Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

More than 115 mln people in U.S. at risk due to extreme heat waves

More than 100 million Americans are facing an abnormal heat wave, with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius during the day in some states, the Associated Press reported Friday.

The National Weather Service (NWS) said more than 115 million people are at risk from the high temperatures. Many cities are experiencing temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius. The heat wave is severe in the states of Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas and California.

The NWS warns that temperatures will climb even higher this weekend. Americans living in central and southern California could face the hottest weather of the year. In desert areas, temperatures could rise to 48.8 degrees during the day and stay at 26.6 degrees at night.

In some cities across the state, authorities are equipping public spaces with air conditioning, water and places to rest.

Also because of the heat wave, organizers of the California State Fair, which begins Friday in Sacramento, had to cancel a horse race because of concerns about animal welfare.

Temperatures in Las Vegas, Nevada, are forecast to rise to 47 degrees on Saturday, which would be a record for the city.

In Phoenix, Arizona’s capital, the heat has held at least 43 degrees for 14 days in a row. If the weather in the city does not change, it will break the record of 1974, when the temperature exceeded this mark for 18 days. The city has about 200 equipped public spaces with cooling systems, but most of them close around 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., while even at night temperatures can rise to 35 degrees. Authorities said their opening hours may be extended from next week.


Ukraine threshed 2.1 mln tons of grain of harvest-2023

Agrarians of 22 regions have harvested early grain and leguminous crops on the area of 643.8 thousand hectares and threshed 2 million 157 thousand tons of grain at a yield of 33.5 c/ha, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the report, the leaders in terms of threshing are the agrarians of Odessa and Mykolayiv regions, who threshed 746 thousand tons and 213 thousand tons of grain respectively.

In total, Ukraine has harvested barley on 352.4 thousand hectares (24.6%), which is 16% of the planned, from which threshed 1.3 million tons at a yield of 37.2 c/ha.

Wheat was harvested from 211.8 thousand hectares (4.7%). At a yield of 36.8 c/ha it was harvested 778.7 thousand tons.

Peas were harvested from 45 thousand hectares (31.3%). At a yield of 20.8 c/ha it was threshed 93.7 thousand tons.

Also, agrarians of 12 regions have started harvesting winter rape: 329.5 thousand tons of seeds have been harvested at a yield of 20.8 c/ha on the area of 158 thousand hectares (11.5%).

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rape – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).


Countries of southern and central Europe preparing for abnormal heat wave

Countries in southern and central Europe are preparing for an abnormal heat wave expected to arrive there over the weekend due to the Cerberus anticyclone, the Associated Press reports.

“Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Poland are facing a powerful heatwave, with temperatures on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia potentially rising to 48 degrees Celsius – potentially the highest ever recorded in Europe,” the European Space Agency, which is tracking the Cerberus anticyclone that brought the abnormal heat to the region, said in a statement.

Temperatures across much of Italy are expected to exceed the 40 degrees Celsius mark over the weekend, with Spain expected to reach around 44 degrees Celsius.

In some countries, the authorities are taking measures to protect the population from the effects of abnormal heat. In particular, in Greece, the working hours of public institutions and the private sector have been changed. People are notified by SMS-messages about the danger of being on the street. The authorities of Cyprus urged the islanders to avoid forest areas because of the danger of fires.

At the same time, “Cerberus” is expected to soon hit the north of Europe. Thus, in the Arctic has already registered the day before the record high temperature in the history of observations – 28.8 degrees Celsius in the north of Norway. The previous record was recorded in 1964, when the thermometer reached 27.6 degrees Celsius.

The International Committee of the Red Cross urges tourists in Europe to exercise extreme caution and pay attention to the people around them, especially those who are most vulnerable to the effects of high temperatures, recalling that last summer Europe has already faced an abnormal heat wave, and then its victims for various reasons were about 60 thousand people.


Germany to increase ammunition supplies for Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

The German Armed Forces have extended to about 4 billion euros a contract with arms manufacturer Rheinmetall to make ammunition for Leopard 2 tanks, it is expected that some of this ammunition will be supplied to Ukraine, according to the Rheinmetall Group’s website.

“The Bundeswehr has extended the existing framework contract with Rheinmetall for the supply of tank ammunition worth around 4 billion euros…. The order expresses the armed forces’ desire to close the resulting stockpile gaps and increase the overall ammunition supply in view of the security situation. The framework agreement also provides for the delivery of a significant amount of tank ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the statement said.

It is also noted that “by the end of 2030 under the concluded framework agreement may be purchased several hundred thousand combat and training ammunition of various designs of 120 mm x 570 caliber, similar to those fired by the main gun of the Leopard-2 main battle tank.”

According to the company, the first delivery of ammunition worth about 309 million euros took place immediately after the contract was signed.

It is emphasized that for many countries that use the Leopard battle tank with 120mm smoothbore gun, Rheinmetall is the main supplier of ammunition of this caliber.

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Founder of Agroinvest 2018 buys local “Greenhouse Combine”

Akhtyr City Council deputy, founder and director of Agroinvest 2018 Ltd. and “Akhtyr sewing factory” Roman Maslo acquires 51.8% of shares of the local PJSC “Greenhouse combine” from its director Vladimir Tsiluyko.

As reported on behalf of Maslo brokerage company LLC “Dominanta Trade” (Kiev) in the disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), the corresponding agreement has already been concluded, according to the results of which he will become the owner of 63.262 thousand shares.

At the end of June, Teplichny Kombinat announced that Agroinvest 2018 legal counsel Valentina Udovichenko was elected as the new head of its supervisory board Valentina Udovichenko, and the auditor – Vita Maslo, who own 0.022% of shares each.

PJSC “Greenhouse Combine” was registered in 1996, specializes in the cultivation of vegetable and melon crops, their transportation, wholesale and retail trade. According to data in the disclosure system, Tsiluyko owns another 45.6813% of the company’s shares.

In 2022, Teplichnyy Kombinat’s net loss rose to UAH 25.886m from UAH 2.75m a year earlier, while net income fell to UAH 4.175m from UAH 40.922m.


SpaceX launch with batch of Starlink satellites canceled 40 seconds before liftoff

The launch of a Falcon 9 rocket with the next batch of 54 mini-satellites to replenish the orbital constellation of the Starlink system’s global Internet coverage network, scheduled for Friday, was canceled 40 seconds before liftoff, developer SpaceX said.

No reason was reported. The backup launch date is Saturday, July 15.

This is Starlink’s 94th internet satellite launch since May 2019 and its 25th since the beginning of this year. SpaceX has already put more than 4,700 of these satellites into orbit. Some of them failed or went out of orbit. More than 4.4 thousand devices remain in orbit in working condition.

The first reusable stage of the launch vehicle, which is being used for the 16th time, will have to make a controlled vertical landing after separation on the offshore drone platform A Shortfall of Gravitas, located 642 kilometers from the spaceport in the Atlantic.
