Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Oil continues to rise in price, Brent near $78.8 per barrel

Oil prices are actively rising on Friday morning due to escalating tensions in the Middle East.

The price of March futures for Brent on the London ICE Futures exchange by 7:12 a.m. was $78.78 per barrel, which is $1.36 (1.76%) higher than at the close of the previous session. On Thursday, these contracts rose in price by $0.61 (0.8%) to $77.41 per barrel.

Quotations for February futures for WTI in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) by this time increased by $1.34 (1.86%) to $73.36 per barrel. At the end of the previous session, they rose by $0.65 (0.9%) to $72.02 per barrel.

WTI crude has not fallen below the level of long-term support, which is around $70 per barrel, since the beginning of 2024, said Tyler Ritchie, editor of Sevens Report Research.

“The main reason is the geopolitical uncertainty surrounding the expanding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as well as related attacks by Iranian-backed Houthis on ships in the Red Sea,” he added.

Earlier this week, Yemeni Houthis reportedly launched a large-scale attack on ships with drones and missiles. The U.S. military repelled the attack, but shipping companies remain wary of sending their vessels through the Red Sea for security reasons.

In response, the U.S. and allied military launched a series of strikes against the Houthis in Yemen.

“Today, at my direction, the U.S. military, together with the United Kingdom and with the support of Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, successfully struck a number of targets in Yemen that Houthi rebels are using to threaten freedom of navigation on one of the world’s most important waterways,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House.

He noted that the US strikes are “a direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea.”


Experts Club made a video “Top 10 World Elections in 2024”

In the world of politics, 2024 promises to be one of the most significant and dynamic periods, given the planned elections in almost 70 countries with a combined population of almost 4 billion people, which is more than in any other year in the history of the world. That is why many have already called 2024 the year of elections, and the results of some of them could be fateful for all of humanity. On the YouTube channel of the Experts Club think tank, we analyzed the top 10 most important elections in the world that could lead to dramatic changes in the international agenda.

The United States: the return of Donald Trump?

The most anticipated political event of 2024 is the presidential election in the United States scheduled for November 5.

“These elections could lead to significant changes in the political landscape of the world, with the potential return of former President Donald Trump being of particular interest. His candidacy has already sparked a lot of debate, in particular regarding his impact on American foreign policy, relations with allies, and support for Ukraine. The results of this election may determine America’s global course for the coming years,” said Maksym Urakin, founder of Experts Club.

Great Britain: time for change for the Conservatives?

The United Kingdom is also preparing for important parliamentary elections, which, according to the expert, could be a turning point for the ruling Conservatives.

“Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is facing many challenges, including polls that predict a ‘heavy defeat’ for his party. The elections in Britain could dramatically change the country’s political course,” emphasizes Maxim Urakin.
According to all the polls, the Conservatives are 15-20% behind Labor.

Taiwan: elections amid tensions with China

In Taiwan, where the presidential election is scheduled for January 13, the political situation is burdened by growing tensions with China.

Urakin notes that the elections in Taiwan could exacerbate geopolitical tensions in the region, especially between China and the United States.

“Of the three presidential candidates vying for victory, Lai Tsingde, who is the candidate of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, is fiercely anti-Chinese. The second candidate, Hou Yu-yi of the opposition Kuomintang, wants to start negotiations with Beijing. The third candidate, Ko Wen-jeou of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) and former mayor of Taipei, offers an intermediate position closer to reconciliation. Polls favor the candidate with an anti-China stance,” the founder of Experts Club emphasized.

India: Elections in the World’s Largest Democracy

India, the world’s largest democracy, will also face important elections. It is expected that elections to the lower house of the Lok Sabha will be held in April-May.
“These elections are not only important for India, but also important for the entire international community, given India’s growing role on the world stage,” – Urakin said.
The year 2024 will undoubtedly be a year that will bring important changes in international relations and domestic policies of states that are key players on the world stage. Political analysts and experts are eagerly awaiting the results of these elections, which may set the global agenda for the coming years.

To learn more about the 2024 global elections, please watch the video here:

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Number of fines for non-use of cash registers is already three times higher than in whole of 2021

The Tax Service has imposed UAH 1.65 billion in fines for violations in the use of payment transaction registers (PTRs) in the first half of 2023. This is already three times more than in all of 2021. The number of “cash registers in a smartphone” increased 4 times by 2021, while the number of traditional cash registers decreased by 5%.

The State Tax Service (STS) imposed 29,753 fines for violations in the use of PTRs totaling UAH 1.65 billion on entrepreneurs in the first half of 2023. This is already three times more than for the whole of 2021.

Entrepreneurs were fined for more than half of this amount – UAH 988.15 million – in August. It was during this month that the smallest number of inspections in 2023 was conducted – only 1640, but the largest number of fines was issued – 3336.

287.4 thousand cash registers and 554.6 thousand cash registers are in operation in Ukraine as of the beginning of December 2023. The surge in the installation of cash registers in 2023 occurred in September – +15% per month. We believe that this is due to the lifting of the moratorium on cash register checks in October, which was introduced at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

The Ukrainian restaurant automation company Poster notes that most entrepreneurs were not ready for the return of inspections until the last minute.

