Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Deposit Guarantee Fund has sold building of restaurant “Shchekavitsa” on Kyiv Podol at eighteenth attempt

The Fund for Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals “FGVFL” has sold the building of the cult restaurant “Shchekavitsa” on Kyiv Podol at the 18th attempt.

As follows from the notice of the FGVFL, by now the buyer, the winner of the last auction on December 27, 2023, LLC “Ukrskladservis”, has transferred the entire amount – more than 16 million UAH. The relevant purchase and sale agreement has been concluded, the funds received will be used to satisfy the claims of creditors of JSC “Bank Sich”, liquidated by the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

The FGVFL recalled that the previous auction also ended successfully, but then the winner did not pay for the lot. The results of the sale were canceled, and the auction was recognized as invalid. As a result, the guarantee fee was recovered from the participant of the auction, and the assets were re-exhibited for a new round of bidding.

The sale price at the end of the last auction exceeded the previous winning bid by almost UAH 500 thousand.

For the first time the asset was put up for sale on March 1, 2023. The lot included the building of the restaurant “Schekavica” (Kostyantynivska 46-5) with an area of 884 square meters with ten halls, accounts receivable, fixed assets, trademark (marks for goods and services) Schekavica.

Two bidders took part in the auction on December 27, which was held according to the English model. The starting price of the lot was UAH 15.2 million, the winning bid was UAH 16 million 11 thousand 101.

The winner is Ukrskladservis LLC (USREOU code33565891), established in 2005, with Oleksiy Zaitsev as the ultimate beneficiary.


IC “VUSO” will insure vehicles of Main Department of National Police of Lviv region

The Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Lviv region on January 11 announced its intention to conclude a contract with IC “VUSO” (Kiev) for the purchase of services of compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of land vehicles (OSAGO).

According to the message in the system of electronic public procurement “Prozorro”, the offer of IC “VUSO” was UAH 178,245 thousand at the expected cost of UAH 509,864 thousand.

Insurance companies “Salamandra” UAH 227,5 thousand and “UTSC” UAH 432,4 thousand also took part in the tender.

IC “VUSO” was founded in 2001. The company holds 50 licenses: 34 for voluntary and 16 for compulsory types of insurance. It is represented in all regions of Ukraine. It is a member of ITSBU and UFS, a participant of Direct Loss Settlement Agreement and a member of Nuclear Insurance Pool.


Northern Mining and Processing Plant modernized pumping equipment for UAH 3.2 mln

Northern Iron Ore Enrichment Plant (Northern Iron Ore Enrichment Plant, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipro region), part of Metinvest Group, has upgraded its pumping equipment for UAH 3.2 million to ensure the quality of iron ore concentrate.

According to the plant’s information on Thursday, a vacuum pump was replaced at the dewatering section of the ore dressing plant (ODP) No. 2 at Northern GOK. The new equipment will ensure the required moisture content in the iron ore concentrate.

It is specified that VNN2-300 vacuum pumps are used in the concentrate production process at ROF-2. They are used to create a vacuum in the overall system during concentrate dehydration. In total, the plant has 18 units of such equipment, of which 17 are constantly involved in the technological process and one is a backup. Due to the wear and tear of one of the vacuum pumps, the plant dismantled it and installed new similar equipment.

Andrian Myshko, head of the ore dressing section of ROF-2, explained that the operation of a certain amount of pumping equipment affects the quality of products, namely the percentage of moisture in the dehydrated product. A decrease in the vacuum in the collector due to the absence or malfunction of equipment leads to an increase in the percentage of moisture in the concentrate, which, in turn, requires an increase in bentonite consumption in the production of pellets in the pelletizing shop No. 2.

“The vacuum pump that we replaced has effectively served its useful life, even with a surplus. It was replaced by a new one of the same modification. With it, we will ensure the nominal performance and the required vacuum level in the system, which will reduce the total number of vacuum pumps operating in the process and reduce electricity consumption,” the site manager said, as quoted by the press service.

In 2024, two more units of pumping equipment are planned to be replaced at Northern GOK’s ore dressing plant No. 2.

“Metinvest is a vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies. The Group’s enterprises are located mainly in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovs’k regions.

Metinvest’s major shareholders are SCM Group (71.25%) and Smart Holding (23.75%), which jointly manage the company.

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

DIM provides additional discounts under “eRestoration” program

DIM Group of Companies provides additional individual discounts for Ukrainians to purchase housing using housing certificates issued under the program of compensation for housing destroyed due to the war, the company’s press service told Interfax-Ukraine.

It is also noted that if the amount of the certificate does not fully cover the cost of the apartment, Ukrainian families can take advantage of installment programs for up to five years from the developer.

“We are already working with the first applications from certificate holders who have chosen an apartment in our residential complexes and applied for a reservation of funds. In the near future, we are waiting for the approval of applications and the receipt of funds,” said Daria Bedia, DIM’s Marketing Director.

