Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ilham Aliyev says he is ready for “fair peace” with Armenia

Azerbaijan has been waiting for more than two months for a response from Armenia to official Baku’s comments on the proposal for a peace treaty, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has said.

“We are waiting for Armenia to respond to our comments on the proposal. We have exchanged proposals on the draft peace treaty several times, but now we have been waiting for more than two months, since September 11, for the Armenian government to respond to us. We want to know their opinion on these comments. But we have not received a response,” Aliyev said in a press statement on Monday.

The Azerbaijani head of state emphasized that the reason is that Armenia “receives bad advice,” in particular from France.

“France plays a very destructive role in the South Caucasus. In fact, Armenia has become a puppet of the French government, and this can pose a serious threat to regional stability,” Aliyev said.

He reiterated that Azerbaijan “does not need any war”. “We fought on our territory, restored justice and international law. But the Armenian government and political establishment are thinking about revenge. And the wrong messages of the French government actually create illusions in the Armenian government, and perhaps in the Armenian public opinion,” that they can launch military aggression against Azerbaijan, the president said.

He emphasized that Azerbaijan is ready for peace. “We are ready for peace, but a just peace based on the recognition of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of both countries. Peace based on common sense and historical justice,” Aliyev said. Earlier, the Experts Club analyzed the political and economic situation in the Caucasus. You can learn more about the prospects for the development of Transcaucasia after the end of the Karabakh conflict in the video on the Experts club channel here:

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ADONIS has updated its promotional offers

ADONIS is constantly updating its promotional offers, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with the new super offers:

Special offer in Bucha “Believe and live”

Contact our specialists to improve the quality of life of your loved ones. Discuss with them the benefits of medical support in the ADONIS hospital and take advantage of the special offer.

Terms of the special offer:

Special price for services for people with disabilities of all categories and people who have

a pension certificate (by age or other status):

– Medical support of a patient in a ward for two or more people – UAH 1,100;

– Medical support for a patient in a single room – UAH 2,200;

The special offer is valid until 12/31/2023.

Birthday discounts

For you, dear birthday people, we are launching a permanent loyalty program:

– 45% off comprehensive professional teeth cleaning!

(within 14 days before and after your birthday).

Is it your birthday? Create a mood for yourself – treat yourself to a radiant smile and get a 45% discount on hygienist services as a gift from ADONIS. After all, a beautiful smile creates not only a mood, it works wonders.

The special offer is valid until 12/31/2023.

Listen to your heart

Consultation of a leading cardiologist + heart ultrasound with a 15% discount. Take advantage of the advantageous offer from ADONIS and get a discount on

–  comprehensive consultation of an expert on cardiac diseases
–  Echocardiography procedure (or ultrasound of the heart).

The special offer is valid until 11/31/2023.

Free PH-metry at FGDS

Free PH-metry at FGDS with urease test.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is a powerful tool in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. And with PH-metry and urease test, this procedure becomes even more informative and accurate.

The special offer is valid until 11/31/2023.

“ADONIS Family”

We invite everyone to join the exclusive program for Ukrainians “ADONIS Family”.

“ADONIS Family” is an annual service program for UAH 3,500 (instead of UAH 5,900) + access to super prices for other services (discounts up to 25%).

The “ADONIS Family” super offer is valid at all our branches.

The deadline to use it is 12/31/2023.

The amount is limited.

All promotional offers

Kyivstar increases 4G coverage and builds 600 new base stations

In July-September 2023, Ukraine’s largest mobile operator Kyivstar increased its 4G network coverage, built 600 new base stations and modernized 1.5 thousand base stations, its press service reports.

“In the third quarter of 2023, Kyivstar’s team built another 600 new 4G base stations and modernized almost 1.5 thousand mobile base stations. Another 54 settlements were connected to the 4G network. Currently, Kyivstar’s 4G service is available to 94.7% of the population in the government-controlled areas,” the company said in a statement.