“Many entrepreneurs waited until the last minute, explaining that this is not the first time the moratorium has been frozen or postponed. The demand for Poster’s PTR in chats and calls increased rapidly in the last week of September – 1.5-2 times more than usual.

Given that some entrepreneurs use physical cash registers and third-party integrations, we can assume that about a third of businesses were still not ready for the October 1 deadline,” said Rodion Yeroshek, CEO and co-owner of Poster.

Currently, the number of “cash registers in a smartphone” is almost twice as high as the number of regular ones. Compared to November 2021, the number of PTRs has increased 4 times, while the number of cash registers has decreased by 5%.

Despite this rapid growth, PTRs currently account for only 29% of the total number of checks. However, their number is increasing from year to year: for comparison, in 2021, the share of PTR checks was only 2.7%.

In total, 6.62 billion checks totaling UAH 2.3 trillion were issued in 11 months of this year. The total amount of PTR checks increased 1.5 times by 2021.


“Zaporizhstal” donated over 767 tons of medical oxygen to Ukrainian hospitals in 2023

In 2023, Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works donated 767 tons of medical oxygen to Ukrainian hospitals free of charge.

According to the company, Zaporizhstal produces medical oxygen at the VRU-60 air separation unit in the oxygen compressor shop: atmospheric air is purified, compressed and separated into components. Zaporizhstal’s oxygen has been certified by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for use as a medical drug since 2021. Since the start of shipments, the plant has supplied nearly 6,500 tons of oxygen to more than 100 hospitals in 17 regions of Ukraine.

Due to the full-scale war in Ukraine, the volume and geography of oxygen supplies have significantly decreased, but have not stopped. On average, Zaporizhstal shipped 64 tons of medical oxygen per month in 2023 at the request of medical institutions. The total amount of medical oxygen supplied to hospitals during this period amounted to 767 tons. The largest consumers were Zaporizhzhia city hospitals, the clinical hospital of emergency and ambulance services, and the children’s hospital.

Medical oxygen is intended for oxygen therapy in conditions accompanied by oxygen deficiency: respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, surgical operations, etc. In particular, oxygen therapy is used to treat the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARSr-CoV coronavirus. During treatment, one ton of oxygen covers the needs of about one hundred patients.

“Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are in great demand among consumers both in the domestic market and in many countries around the world.

“Zaporizhstal is in the process of integration into Metinvest Group, whose major shareholders are System Capital Management PrJSC (71.24%) and Smart Holding Group (23.76%).

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

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“Ukrzaliznytsia” reached average daily load of 99.5 thousand tons of grain

Over 10 days in January, Ukrzaliznytsia JSC (UZ) reached an average daily load of 99.5 thousand tons, which is 37.3% more than in December, said Valery Tkachev, deputy director of UZ’s Commercial Department, at a meeting with agricultural market participants on Thursday.

“I hope that these figures will be maintained, and this will allow us to transport more than 3 million tons of grain per month,” Tkachev said.

He specified that on January 1, UZ loaded 24 thousand tons of grain, on January 2 – 63 thousand tons, but starting from January 3, this figure reached 105-123 thousand tons per day.

According to him, the share of grain cargo in the total network load is growing and has already reached 26%.

According to Mr. Tkachev, over 10 days of January, UZ transported 991.3 thousand tons of grain cargo in export traffic, including 196.9 thousand tons towards the western borders and 794.4 thousand tons towards the ports of Greater Odesa.

He noted that Chornomorsk became the leader among the ports with 257.2 thousand tons, followed by Odesa with 249.1 thousand tons and TIS in Pivdennyi with 93.4 thousand tons.

At the same time, according to Tkachev, on the western border, Yagodyn received the most grain cargo – 41.8 thousand tons of grain, followed by Vadul Siret with 36.2 thousand tons and Chop with 33.1 thousand tons.

Mr. Tkachev noted that Poland averages 85.6 railcars per day, including 51 railcars through the Yagodyn-Dorogusk crossing, 23.7 railcars through Mostyska-Medyka, and 11 railcars through Izov-Khrubeshuv.

“Over the past week, the average daily rate of railcar transfer at the Polish border increased by 10 cars per day, which is an increase of more than 13%,” Tkachev added.

According to him, Romania receives about 100 railcars with grain daily, and over the past week this figure has deteriorated by 14 w/d, or 12.3%. The Vadul-Siret crossing is followed by 66.2 v/d, Dyakove – 2.5 v/d and Reni – 31 v/d.

He clarified that Hungary averages 45.5 cars per day, and over the past week the figure has improved by 4.5 v/d, or 11%, while Slovakia – 59.3 v/d with an increase of 5.6 v/d, or 10.5% over the past week.

Tkachev emphasized that if we take oilcake and grain, the average daily transfer across all crossings is 385 v/d. Over the past week, this figure has increased by 15 vdpd, or 4%.


Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln)

Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln)

Source: and