The certificate holders can use their certificates to purchase housing in the already built residential complexes Novyi Avtograf, Metropolis and Lucky Land, located in Kyiv and the Park Lake City countryside complex in Pidhirtsi village, Kyiv region, or in houses that are at the final stage of construction.

It is reported that the DIM Group will work with all financial institutions that will lend under government programs, including state-owned banks, Oschadbank, Sense, PrivatBank, and commercial banks.

DIM Group was founded in 2014 and consists of six companies covering all stages of construction. As of today, it has commissioned 12 buildings in six residential complexes with a total residential area of over 218 thousand square meters. Six comfort+ and business class residential complexes are under construction: “New Autograph, Metropolis, Park Lake City, and Lucky Land.

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Ukraine’s non-banking financial market has shrunk by another 46 companies

On January 8 and 9, 2024, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) excluded 42 non-bank financial institutions from the State Register of Financial Institutions and four more – from the Register of persons who are not financial institutions but have the right to provide certain financial services.

According to the regulator’s website, the reason for this decision was the absence of valid licenses for the provision of financial services in these companies as of January 1, 2024.

According to the NBU, limited liability companies Morgan Capital, New World FC, Finextra FC, Motor City Autocenter, DSD Finance, Inform-Aktiv, FC Factoring Alpha, FC Contract Plus, FC Fintakt, FC HIT, FC HIT, “Viridi-Lux, Regional Credit, FDS Finance, FC Proxima, Paritet Finance, FC Finaktiv, FC Argo, Factoring Company Debt Obligations Fund, FC Ukrainian Capital, FC Avila Finance, Europartner Finance, FC Fingroup Factor and FC Fintech Solutions.

Also excluded from this register are: “Lombard” Dobrye Traditions “My Capital” and “Guarantee of Success”, “Kucher and company pawnshop “Partner”, “Lombard Privat” Sich S.V. and company, “Your Lombard” Lukacek and company, “Lombard” Kuzmin and Kuzmin “Eurocom”, “Eurolombard” Astapenko A.A. and Svetashova T.V. “, “Lombard “Reverse” LLC “Templeria” and company”, “Lombard Pledge Society “Diamantovy Dom” LLC “Moneta” and companies”, “Lombard Pharmacia and co.” “Khrushcha and companies “Lombard AVK”, “Lombard “Alatir” LLC “Trisel” and company”, “Lombard “Vista” LLC “I-TE 911″ and company”, “Lombard – Karkuzaev and company”, “Lombard” Nevedrov Yu. A. and company”, “Lisenko and company-lombard”, “Pawnshop “Credit VIP-Gold and company”, “Universal pawnshop “Groshovychok” LLC “Financial Assistance” and company”, “Pawnshop “Premium” Velichko Alexander Viktorovich and company” and PJSC “Sempre System Finance”.

In addition, limited liability companies Agrarno-Gruzovaya Kompaniya, Alfa Leasing Ukraine, Kar Invest Ukraine, Light Leasing were excluded from the Register of persons who are not financial institutions, but have the right to provide certain financial services.


Ukraine to receive €4.5 mln from EU for healthcare programs

Ukraine has received confirmation of funding for participation in 10 joint projects with EU member states under the EU4Health program in the amount of EUR 4.5 million.

According to the Ministry of Health, the program is being implemented within the framework of an agreement between Ukraine and the EU concluded in 2022 on Ukraine’s participation in the EU4Health program to participate in 10 joint projects with other EU member states.

Under the program, the European Commission has approved funding for the implementation of projects in Ukraine to prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes, monitor and prevent cancer and other non-communicable diseases, strengthen infection control in hospitals and among healthcare workers, improve diagnosis of rare diseases, and exchange of experience in treatment between EU countries.

The projects will train specialists in the control of medicines and medical devices in accordance with EU standards, as well as in the latest treatment methods and evaluation of medical technologies, and implement the European system for assessing the safety of human blood, tissues, and cells.

In addition, the projects are aimed at integrating the Ukrainian eHealth system into the EU’s single eHealth system, cooperation between EU countries to jointly set priorities, goals and measures to improve the global health of EU citizens and strengthen the system of response to and surveillance of cross-border threats.

The Ministry of Health clarifies that under the 2023 work program, 12 calls for proposals were announced for non-governmental organizations with a total budget of about EUR 20 million. They relate, in particular, to the areas of access to health care, mental health, prevention and diagnosis of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Each participating country appoints a national program committee (representatives of the Ministry of Health) and coordinators for project implementation within the country, and in Ukraine, specialists from the Public Health Center have been appointed.

The total budget of the EU4Health program for 2021-2027 is EUR 5.3 billion. EU4Health is implemented through annual work programs. The agreement allows Ukraine to receive EU funding in the health sector on equal terms with the EU countries, Norway, Iceland and Moldova.

Ukraine’s participation in the program involves the payment of an annual contribution totaling EUR 12.1 million (2022-2027). In 2022, an agreement was signed to cancel the membership fee for Ukraine in that year. Currently, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are working on ratification of the agreement in the Verkhovna Rada and on the abolition of membership fees for Ukraine until the end of the program (until 2027).
