Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Sanofi’s quadrivalent influenza vaccine has been delivered to pharmacies and private clinics

The 2023/2024 season quadrivalent influenza vaccine manufactured by Sanofi has been delivered to pharmacies and private clinics.

According to Sanofi in its press release, the influenza vaccine supplied to Ukraine is suitable for protecting adults, including pregnant women, as well as adolescents and children aged 6 months and older. In addition, it provides passive protection for infants up to 6 months of age when administered to pregnant women.

According to Anna Pastushyna, Head of Sanofi Vaccines in Ukraine, the 2022/2023 season saw an increased demand for vaccines due to the high prevalence of influenza after the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

“The company plans to fulfill its obligations to supply influenza vaccine in the countries where it operates,” she emphasized.

For his part, Fedir Lapiy, head of the National Technical Group of Experts on Immunization, noted that “influenza can worsen a number of pre-existing chronic respiratory disorders, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”

“Adults over the age of 40 are eight times more likely to have a first stroke after being infected with influenza, while in children under 14, influenza increases the risk of pneumonia eightfold. Almost every third elderly person hospitalized with influenza develops pneumonia. And for people with diabetes, the risk of hospitalization during the flu epidemic is six times higher,” he said.

As reported, according to the Center for Public Health (CDC), 3.9 million cases of influenza and more than 140 thousand hospitalizations caused by the influenza virus were reported during the previous flu season of 2022/2023 (from September 2022 to April 2023).

“Sanofi is an innovative global healthcare company operating in 100 countries.

As reported, 151,100 thousand doses of the French influenza vaccine and 114.6 thousand doses of the Korean vaccine will be supplied in the 2023/24 epidemic season.


Ukraine and UK to expand defense cooperation – Zelenskyy

On the sidelines of the 3rd Summit of the European Political Community in Granada (Spain), President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak.

“During the meeting with Rishi Sunak, we discussed efforts to ensure long-term global support for Ukraine. Ukraine and the United Kingdom will continue and expand defense cooperation,” the president wrote on his Telegram.

According to him, they also discussed ways to export Ukrainian grain. In addition, an agreement was reached on the need to protect freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.

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Impact of electricity deficit on real GDP vs no deficit, % (forecast up to 2024)

Impact of electricity deficit on real GDP vs no deficit, % (forecast up to 2024)

Source: and

Land in Ukraine will rise in price after start of next stage of land reform – opinion

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine expects prices on the land market in Ukraine to rise after it opens for legal entities on January 1, 2024, said Denys Bashlyk, deputy head of the ministry for digital development.
“Those who have been waiting for a long time – legal entities that want to own land to be able to develop long-term investment projects – will enter the market. This, of course, will entail a price increase,” the ministry’s press service quoted him as saying.
Bashlyk noted that currently the highest prices on the land market in Ukraine are recorded in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, and Ternopil regions, where they reached $2 thousand, $1.45 thousand, and $1.4 thousand, respectively.
During a press conference at the Ukraine Media Center on Friday, Prozorro.Sale CEO Serhiy But said that almost 38,000 hectares of land had been sold or leased through the electronic auction system. The vast majority of them are assets of local authorities, cities and towns.
“The organizers hold the largest number of land auctions for agricultural land. At lease auctions, the share of agricultural land is 70%, and at sale auctions – 60%,” he said.
In total, the Prozorro.Sale system has already held auctions for the sale of 2.7 thousand hectares of land for a total of UAH 1.3 billion. A total of 35.1 thousand hectares of land have been leased through auctions.
According to Dmytro Makarenko, acting head of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, who also took part in the press conference, as of early October 2023, almost 80 thousand hectares of agricultural land have already been sold.
“In 2021, over 100 thousand hectares of land were put into circulation in the first six months of the land market. In the military year of 2022, the market, of course, shrank and 69 thousand hectares were put into circulation. In 2023, as of October, we already see that almost 80 thousand hectares have been sold and the figures are approaching the pre-war levels,” he said.
As reported, the second stage of the land market will start on January 1, 2024, during which legal entities will also be able to acquire ownership of agricultural land with a limit of 10 thousand hectares per person.
At the same time, the sale of state and municipal agricultural land, as well as its sale to foreigners, will remain prohibited. The preemptive right to purchase a land plot belongs to its lessee. The minimum value of land cannot be lower than its regulatory monetary value.


National Bank fines insurance broker Grand Insur

The National Bank of Ukraine has fined Insurance Broker Grand Insur LLC (Odesa) UAH 51 thousand for violating the requirements in the field of financial monitoring.
According to the regulator’s website, the fine was imposed for violation of the requirements of clause 5, p. II of Regulation #140 and clauses 12, 13 of the Annex to Regulation #140 in terms of failure to submit reports to the National Bank on prevention and counteraction.

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Wind gusts of 17-22 m/s expected in Kyiv and region on Saturday

On Saturday, October 7, wind gusts of 17-22 m/s and light rain are expected in the capital and Kyiv region, with the first level of danger declared – yellow, the Ukrainian Weather Center reports on its Telegram channel.

On Saturday, the weather in Kyiv region will be cloudy with clearings. No significant precipitation at night, light, sometimes moderate rain during the day.

Southwest wind, 7-12 m/s, gusts of 17-22 m/s during the day.

The temperature in the region at night will be 5-10°, during the day 14-19°; in Kyiv at night 7-9°, during the day 15-17°.