Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

USAID launches program for 20 Ukrainian agricultural enterprises to develop exports

The USAID Rural and Agricultural Development Program has announced the launch of a program to co-finance 20 Ukrainian agricultural processing enterprises that intend to restore and develop their export potential, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reports.

According to the report, the competition is open to non-state (private) enterprises/companies that have export-oriented development strategies and are regular exporters.
The companies can receive co-financing to increase the volume of purchases and processing of raw materials, in particular, by attracting micro, small and medium-sized agricultural producers for long-term partnership. Grant recipients will also be able to introduce new grain processing technologies to increase productivity by at least 25%.

It is expected that with the grant funds, the companies will be able to develop a long-term export strategy and increase sales by 20% through 5 new export channels and markets for processed products and increase sales in foreign markets.

The USAID AGRO program will focus on restoring and strengthening processing capacities to produce value-added products for export, such as corn for feed and food; wheat for food, industrial and feed purposes; rye for industrial and feed purposes; industrial sunflower seeds; high oleic sunflower seeds; soybeans for industrial and feed purposes; varietal and regular cycle seeds.

The donor organization has drawn the attention of applicants to the fact that projects aimed at storing grains, oilseeds and pulses, including receiving, cleaning, drying, storing, and shipping grain by rail and road, are not eligible.

The application deadline is May 31, 2024.

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Ukrainian students will be able to do internships abroad

The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a resolution allowing some bachelor’s students to go abroad for internships.

This was reported by MP Oleksiy Honcharenko on his telegram channel.

Bachelor’s students aged 18-22, as well as masters of medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary specialties studying at Ukrainian universities, will be able to travel abroad.

Goncharenko’s information was confirmed on Facebook by Education Minister Oksen Lisovyi.

According to him, it will be possible to study abroad for one semester, or about four months.

He gave a list of documents required for this:

– student’s e-ticket;
– a referral from an educational institution;
– a certified copy of the agreement with a foreign university on admission to the academic mobility program;
– a military reference document from the TCC.

Also, those wishing to do an internship abroad should have high grades and fulfill a number of requirements set by the program founders.

The Ministry of Education will not issue any special permits.

The day before, amid mobilization in Ukraine, the authorities tightened the rules for admission to graduate school. Tougher admission conditions will cut off those who were liable for military service who were hoping to enroll in a postgraduate program at any university solely to get a deferral from mobilization.

Meanwhile, in the new draft law on toughening mobilization, MPs promised to leave the postponement for graduate students.


Export of goods from Ukraine in 2023 in most important positions to previous 2022

Export of goods from Ukraine in 2023 in most important positions to previous 2022

Source: and

First underground school built in Kharkiv

The construction of the first underground school in Kharkiv has been completed and will be open to students by the end of this school year, the press service of the Kharkiv City Council reports, citing Mayor Igor Terekhov.

“The building is built to the highest safety standards, has 20 classrooms and is designed to accommodate 900 students in two shifts. Enrollment for the next school year is almost complete. Already this year, 600 children will sit down at their desks,” Terekhov wrote on the social network X on Tuesday.

According to him, similar schools are planned to be built in different parts of the city. “We plan to continue building similar schools in other parts of the city to ensure that all our children have equal access to quality and, most importantly, safe education,” Terekhov said.


Heat map of risks for financial sector of Ukraine

Heat map of risks for the financial sector of Ukraine

Source: and

International Register of Losses to collect claims from Ukrainian citizens has started working

The International Register of Losses is projected to receive up to 8 million applications from victims of Russian aggression, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.

“Today in The Hague should start working the International Register of losses, where all Ukrainians who suffered from Russian aggression will be able to apply. First of all we launch the fixing of damaged or destroyed housing. Applications will be submitted through “Dia”, everything is maximally digitalized and convenient, “- said Shmygal at a government meeting on Tuesday.

Prime Minister noted that according to forecasts, only in the housing segment the Register will receive from 300 to 600 thousand applications from the victims.

“In total, we expect up to 8 million applications from all those affected by the war in one way or another. Consistently and purposefully realize the principle “Russia will pay” and create a precedent of material responsibility of the aggressor for the losses caused by them,” – said Shmygal.

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