It is also reported that Kyivstar’s capital expenditures for this period exceeded UAH 3.7 billion, which is why more than 99% of the communication network in the government-controlled territory is operating normally. The company plans to invest $600 million in the development of new communication technologies over the next three years.

According to the operator, in the third quarter of this year, subscribers increased the use of mobile Internet services by 17.7% compared to the same period last year. At the same time, the number of 4G users grew by 13.1% to 13.7 million, which was made possible by the development of the 4G network and the proposed tariffs with more megabytes.

At the same time, it is noted that the total number of subscribers in the third quarter decreased by 1.1% due to the impact of war factors, including migration outside the country and the temporary occupation of a number of settlements.

According to the press service, Kyivstar continued to develop digital services for online education, health care, and Kyivstar TV digital television services. According to the company, the number of subscribers using multiservice services increased by 21.4% in the third quarter.

In addition, Kyivstar continued to implement charity projects to help subscribers and Ukrainian society. In particular, the project “We live here” is being implemented, which aims to clear the territory of Ukraine of explosive devices. Thanks to the company’s services, UAH 120 million was raised for this project. At the same time, the operator’s contribution directly exceeded UAH 20 million.

Earlier it was reported that Kyivstar would focus on the development of LTE technology (Long Term Evolution is a wireless network with increased requirements and a bandwidth of 10 Mbps or more.) By 2026, the coverage level in Ukraine will be brought up to 98%.


VUSO Insurance Company increased premiums collection by 78% in 9 months, payments by 2.1 times

In January-September, VUSO Insurance Company (VUSO, Kyiv) collected about UAH 2.005 billion in insurance premiums, which is 78% more than in the same period in 2022 (UAH 1.126 billion).

According to the insurer’s press release, the improvement in the level of insurance premiums is observed in almost all areas, in particular, VHI by 3.4 times to UAH 391.8 million, travel insurance by 15% to UAH 74.9 million, hull insurance by 70% to UAH 497.4 million, MTPL by 26% to UAH 260.4 million. The total amount of insurance premiums under the Green Card for this period amounted to UAH 171.1 million.

The company also reports that it has paid UAH 679.9 million in nine months, which is 2.1 times more than the same period last year (UAH 324.4 million). In particular, payments under voluntary health insurance amounted to UAH 177.4 million (up 4.9 times), MTPL – UAH 116.6 million (+69%), hull insurance – UAH 189.8 million (+45.5%). The level of payments for the Green Card amounted to UAH 91.8 million, and for travel insurance – UAH 20.2 million.

During this time, the company also announced the launch of updated products, including Medical Concierge, Give Yourself a Life critical illness insurance, and Patriot 2.0 Unlimited hull insurance with military risk coverage.

VUSO Insurance Company was founded in 2001. The company currently has a financial strength rating of uaAA. It is represented in all regions of Ukraine. The company is a member of the MTIBU and the Ukrainian Insurance Fund, a party to the Direct Claims Settlement Agreement and a member of the Nuclear Insurance Pool.

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Kyiv farmers to receive UAH 100 mln for development of horticulture and greenhouses

Financial assistance in the amount of UAH 100.858 million will be provided to 25 agricultural enterprises in Kyiv region as part of the government’s e-Work program to support small and medium-sized businesses, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Denys Bashlyk said on Facebook.

According to him, the funds will be used to develop horticulture, berry growing, viticulture, and greenhouse farming. Thus, farmers will receive grants worth UAH 80.858 million for the development of horticulture and UAH 20 million for greenhouses. So far, UAH 74.401 million has been paid to them.

In addition, since the beginning of the year, 902 farmers in the Kyiv region have received UAH 10.402 billion in bank loans for farm development, the deputy minister stated.

As reported, since the beginning of the year, 12.3 thousand agricultural enterprises have received UAH 65.2 billion in bank loans for development. Of these, 9.6 thousand agricultural enterprises received UAH 37.5 billion in loans under the state program “Affordable Loans 5-7-9”.

