Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Stalkanat shareholders to allocate UAH 60.5 mln for dividends

The shareholders of PrJSC “Production Association “Stalkanat” (Odesa) intend to allocate UAH 60 million 511.837 thousand for dividends at the rate of UAH 0.58 per share from the profit for 2023.

This issue is included in the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders scheduled for April 18 this year, which is held remotely.

The draft decision specifies the dividend payment period – until October 31, 2024.

The payment will be made directly to shareholders’ accounts.

The shareholders will also summarize the company’s performance in 2023, in particular, they will hear the CEO’s report on the company’s financial and economic activities for the past year, determine the main areas of activity, and make decisions based on the results of the report. They will also consider the report of the Supervisory Board for 2023 and the auditor, and make decisions on them.

They will also decide on the distribution of the company’s profit for 2023. It is proposed to allocate UAH 60.5 million to dividends, and leave the rest of the profit undistributed. At the same time, the documents do not specify the amount of profit earned by the company in 2023.

As reported, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of PAO Stalkanat held on February 22, 2024, decided to conduct an additional issue of shares with a doubling of the company’s authorized capital. It is planned to place an additional 104 million 330,753 thousand ordinary registered shares with an existing par value of UAH 0.17 and increase the authorized capital from UAH 17 million 736 thousand 228.01 to UAH 35 million 472 thousand 456.02.

The placement of shares will be carried out in one stage from May 1 to May 31, 2024 inclusive (exclusively among persons who are shareholders as of February 22, 2024).

According to the official information of the company, 100% of the funds raised from the share issue in the amount of UAH 17 million 736.228 thousand will be used to repay the obligations under the loan agreement dated September 28, 2012 between PJSC “Stalkanat” and the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB).

The company’s information states that no dividends were accrued or paid in 2019, 2020, and 2021. According to the results of 2022, dividends in the amount of UAH 197 million 185.123 thousand were accrued and paid, excluding taxes, in the amount of UAH 1.89 per share. In 2023, dividends were accrued in the amount of UAH 105 million 374,060 thousand and paid out, net of taxes, in the amount of UAH 1.01 per share. Also, on February 22, 2024, the meeting decided to allocate UAH 60 million 511,837 thousand for dividends at the rate of UAH 0.58 per share. The dividend payment period is from March 20 to August 14, 2024.

“Stalkanat is one of the largest producers of steel ropes and reinforcing strands in Eastern Europe and a leader in the production of hardware products in Ukraine.

As of January 22, 2024, David Nemyrovsky holds a 50% stake, Anton Mikhalenko – 23.7%, Maria Kondratyuk – 23.1%, and Vitaly Dubovich – 3.199998%.

The authorized capital of Stalkanat currently amounts to UAH 17.736 million, with a share price of UAH 0.17.

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Trypillia Packaging Plant accelerates corrugated packaging output growth to 12% in January

Trypillia Packaging Plant (TUP, Ukrainka, Kyiv region), a subsidiary of Rubizhne Cardboard and Packaging Plant, which has stopped operations in Luhansk region, increased corrugated packaging output by 12.3% in January-February compared to the same period in 2023, to 25.8 million square meters.

According to statistics provided to Interfax-Ukraine by UkrPapir Association, the mill accelerated the growth rate of corrugated packaging output, which in January was 5% compared to January 2023.

In February, TUK increased its corrugated packaging production by 21% year-on-year.

The plant consistently ranks second in corrugated packaging production after Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill (33.4 million square meters).

Due to the growth in corrugated packaging production, the plant has achieved a positive production growth in monetary terms over the past two months, producing UAH 435.35 million worth of products (up 0.1%), while in January the decline was 6.6%.

As reported, the major companies in the industry, which provided data to UkrPapir, increased production of cardboard boxes by 12.3% to 87.3 million square meters in January-February.

As reported, before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Rubizhne Pulp and Paper Mill, together with TUK, were the leading corrugated packaging producers in Ukraine.

After the destruction, the plant in Rubizhne shut down, and the legal entity Rubizhne CTC was re-registered in Kyiv.

TUC produces a wide range of corrugated cardboard products for food, industrial goods and chemicals. Among its customers are Roshen, Coca-Cola, MHP agricultural holding, and Lactalis Group.

In 2023, Trypillia Paper Mill increased its sales volume by 13.7% compared to 2022, to UAH 2 billion 480 million, while corrugated packaging production increased by 17.9% to 145.8 million square meters.


“Dneprovagonremstroy” will allocate UAH 28 mln of profit to pay off past losses

According to preliminary data, in 2023, Dniprovsky Passenger Car Repair and Construction Plant JSC (Dniprovagonrembud) received a net profit of UAH 27.76 million, which is 35.6% more than in 2022 (UAH 20.47 million).

