

The expected value of the insurance services procurement is UAH 192.041 thousand.

The deadline for submitting documents for the tender is April 15.

“Ukrhydroenergo operates all major hydroelectric power plants located on the Ukrainian sections of the Dnipro and Dniester rivers. The total installed capacity of the company’s hydroelectric power plants is 5,744.8 MW. The state, represented by the Ministry of Energy, owns 100% of the company’s shares.

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VUSO Insurance Company increased collection of gross premiums by 62.6%, payments doubled

In 2023, VUSO Insurance Company (Kyiv) collected UAH 2.677 billion in gross premiums, which is 62.6% more than in 2022, the rating agency (RA) Standard Rating reported in information on the confirmation of the company’s financial strength rating at the level of “uaAA” on the national scale.

According to the information on the RA website, in particular, revenues from individuals increased by 48.98% to UAH 1.724 billion during the reporting period, and from reinsurers – by 60.62% to UAH 32.205 million. Thus, the share of individuals in the insurer’s gross written premiums for the twelve months of 2023 amounted to 64.39%, and the share of reinsurers – 1.20%.

Insurance payments sent to reinsurers increased by 19.75% to UAH 204.246 million. The ratio of reinsurers’ participation in insurance premiums decreased by 2.73 p.p. to 7.63%.

Net written premiums for the reporting period increased by 67.57% to UAH 2.473 billion, while earned premiums increased by 75.59% to UAH 2.337 billion.

VUSO paid UAH 972.7 million to its clients in 2023, which is more than twice the amount of insurance payments and reimbursements in 2022. Thus, the level of payments increased by 8.15 percentage points to 36.33%.

At the end of 2023, profit from operating activities increased by 19.34% to UAH 49.904 million, and net profit increased 2.7 times to UAH 44.048 million.

As of December 31, 2023, the company’s assets increased by 71.40% to UAH 1.748 billion, equity by 66.80% to UAH 634.114 million, liabilities by 74.13% to UAH 1.114 billion, and cash and cash equivalents by 26.10% to UAH 552.918 million.

At the same time, RA notes that the growth of the company’s equity was due to an increase in the authorized capital by UAH 187.585 million in the first quarter of 2023. In particular, in May 2023, the issue of ordinary registered shares in the amount of UAH 187.585 million was registered, which is 100% of the authorized capital of PJSIC ASKA, and in July 2023, the conversion of PJSIC ASKA shares into shares of VUSO Insurance Company was completed.

As reported, the decision to merge ASKA with VUSO and to continue working under a single brand was made during the general meeting of both insurance companies in March 2023, and the acquisition was announced by VUSO shareholders in August 2022.

The RA also reports that as of the beginning of 2024, the company had a sufficient level of capitalization (56.92%) and a good level of cash coverage of liabilities (49.63%). The company has formed a portfolio of investments in domestic government bonds in the amount of UAH 204.037 million, which increased the level of the insurer’s liquid assets, which together covered 67.95% of the company’s liabilities. In addition, the balance of funds in the centralized insurance reserve funds (MTIBU) as of the reporting date amounted to UAH 293.449 million, including UAH 219.978 million of additional guarantee premiums for the company’s liquidity.

VUSO was founded in 2001. The company holds 50 licenses: 34 – for voluntary and 16 – for compulsory types of insurance, and is represented in all regions of Ukraine. It is a member of MTIBU and USIF, a party to the Direct Claims Settlement Agreement and a member of the Nuclear Insurance Pool.

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