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National Bank has published rating of most profitable banks in Ukraine

In the third quarter of 2023, state-owned PrivatBank once again topped the list of banks with the highest net profit with UAH 13 billion 623.5 million, followed by two other state-owned banks: Oschadbank with UAH 7 billion 338.2 million and the nationalized Sens-Bank with UAH 3 billion 440.5 million.

According to the data published by the National Bank of Ukraine on its website, the top five banks with the highest net profit in the third quarter also include two banks with foreign capital: Raiffeisen Bank – UAH 3 billion 17.1 million and Ukrsibbank – UAH 2 billion 98.9 million.

The second five banks were state-owned: the private Ukrainian FUIB – UAH 2 billion 4.4 million, the foreign subsidiary of OTP Bank – UAH 1 billion 893.4 million, the state-owned Ukreximbank – UAH 1 billion 619.2 million, and two other banks with foreign capital: Citibank – UAH 1 billion 469.7 million and Credit Agricole Bank – UAH 1 billion 299.3 million.

Universal Bank (mono) made almost the same net profit in July-September of this year – UAH 1 billion 294.4 million, while Kredobank, which follows, made a much smaller profit of UAH 594.6 million.

Two other banks made profits of over UAH 300 million in the third quarter: A-Bank – UAH 355.2 million and Ukrgasbank – UAH 325.0 million.

Of these 14 banks, only four have completed their reserves: Sense – UAH 548.0 million, while City, Raif and Credit Agricole – from UAH 30 million to UAH 20 million, while FUIB disbanded them by UAH 1 billion 413.4 million, Mono – UAH 1 billion 136.6 million, OTP, A-Bank and Ukrgas – from UAH 555 million to UAH 510 million.

The list of 7 unprofitable banks in the third quarter was headed by First Investment Bank of the sanctioned shareholders with a loss of UAH 33.0 million, while Credit-Dnipro and Privex-Bank also suffered similar losses of UAH 29.8 million and UAH 27.5 million, respectively.

Overall, in the third quarter, the net profit of 63 solvent banks amounted to UAH 42.33 billion, with provisions released by UAH 5 billion and total assets increasing by UAH 87.25 billion.

The three most profitable state-owned banks were the leaders in terms of asset growth: Privat – UAH 36.84 billion, Oschad – UAH 18.26 billion, and Sens – UAH 11.36 billion. This allowed Sens to return to the top ten banks by assets, from which it had fallen in June before the nationalization, and immediately to 8th place.

In the third quarter, Ukrexim’s assets decreased by UAH 15.65 billion, Pivdennyi’s by UAH 6.99 billion, and Ukrgas’s by UAH 1.54 billion, and 23 banks in total showed a decline in assets.

In the third quarter, banks increased their portfolio of government bonds by UAH 23.56 billion, with City – UAH 4.61 billion and Ukrgas – UAH 4.48 billion, followed by TAScombank, FUIB and IIB – from UAH 2.5 billion to UAH 2.1 billion.

In July-September, Ukrexim reduced its investments in domestic government bonds the most – UAH 2.45 billion, Sens – UAH 1.24 billion, Privat – UAH 0.7 billion, and First Investment Bank – UAH 0.48 billion.

Overall, PrivatBank remained the most profitable bank by a wide margin in the first nine months of this year, with UAH 43.37 billion, or 39.5% of the banking system’s net profit for the period.

In January-September, Oschad received UAH 14.18 billion in net profit, Raif – UAH 6.14 billion, FUIB – UAH 5.68 billion, Ukrsibbank – UAH 5.66 billion, Sens – UAH 5.58 billion, OTP Bank – UAH 4.75 billion, City – UAH 4.23 billion, and Ukrexim – UAH 3.60 billion.

Among the 12 banks whose net profit for the first nine months exceeded UAH 2 billion were Ukrgas – UAH 2.92 billion, Universal (mono) – UAH 2.86 billion, and Credit Agricole – UAH 2.29 billion.

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