According to the information in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) for the agenda of the company’s general shareholders’ meeting on April 18, the uncovered loss at the beginning of 2024 amounted to UAH 565.8 million.

As in the previous year, the shareholders plan to use the net profit received in 2022 to pay off the losses of previous years, and not to pay dividends.

According to the NSSMC, as of the third quarter of 2023, more than 98.8% of the shares of Dniprovagonrembud JSC belong to Unibudinvest, a venture closed-end corporate investment fund affiliated with businessman Leonid Yurushev.

According to the company, last year its current liabilities decreased by 11.7% to UAH 243 million, while long-term liabilities decreased by 30% to UAH 8.56 million.

The value of Dneprovagonrembud’s assets decreased by 6.3% to UAH 122 million, including total receivables, which increased by 28% to UAH 24.75 million.

The company’s equity is negative at UAH 129.6 million.

Dniprovagonrembud’s main specialization is the repair and manufacture of railway rolling stock and its components.

According to Clarity-project, the company increased its net sales revenue by 21.4% in 2023 to UAH 309 million by 2022.


Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for $1, IN 01.12.2023-31.12.2023)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for $1, IN 01.12.2023-31.12.2023)

Source: and

Work of the non-governmental National Association for Humanitarian Demining has been launched in Ukraine, its head Meri Hakobyan said on Monday during presentation of association.

The work of the non-governmental National Association for Humanitarian Demining has been launched in Ukraine, its head Meri Hakobyan said on Monday during the presentation of the association.

“The key mission of the association will be to promote the rapid and professional clearance of Ukraine’s territories of explosive hazards with the involvement of all interested stakeholders, including mine clearance equipment manufacturers, accredited demining operators, and government agencies,” she said.

Among the main directions of Hakobyan’s activity she singled out joining efforts and communication with state authorities on humanitarian demining, development of recommendations on improvement of normative-legal support in the sphere of humanitarian demining, assistance in improving the quality of professional training of industry specialists, development, discussion and making proposals on reasonable types of classifiers, standards, operational reliability and safety of demining, raising public awareness,

The primary task of the Association will be the preparation of the state professional standard of the new profession “Humanitarian Demining Deminer”, as well as the creation of a system and methodology for training such deminers, preparation of amendments to the law of Ukraine on “Mine Action” and communication with the media.

As Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Bezkaravaynyy emphasized, the National Association for Humanitarian Demining is an initiative coming from business and civil society and may become a precondition for the formation of a demining market in the state.

In particular, he said, there are currently 32 humanitarian demining operators in the country, of which about 20 are Ukrainian in the status of Limited Liability Companies.

“This shows that the Ukrainian business goes into the sphere of demining, is ready to invest resources, money, to develop in this direction and develop the market,” – said the Deputy Minister.

In turn, the Ambassador of Japan in Ukraine Kuninori Matsuda said that one of the priorities of the Japanese government is precisely the provision of assistance to Ukraine in the field of humanitarian demining.

“We have been working with the Cambodian demining center for 25 years. We have developed many methodologies and will share our own developments and technologies with Ukraine … Japan will support the entire Ukrainian demining sector until the last mine in Ukraine is cleared,” he said.

He recalled that the Japanese government has already transferred to Ukraine 30 special tractors, dozens of wagons and pickup trucks to locate mines and another 22 special mine clearance vehicles will be transferred in June this year.

Ruslan Beregulya, head of the Main Directorate of Mine Action of the Defense Ministry, said that 950 people have been affected by explosive objects since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Of these, 289 have died and 661 have been injured or maimed.

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Opendatabot has published the Index of Best Companies in Ukraine – 2024

The list includes the largest businesses with an impeccable business reputation.

The Opendatabot Index is an analytical tool that allows to assess the real situation and geography of Ukrainian business. The Index is based on data from state registers, Opendatabot registers, financial statements of companies, information on relations with Russia, sanctions lists and other analytical tools of Opendatabot.


The Opendatabot 2024 Index takes into account both financial indicators (financial statements of companies for 2023) and business reputation of businesses. In particular, the list excludes sanctioned companies or businesses with owners from the Russian Federation. The Index also includes companies associated with public figures, MPs or politicians who are required to declare their income.

It is worth noting that this year’s list does not include municipal and state-owned enterprises.

“Built on the financial statements and revenue of companies, the Opendatabot Index gives a complete picture of what happened to Ukrainian business in 2023,” comments Oleksiy Ivankin, founder of Opendatabot.

The index reflects the view of Ukrainian companies from the perspective of current state registers, so it may differ from the view created in the public information space.

The weight and share of the industry and region are calculated based on the top companies and their turnover. This approach makes it possible to understand and assess the impact of a region on the economy of the whole country, the financial capacity of industries and the position of the largest players in each industry.

For a more detailed analysis of each specific industry, you can use the classifier of economic activities from Opendatabot.