Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Interactive map of African swine fever outbreaks created in Ukraine

The Pig Producers of Ukraine Association and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection have created a new interactive map of African swine fever (ASF) cases in Ukraine, which records all cases of the disease since 2012.

“With the help of the ASF map, pork producers will have constant access to updated statistics on outbreaks of this disease. They will be able to track the geography of the virus and navigate the epizootic situation in the industry,” the association said in a statement.

According to the interactive map, 38 cases of ASF were registered in Ukraine in 2023, of which 12 cases were 129 wild animals, 21 cases in farms (175 animals), three cases in the private sector on commercial farms or in farms (253 animals), and 11 infected facilities were also identified. During the year, 23 quarantine regimes were canceled.

At the same time, a year earlier, 10 outbreaks of ASF were recorded in Ukraine, including three on farms, two cases each in the wild and in the private sector, commercial farms, and farms. Infected facilities were detected three times.

In pre-war 2021, 16 outbreaks of ASF were recorded in Ukraine, including six in the private sector, commercial farms, farms, three cases in the wild and on farms. Infected facilities were detected four times.

An interactive map of ASF outbreaks in Ukraine is available at

“Ukrzaliznytsia” increased grain cargo transportation for export by 6%

In 2023, Ukrzaliznytsia JSC transported 30.58 million tons of grain cargo, up 5.9%, or 1.708 million tons, from a year earlier, said Valery Tkachev, deputy director of the commercial work department of UZ, at a meeting with agricultural market participants on Thursday.

According to him, 22.729 mln tons of grain crops were transported for export by rail, which is 178 thsd tonnes more than in 2022. Of these, 14.324 mln tonnes (-4.9%) were shipped to the ports, and 8 mln 405 thsd tonnes (+12.2%) – to the western border crossings.

“Before the embargo on imports of Ukrainian grain by neighboring countries was imposed in April, 900 thsd tonnes to 1 mln tonnes of grain were transported by rail per month. After the ban was imposed, the volume was almost halved. The work of ports in 2023 was significantly affected by the uncertainty of the “grain corridor”, Tkachev stated.

As reported, Ukrzaliznytsia transported 63 million tons of cargo for export in 2023.

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“Nova Poshta” and “Come Back Alive” Charity Foundation deliver aid to Ukrainian Air Force

Nova Group and Nova Poshta, together with the Come Back Alive charity foundation, have handed over the third batch of aid in the form of integrated communication devices (ICDs) to the Ukrainian Air Force as part of the Pack the Sky – Upgrade Air Defense project, the group’s press service said on Friday.

“This is the first project in Ukraine that comprehensively provides the air force with communications,” said Olena Plakhova, Nova’s director of reputation management.

According to the release, the exact number of KAZs transferred was not disclosed, but all of them have already been delivered to the Center Air Command and are helping to defend Kyiv, Poltava, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, and other cities and villages in the central part of the country.

According to the report, the KAZs are domestic trucks with high cross-country ability, provided with the necessary equipment, machinery, and secure communications to effectively perform combat missions. Their main task is to accompany air defense missile systems.

The cost of one KAZ is about UAH 7 million.

As reported, last year, to strengthen air defense within the framework of the “Pack the Sky – Upgrade Air Defense” project, from June 1 to December 26, “Come Back Alive” together with Nova Poshta raised UAH 330 million.

It is noted that thanks to the Foundation’s operational work with manufacturers and engineers, in October 2023, before the end of the collection, “Come Back Alive” and “Nova Poshta” handed over two batches of equipment to air defense units: a batch of portable communication and control kits, as well as telecommunication kits and related equipment.

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Farmers block truck traffic to Ukraine in Romania

In Romania, farmers are blocking truck traffic to Ukraine at the Siret checkpoint, the reason and duration of the blockade are unknown, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reports.

“Truck traffic through the Romanian checkpoint Siret, opposite the Ukrainian checkpoint Porubne, is blocked! Farmers in Romania are blocking truck traffic through the Siret checkpoint. The reasons and estimated duration of the blockade are unknown. Traffic may be hampered in both directions,” the message posted on the telegram channel on Saturday reads.

The State Border Guard Service notes that no significant queue of trucks heading towards Ukraine has been recorded so far. There are 825 vehicles registered in the E-queue for departure.

At the same time, cars, passenger buses and pedestrians are allowed to cross as usual.

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In Kiev in next two days it will be frosty and roads will be icy

In Ukraine on Sunday, January 14, light snow, in the afternoon in the southern regions with rain, only in Odessa region without precipitation, reported Ukrhydrometcenter.

There is ice on the country’s roads.

Wind south, south-west, 7-12 m/s, in western regions in some places gusts of 15-20 m/s, in the Carpathians 20-25 m/s, blizzards in some places.

The temperature at night 7-12°, in the eastern, Sumy and Chernigov regions 13-18° of frost, in the daytime 0-5° of frost, in the Carpathians 4-9° of frost; in the western regions and southern part of the country at night 2-7° of frost, in the afternoon from 1° of frost to 4° of heat.

In Kiev on Sunday, light snow. The roads are icy. The wind is southwesterly, 7-12 m/s. The temperature at night is 7-9°, during the day 0-2° of frost.

According to the Central Geophysical Observatory named after Boris Sreznevsky. Borys Sreznevsky in Kiev on January 14, the highest daytime temperature was 9.5 in 2015, the lowest nighttime temperature was -24.3 in 1896.

On Monday, January 15, at night in the eastern regions and the Carpathians moderate, in the rest of the territory in some places light snow; in the afternoon without precipitation, in some places in the western and northern regions light snow.

Temperatures at night 2-7° frost, in central and southern regions and in the Carpathians up to 10° frost, during the day from 4° frost to 1° warm, in the south of the country 1-6° warm; in Crimea at night about 0°, during the day 3-8° warm.

The roads are icy.

The wind is south-western with a transition to north-western, 7-12 m/s, in some places gusts of 15-20 m/s.

In Kiev on Monday there will be light snow in some places. The roads are icy. The wind is south-western with a transition to north-western, 7-12 m/s, gusts of 15-20 m/s. The temperature at night and in the daytime is 4-6° of frost.

“Ukrenergo announces tender for equipment insurance

National Energy Company Ukrenergo on 11 January announced a tender for the purchase of insurance services for equipment during its transportation.

According to the message in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro, the expected cost is 430 thousand UAH.

Documents are accepted until January 20.

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