Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

It will be rainy in Kyiv in coming days

On Sunday, March 17, it will be cloudy in Kyiv and the region, with clearings, no significant precipitation at night and in the morning, rain in the afternoon, southwest wind, 5-10 m/s, the Ukrainian Weather Center reports.

Temperatures in the region will be 1-6° Celsius at night and 8-13° Celsius during the day, and 3-5° Celsius at night and 10-12° Celsius during the day in Kyiv.

On Monday and Tuesday, the region will have cloudy weather with clearings, rain on March 18, sleet at night, moderate sleet at night, light rain in some places during the day, northwest wind with a shift to southwest, 5-10 m/s.

In the region on Monday, the temperature at night will be 0-5 ° C, during the day 2-7 ° C, on Tuesday – at night from 3 ° C to 2 ° C, during the day 2-7 ° C. In the capital, on Monday – at night 0-2° C, during the day 4-6° C, on Tuesday – at night 0-2° C, during the day 4-6° C.

On Wednesday and Thursday, March 20-21, there will be occasional light rain in the region, with sleet at night. The temperature in the Kyiv region will be from 4° C to 1° C at night, 4-9° C during the day, in Kyiv – 1-3° C at night, 6-8° C during the day.


On Saturday, level of Dnieper rose to absolute maximum since beginning of 2024 within tcity of Kyiv

On Saturday within Kiev the level of the Dnieper rose to its absolute maximum since the beginning of 2024, emergency flooding in the city has not been recorded, according to the head of the Kiev City Military Administration Sergey Popko.

“The level of the Dnieper within Kiev has risen to its absolute maximum since the beginning of 2024. As of 16.03.2014, it is fixed at the mark of 601 cm above the “0” post. Water temperature – 3.9 deg. C”, – said in a message published in the telegram channel on Saturday.

According to monitoring data, over the past 7 days, the level of the Dnieper within Kiev has increased by more than 60 centimeters. At the same time there is a significant fluctuation of water during the day.

“The rise in water level and such significant fluctuations are due to the increase in water discharges from the Kiev reservoir due to the passage of spring floods. Therefore, there is an initial flooding of floodplains and low-lying riverine areas”, – noted in the press service of the KHVA.

In Kiev announced I level of danger of hydrological phenomena. In the capital as of Saturday emergency flooding has not been recorded, industrial facilities and residential areas are out of danger. Monitoring of the current flood continues.

“According to forecasts Ukrgidrometcenter, at least until March 19, the level of the Dnieper in Kiev will be kept above the marks of initial flooding of floodplains and low riverine areas,” – said Popko.

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Experts Club analyzed the key trends in the global economy over the last decades

In his analytical video published on the Experts Club YouTube channel, Maxim Urakin, founder of the project and PhD in Economics, focuses on the key indicator of global macroeconomics – gross domestic product (GDP), which plays a central role in analyzing the economic well-being of countries. GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country over a certain period of time. This indicator helps to assess how productive a country’s economy is and is an important indicator of its overall economic well-being.

Analyzing GDP dynamics on a global scale

According to Urakin, analyzing the last decades shows significant changes in the global economy.

“In the 1990s to 2000s, first of all, there was significant economic growth in countries such as the US and China, as well as in developing countries such as India. It was a time of economic prosperity for developed countries and a period of rapid growth for some emerging markets,” explained the founder of Experts Club.

But then the world economy was rocked by crises, including the global financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent European debt crisis. These events, according to Expert Club, slowed global GDP growth and exposed the vulnerability of many economies previously considered promising.

“In recent years, we have faced new challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a significant downturn in the global economy, and geopolitical tensions, including the war in Ukraine. These events have re-emphasized the interconnectedness and interdependence in the global economy,” said Urakin.

GDP and geopolitical changes

Urakin notes that in the context of geopolitics, GDP serves not only as a measure of economic development but also as an indicator of international influence.

“India, surpassing the UK, has become the fifth largest economy in the world, which emphasizes the shift of global economic forces to the Asian region. This is also confirmed by the fact that China, having overtaken the US in terms of purchasing power, has confirmed its status as a global economic power,” the economist emphasized.

Future trends

Analysis of global GDP dynamics shows that the global economy continues to recover from the pandemic, but geopolitical instability has a restraining effect on this growth. According to Maxim Urakin, it is important to monitor developments and adapt to changing conditions to ensure sustainable economic growth in the future. Ukraine, in this context, needs to focus on strengthening domestic political stability, restoring economic potential and continuing reforms to improve its post-war prospects and strengthen its position on the global stage.

To learn more about global GDP, check out the video on the Experts Club channel at the link:

You can subscribe to the channel here:

GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country over a given period of time (usually a year). It measures a country’s total output and economic activity, being one of the key indicators of its economic health.

Nominal GDP is an estimate of gross domestic product expressed in current market prices, not adjusted for inflation or deflation. This means that when measuring nominal GDP, current prices of goods and services are taken into account, which can lead to higher GDP when prices rise (inflation), even if actual output has not increased.

PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) GDP is a method of estimating GDP that takes into account differences in the cost of living and price level between countries. The PPP GDP calculation uses prices adjusted to reflect real purchasing power in different countries. This allows for a more accurate comparison of living standards and economic activity between countries because it takes into account differences in the cost of goods and services in different places.

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Export of agricultural products during the marketing year, mln tons

Export of agricultural products during the marketing year, mln tons

Source: and

Dnipro Agro Group acquires controlling stake in Kyiv Feed Mill

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) has allowed Dnipro Agro Alliance LTD (Nicosia, Cyprus) to acquire a stake in the authorized capital of Kyivkombikorm Plant LLC.

According to the company’s Facebook post, this will provide Dnipro Agro Alliance LTD with more than 50% of the votes in the supreme governing body of Kyivkombikorm Plant.

Dnipro Agro Group is a vertically integrated group of companies focused on the production, storage and sale of grains and oilseeds. The agricultural holding cultivates 50.25 thousand hectares in Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia regions.

The group’s structure includes agricultural divisions of Vidrodzhennia LLC, Kamianske Agro LLC, Dniproagroalliance LLC, Agrofirma Vostok Agro LLC, and Peremoha LLC, which specialize in crop production. SC Dniprovsky LLC specializes in pig breeding and has a pig farm with 1.3 thousand heads.

The first company of the group, Dniproagroalliance, was founded in 2006 in the Dnipro region and specializes in crop production. The company employs about 1,000 people.

“DniproAgroGroup produces flour, bakery and confectionery products. The group includes Dnipro Bakery No. 5 with a capacity of 50 tons per day.

The total storage capacity of DniproAgroGroup’s grains and oilseeds is about 124 thousand tons.

Grain and oilseeds storage services are provided by Fisakivskyi and Bozhedarivskyi elevators, as well as Sinelnykove-Agro LLC (Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro regions).

According to the YouControl analytical system, the beneficiaries of the Dnipro Agro Alliance group of companies and co-founders of Dnipro Agro Group are Vasyl and Yevhen Astionov and Mykhailo Koshliak.

Kyiv Feed Mill LLC was registered in 2018 and is located in Brovary district of Kyiv region. The authorized capital is UAH 10,000.00. Previously, its beneficiaries were KyivAgro Poultry Farm LLC and Kyiv Poultry Farm Trading House LLC.


“Nibulon” has obtained right to carry out humanitarian demining

One of Ukraine’s largest grain market operators, Nibulon JV LLC (Mykolaiv), has been certified and granted the right to conduct humanitarian demining in the areas of Technical Survey, Manual Demining and War Zone Clearance, the grain trader’s press service reports.

“These certificates allow Nibulon sappers to carry out demining of Ukrainian land. At the same time, we continue to be certified in the process of “demining with the use of machines and mechanisms” to start clearing the land with the help of GCS-200 demining machines, obtained with the assistance of the German development bank DEG Impulse gGmbH, a subsidiary of DEG,” the agricultural holding said in a statement.

According to the report, Nibulon’s specialists have undergone a multi-level certification procedure at the Mine Action Center (MAC) under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. During the visit, representatives of the MAC checked the compliance of Nibulon sappers with the national legislation regarding the availability of the necessary documentation, equipment, including the equipment of an emergency medical vehicle, compliance with mine action processes and the competence of specialists.

“This is a very important moment for us, as certification required significant efforts from the entire team. Now, thanks to the hard work and help of our partners, Nibulon is ready to provide demining services to everyone at cost,” said Maksym Sovetkin, Head of Nibulon’s demining department.

At the same time, he noted that farmers are not ready to pay for demining services. Mr. Sovetkin pointed out the need for the government to enlist the support of donors and develop a transparent mechanism for compensating commercial players from the state to help farmers resume cultivating land and, accordingly, supply grain to world markets.

JV Nibulon LLC was established in 1991. Prior to the Russian military invasion, the grain trader had 27 transshipment terminals and crop reception complexes, capacity for simultaneous storage of 2.25 million tons of agricultural products, a fleet of 83 vessels (including 23 tugs), and owned the Mykolaiv Shipyard.

“Before the war, Nibulon cultivated 82 thousand hectares of land in 12 regions of Ukraine and exported agricultural products to more than 70 countries. In 2021, the grain trader exported the highest ever 5.64 million tons of agricultural products, reaching record volumes of supplies to foreign markets in August – 0.7 million tons, in the fourth quarter – 1.88 million tons, and in the second half of the year – 3.71 million tons.

Nibulon’s losses due to Russia’s full-scale military invasion in 2022 exceeded $416 million.

Currently, the grain trader is operating at 32% of capacity, has created a special unit to clear agricultural land of mines, and was forced to move its headquarters from Mykolaiv to Kyiv.
